Status: slow updates.


Hope to have your heart.

The little time that we got to see Justin was satisfying for right now, and once he left... We all went our own ways.

"Hey sis?" I heard, and glanced over my shoulder to see Zoe.

"Yes?" I replied, sitting up.

"I hear that Ace guy at dad's work is pretty cute." She immediately gossiped as she entered my room. We both looked very identical, but she had slight differences that were very pretty.

"Yeah." I shrugged, and she giggled.

"You interested in him?" She inquired, staring at me with expectancy.

"Huh?" I snorted with a laugh.

"Well, if you aren't. Think you can set me up?" She winked, and sat down. I stared at her with an annoyed expression.

"Shut up." I hissed, and grabbed my phone.

"Well, I mean. If you weren't interested." She trailed off, staring at her nails.

"Well, I am." I spat, and she giggled.

"Yay, I got you to speak! So when is the date? What did you guys do last night?" Oh great, she asked so many questions at once it was hard to keep up.

"None-ya business!" I yelled, and got off the bed. I went to my mirror and checked myself out for a moment.

"Oh lala, a call from Ace." Zoe teased, and I turned around.

"Sure." I mused, but she did have the phone up to her ear and I could hear his voice.

"Hello?" She asked, her voice going all cutesy on him. "Oh hi, Ace? Yeah! What's up? Oh tomorrow night? No, see. I don't want you, but my sister. Yeah she wants you, and she's hot too. More your-" She started but I yanked the phone from her, and shoved her off the bed.

"Ace?" I questioned in the phone, wincing at his reply.

"What the fuck are you talking about?! Your sister?! My age?!" He was upset, and that made me upset. I glared at Zoelle who's now on the floor, rubbing her butt.

"Bitch." She grumbled and stood up.

"No, Ace. I'm sorry, that was my sister." I quickly apologized and heard him sigh.

"Well, don't ever let someone else get your phone." He scolded on the other end.

"Sorry." I mumbled, laying on my stomach and glancing at my door to make sure it's closed. "What did you call for?"

"I wanted to know if you were available tonight?" He suggested, and I sighed.

"For what?" I retorted, and heard him chuckle.

"Dinner." I could practically envision the grin on his face.

"I don't know, Ace." I sighed and heard him exhale deeply.

"Please?" He begged, and that made me laugh.

"Fine, okay. Where at so I can meet you." I suggested and heard him chuckle.

"Don't worry about that, I'm going to pick you up. Dress formal, and be ready by six." He spoke so quickly then hung up to make sure I couldn't decline, that I was out of it.

"What did he say?" I jumped at the abrupt voice and turned to see Zoe standing there.

"You have some nerve coming back and showing your face in this room." I replied, standing up.

"Oh come on. It was funny!" She laughed, but I wasn't laughing.

"It pissed him off." I lightly giggled, okay it was funny.

"Yeah, but it was funny." She insisted and I rolled my eyes.

"Just don't do that again. Not everyone has your sense of humor." I demanded, and she shrugged.

"Fine." She mumbled, staring at her nails. "So what did he say?"

"None ya." I answered, and walked past her.

"Come on, Zee!" She whined, and I laugh.

"No, Zoe." I scolded, and she huffed.

"Can we double?" She proposed, until she remembered. "Oh yeah." She frowned, and that made me feel bad.

"I'm sorry, Zoey." I apologized and she shrugged.

"It happens." She convinced herself as tears formed in her eyes. "I mean, we all break up some time right?" She whined and ran. She does what I do, when a situation gets heated or emotional; run.

That night; I successfully avoided any questions from the family. I told my parents about the dinner tonight, and put on my plain black mini-dress. I grabbed a white belt for around my waist, some red heels, and put on red lipstick. I curled my hair, and applied some eyeliner.

"Wow, someone dressed up?" Zoelle questioned, leaning against my door frame.

"Yeah." I mumbled, making a kissy face to myself in the mirror then smacked my lips together.

"It looks good." She assured, and came over with my favorite white blazer she has. "I thought you might like this tonight." She offered, and I leaped for joy.

"Oh my!" I squealed and gave her a hug. "Thanks." I put the blazer on and looked in the mirror. "The belt needs to go." I gagged and took it off, then reviewed myself again. "Is it normal to be nervous?"

"My first date with Brody, I was nervous as all hell." She explained, and I simply listened. "And we lasted for, damn." She sniffled and got her mind off it. "So you excited?"

"Kinda both." I honestly answered, and sat there. "I'm not really looking forward to this." I added, and took in another deep breath.

"Why not?" She quirked a brow.

"He's all rich and shit, which means dressing up all shitty like this is bound to happen more and more." I complained and she simply laughed at me.

"Oh suck it up, you know you look good." She teased, and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, but I'm more comfortable in my regular clothes." I sighed, when I heard my mom call for me.

