Status: slow updates.


Shaved heads.

The past month she has been keeping to herself, and I wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not. I would come in her room every other night, for particular events that she'd shoot down but eventually give into. I noticed that she has a job, and unfortunately she didn't care whether I approved or not. It was something I would have to deal with, since after all, we aren't "together".

"Zeke!" I called, heading down the hall to her room.

"Yes?" She lazily opened the door, and stared at me.

"The laundry?" I retorted, and she sighed.

"I haven't gotten to it." She mumbled, before closing the door.

"Zeke." I growled, and slowly the door opened again.

"What Ace?" she sighed, staring at me with pain behind her green eyes.

"I want to be together again, I'm tired of this." I confessed, waving my hands about in a dramatic gesture to us.

"I already told you." She spat, narrowing her eyes at me.

"I know what you've told me, and now I'm telling you what I want to tell you." I replied, staring deeply into her eyes. "I'm sick of this, either come back with me or move out."

"It's really like that?" She gasped, staring at me with wide eyes.

"Yes, it's really like that." I confirmed, and she sighed.

"Then I'll find a place by the end of the week." She stated, ready to close the door again, but instead I shoved it out of the way and wrapped her in my arms. "Get off me."

"I'm not on you, and no. I love you Zee, please. Don't do this." I cried, falling to my knees and wrapping her waist around my arms, and resting my head against her pelvic.

"I don't know what to say." She whispered, and I thought I heard an "I love you too" back but I'm fairly sure I was simply wanting too much.

"No matter where you go, I'll be there." I sounded crazy, and delusional.

"Don't do this, Ace." She begged, and I shook my head violently against her.

"I'm asking you the same, and you wont listen. Why should I?" I sniffled, my arms tightening around her in fear that she'd rip herself away from me. "You're my soul mate, Zeke. I love you more than life itself, I got carried away with my bad habbits. But you said you loved me, through thick and thin. Damn it, you said you'd never leave me."

"Ace." She cried out, and I started to kiss her hips.

"Your mind, your body, everything about you. Belongs to me, Zeke." I whispered, staring up at her.

"I can't do this damn it!" She screamed and shoved me back. I fell on my ass and stared up at her.

"I can't do this neither! I want you to love me like you did before, those feelings don't just go away!" I pointed out and she frowned.

"After much abuse, they do." She sighed and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine! Then get the fuck out!" I demanded, grabbing her clothes that were folded on the bed and tossed them on the floor. "Get out!" I repeated, and started grabbing her make up containers and tossed them too.

"Quit it!" She plead, trying to grab my arms, but I knocked her back.

"That's all I've been asking of you!" I shrieked, feeling my masculinity going away by the minute. "I want us again." I pulled the ring out and stared at it. When I looked up, she was gone.

Breath in. Breath out. I quickly rushed down the stairs and out the front door, reminding myself how to breath the whole time. I made it to my vehicle, and locked the doors. Just in time, because Ace had followed me out.

"Zeke please!" He screamed, as I started the car.

"No, Ace!" I yelled back, and he slammed his fist against my vehicle. I sped down the street and made it to Zach's. I haven't talked to him in a month, but I figured now would be the best time.

"Who is it?!" Someone hollered after I knocked on the door.

"It's Zee." I replied, and the click of the door unlocking was heard.

"Zeke?" Zach stood there, with a towel around his waist and his hair...shaved?

"What happened?" I questioned, glancing up at his head.

"Lots." He laughed, opening the door for me to come in. I noticed the place had boxes upon boxes lined. "I haven't seen you in a month, since. Well. So what happened? I take you two fought again?"

"What makes you ask that?" I frowned, and he shrugged.

"That's all you usually ever talk to me again for." His voice sounded so depressed as another person came out in a towel, it was Tawny.

"Oh, hi." She giggled, her cheeks burning up.

"You two?" I mumbled, glancing at Tawny then resting my eyes on Zach.

"Yeah, I guess if your fucked up relationship works, maswell." He shrugged. "We'll be right back."

"Or in a hour." She corrected, and I cringed. Zach had moved on back to Tawny, and his head was shaved. She must have asked him to do it. I growled at my thoughts until Zach returned.

"I'm going to get something to make for dinner, is she staying?" Tawny rudely questioned, staring at Zach.

"Not for dinner." He answered, and I sighed.

