Status: slow updates.



Opposites, that we are. For the short time I talked with him at this party, I already noticed our differences. He has beautiful brown hair, with different shades dyed in. My hair is a dark, black color, but in the sun it revealed to be a chocolate color. His eyes, a beautiful blue. Mine a faded green. He obviously knew how to dress, and enjoyed it with his gestures. I on the other hand was slouched over, and uncomfortably looked around.

"You're not happy to be here?" He teased, causing me to snap back to reality. I sheepishly laughed at how observant he was, maybe we weren't so different after all.

"Oh, not that." I smiled, jerking my head to the side so my hair will follow. "I just didn't know it was a formal thing." I shrugged, causing him to laugh.

"So, you enjoy dressing up?" He quirked a brow, and checked me out.

"Not really, but it makes the parentals happy." I admitted, and he laughed.

"How old are you?" He slyly asked, and I returned his cheeky grin.

"Nineteen." I answered. "And you?"

"Twenty." He shrugged. "I'm turning twenty one soon."

"I just turned nineteen." I stated. "Tonight."

"It's your birthday?" He questioned the most obvious thing. I gave him that 'duh' look and just looked away.

"Naw, I said it for no reason." I mused, and he chuckled.

"Hey everyone, tonight is Zeke's birthday as well. Let's sing her a happy birthday!" Ace announced, and everyone cheered. I felt my cheeks burn as I slouched in my chair. "Oh no, you must stand up." He grabbed my arm and yanked me up, as everyone sang me a happy birthday.

"She happens to be my daughter as well." My father came over, taking notice of the interest Ace has for me. I shyly bit my bottom lip, and looked away. My father slowly glanced at Ace's arm that's still holding my upper arm and smiled.

"This is your daughter?" Another man appear, his face thin and aged. His hair had light gray tones to it, and suited him. The man looked at me, smiled, and glanced at Ace.

"Yes, indeed. She is, though sometimes." My father joked, and had the three laughing. I just snorted, and looked away with a playful roll of my eyes.

"She has your spirit." The older man joked. "The reason I even hired you here." I froze putting two and two together, this is my father's boss.

"Nice to meet you, Mister Raine." I greeted, with a playful smile. He lightly nodded out of respect.

"Like wise." He chuckled, then glanced at Ace. "I see you've met my son." He added, and again I froze even more.

"Your...Your son?" I stammered, and gave Ace a bewildered look. This wouldn't be good for my father, seeing as Ace has been flirting with me the whole night. Not saying I wasn't flirting back, which would make this even worse.

"Yes, I'm Ace. Ace Raine." Ace properly greeted, and I looked away with wide eyes.

"Now, Stuart. Let's go talk about, your promotion. You fully deserve it with your hard work." I listened to Mister Raine talk to my father as the two walked off, and glanced at Ace.

"What's wrong?" Ace quirked a brow, staring at my lips then to my eyes.

"Nothing." I lied, which there most definetaly was something wrong.

"Discouraged because of who my father is? That's rare." He teased, and I rolled my eyes.

"No." I lied again, I was a horrible liar. But oh well, it didn't stop me.

"So, your last name is Wild?" He abruptly questioned, doing well not to pressure me into how I felt.

"Yep." I answered with a smile, being polite. Wouldn't want to upset my father's boss's son. Cliche right? I rolled my eyes at the thoughts and looked away.

"Annoyed with me now?" He inquired, and I looked at him confused.

"Oh, no. Not you, my own thoughts." I explained, and he smirked.

"Having dirty thoughts are we?" He winked, and this is how the night went...

It seemed like almost every day my dad would ask me to bring him lunch, which was weird. I used to only once a week, but it's become part of my schedule.

"Here." I said, dropping his bag of fast food junk on the table. I lightly sat his drink down with the straw next to it.

"Thanks hun." He thanked, with one hand over the talking part of the phone. "Yes, I want that by six pm. Don't make me-" blah blah, the usual. I nodded, then turned and ran into someone.

"Heh." I squeaked as I bounced back, and was caught by a male. His scent was a good scent, and obviously not a girl.

"You should be more careful." His voice was smooth and familiar.

"Or it is you, whom needs to watch where you're going as well." I retorted, while straightening my shirt out. Once I peeked up to see this guy, my facial expression fell. "Ugh, sorry."

"No problem." He winked, and slowly checked me out. "Where are you off too?"

"Home, dropped my dad off some lunch." I answered, moving to the side so we could both stare at my dad scarfing down on his hamburger.

"Nice." Ace chuckled, and returned his attention to me. "We should go out tonight, dinner and a movie?"

"No thanks, my friends are having a party. But I appreciate it." I politely declined and walked by. It was now that I should have seen the red flag, when he roughly grabbed my arm and turned me to face him.

"But, Zee. I would love to meet your friends." He calmly suggested, and I thought about it for a moment. If you can handle my father, and my friends. Then hey, why not?

"Okay, but they're a handfull." I warned, and he laughed.

"I deal with business men, running around threatening each other. I'm sure I can handle it." He assured, and I shrugged. "Here's my number. What time would it be?"

"It starts at eight, but I'm planning on heading out at seven thirty." I answered, then smiled. "Do I pick you up here?" I suggested, and he laughed.

"I'll pick you up." He called over his shoulder as he walked off.

"But!" I yelled for him, of course he ignored me and kept going. "You don't know where I live." I whispered to myself with a frown, and glanced at the number on the card he gave me. I snorted at the idea of some guy giving me his business card. But none the less, I went on my way home...
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Sorry to the one that liked the original, hopefully you'll open up more to this one. :D