"Okay, love you." She called and he repeated it back, then she left.

"So what did you need?" He inquired, taking a seat.

"I miss you." I confessed and he chuckled.

"Another fight?" He insisted, and I sighed.

"It doesn't matter, damn it. I miss you." I repeated myself, and he shrugged.

"I miss you too, I guess." He mumbled, and that stung. I felt a pain in my chest as I stood up from the couch.

"I guess it was wrong to come here." I choked down the thought, and stared at the floor.

"Zeke what do you expect me to say? Oh yes, finally! Yay! She's back! Tawny get the fuck out?" He sarcastically questioned, walking over to me. I took a step back and shook my head.

"I don't know what I expected, but it doesn't matter." I frowned, and felt his hand under my chin.

"Tawny and I aren't together, together." He abruptly confessed. "She's helping me clear the house out before I leave."

"Leave?" I repeated, and he nodded.

"I enlisted in the marines." He chuckled, rubbing his shaved head. "Looks good huh?"

"Not really." I sourly declined, and glared away from him. "You're selling this house?"

"Not selling, actually I'm thinking of renting it out, and my parents are going to handle it." He stated, staring around the empty house. "Then when I come back, I plan to stay here a bit, then of course when I'm shipped off leave again. I talked to your sister, Zoe, and Brody. They want to rent it."

"That's good." I whispered, gulping down a lump in my throat. "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"How could I?" He retorted, and I felt tears threaten my eyes to fall out.

"Don't." I plead, and closed my eyes tightly. "You know I will always be here for you, I have always been there for you if you ever needed to talk or anything!" I screamed, my voice cracking in and out.

"No, Zeke. I think you have yourself mistaken with me." He corrected, and I slapped him.

"How could you, how could you even say that?!" I sniffled, and folded my arms across my chest.

"How could I even say what? The truth? I have always been here for you, but it's like you haven't always been there for me. And honestly, Zeek. I don't need your opinions or your permission anymore. I'm my own person, I take care of myself, and that's all I needed to tell myself. I had to finally let you go, and I did. Isn't that what you wanted?" He questioned, his voice choking up as well, and we just stared each other in the eyes.

"It's not at all what I wanted. I don't even know what I wanted. or want." I mumbled, and stared down at my hands. "Or should I say, I didn't. But now I do. I want to be with you Zach."

"Well, Zeke. I'm sorry but that isn't going to happen, not now at least. I'm going away for like two months, and maybe when I get back and if you're still available we can try to make it work. But until then, I have to do what's best for me. And I think it's best if you do what is best for you." He advised, and finally looked away from me.

"Okay." I nodded, and slowly took a step forward. When he didn't move away, that's when I wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you, Zeke." He finally whispered, as a tear ran down my cheek.

"I love you too, Zachy." I retorted and he chuckled.

"Were growing up." He abruptly stated, and I nodded.

"I know." I sighed, sniffing in again.

"Just do me a favor." He randomly asked.

"What's that?" I retorted, and he chuckled.

"Take care of yourself, and stay away from that Ace guy." He asked of me to do it, and slowly I nodded. It was an unspoken agreement, but I made a mental promise to Zach that I'm not going to break. "Now if you don't mind, I still have more packing to do."

"Alright, I'll get out of your way." I nodded, taking another gulp. Zach grabbed my forearm and stopped me from leaving, I slowly turned to face him, and returned the weak smile that he was giving.

"Take care of yourself, Zeke." He repeated. With a nod, he released me and I walked out of his house. Just as I got inside my car, the door swung open and Zach came running out.

"Yes?" I asked, rolling down the window.

"I found this the other day, it was when we were like twelve? I thought you'd like it." He held out a small picture, and I smiled at him.

"Thanks." I whispered and he nodded.

"I have a copy myself, guess this one was yours or something?" He shrugged, and leaned forward. "Take care of yourself, Zeke." He repeated yet again with a smile.

"I will." I assured and he nodded, then suddenly he pulled my face forward and our lips connected. The spark was still there and no doubt in my mind, I knew I was leaving the best thing that has ever happened to me. Zach was there for me through thick and thin, and yet I abused him. We both smiled and as I drove away from Zach's I realized that I was doing basically the same thing to him, that Ace had done to me, minus the violence.
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The ending is near, can you smell it? lol