"Ace is here!" She hollered, and Zoe walked me down the stairs. Ace was already waiting down stairs, chatting with my father. My mom just stood there waiting, and soon both of my parents looked over.

"You got her to dress up, congrats. Now getting her to act like a lady, ha. Good luck with that one." My father teased, at which caused Ace to laugh.

"I'm sure we can manage." Ace assured, and held his arm out for me.

"Don't be home later than ten." My mom instructed and I nodded. I gave both my parents a hug, then followed Ace out to his car.

"You look amazing." Ace complimented, as he got the door for me.

'Thanks." I got in the car so funny like, seeing as I didn't want to flash everyone my panties. I giggled at my own thoughts and kept my legs closed as I scooted them inside.

"You're a funny one." Ace thought aloud, and closed the door.

"What do you mean?" I questioned as soon as he got inside the driver's seat.

"Well, it's like you have personal conversations in your head. All I can see is your reactions to those mental conversations." He explained, and I made a big 'O' with my mouth.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I apologized and stared out the window.

"No, don't be. It's unique." He commented, and sped off. I slowly turned to face him and smiled.

"Thanks." And then the car ride was silent.

"Raine booth for two?" The man behind the table questioned, and Ace nodded.

"Yes sir." Ace answered, and the man nodded. We were lead to an exclusive area, up at the balcony area of the restaurant. I was impressed actually by this, and took my seat cautiously.

"Hi, I'm Pam. I'll be serving you." A flirty waitress came over, and checked Ace out of course. I just sat there, nonchalant, because really I could care less. Ace ordered for us and we waited.

"I'm ordering alcoholic beverages, so don't mention your age." Ace whispered, and I felt so bad but good. It was excited to not have someone check my ID for alcohol.

"Can we get by with that?" I quietly asked, afraid of getting caught.

"When you have money, anything is possible." He assured, and sat back in his chair when a new waiter came.

"Good evening, I'm your second waiter. For in case Pam does a bad job." The waiter mused and to be nice Ace chuckled. I just smiled, and stared. This waiter looked like a model and for sure was he good eye candy.

"Ugh, Zeke." I heard, but I was so far into lala land with this waiter in mind to even care. "Zeke!" Suddenly I came back to reality, and flew back.

"Oh sorry." I apologized.

"It's all good." The waiter assured, with a big grin.

"What do you want to eat." Ace growled, glaring at the waiter.

"Mac and cheese." I ordered and sat the menu down.

"We don't serve that here." The waiter apologetically denied.

"Umm. How about something pasta, no meat?" I suggested and he nodded.

"Done." He grinned and took our menus then left.

"What the hell was that about?" Ace immediately growled once the waiter was gone.

"What?" I replied and he rolled his eyes.

"That was really rude, Zeke." Ace continued, with a shake of his head.

"I'm sorry okay, I zoned out." I explained, but that wasn't good enough.

"If you haven't noticed, you're here with me. Not him." Ace spat, and I stared at him with wide eyes.

"Now who's being rude?" I retorted, and he grabbed my wrist. Tightening it, and stared in my eyes intensely.

"You are here with me, Zeke. I don't want you to ever do something like that again, I don't give a fuck if you couldn't help it. Next time, help it." Ace demanded, and then released me. I jerked back and rubbed my wrist.

"Alright." I whispered, rubbing my wrist on my dress now. The waitress came with our drinks, and supplied us with extra napkins. As the waiter came with our appetizers.

"Here you go, ma'am." The waiter bent over, then winked at me before standing straight. I looked down at the table without emotion.

"Excuse me." Ace started, and the waiter turned his attention to Ace. "If you continue to flirt with my date, I will have you fired and banish your good name so that you can't get a job in this state. Capice?" Ace threatened and the guy nodded, then quickly rushed out. "So, ready to try some of these appetizers?" Ace suggested, turning to me with a smile.

"Yeah." I answered, with a weak smile. He grabbed one of the potato's and used a fork. I however was using my hand.

"That's what forks and knives are for, Zee." Ace instructed, and I stared at him with my mouth full and potato half way out of my mouth.

"But mmm canmmm." I spoke with a mouth full, and earned an annoyed expression in return. I gulped, and sat the the potato down. "Sorry." I apologized, and started using my utensils.

"So, I was literally running away from a chicken. I guess they don't like you near their eggs." Ace told me a rather funny story, that had me laughing hysterically.

"Wow, that's horrible. I had an incident like that, but it was a peacock." I retorted and he chuckled.

"Oh wow." He mused, and stared deeply into my eyes. "Zeke."

"Mhmm?" I replied, taking a drink of my soda.

"You are very beautiful." He complimented, and that made me sheepishly grin.

"Awe, thanks." I felt my cheeks burn, and he just chuckled.

"Too cute." He added, and looked up at the ceiling. "I wanted to know, if you'd like to go out again?"

"Umm." I stammered, and took in a deep breath.

"Maybe become my official girlfriend?" He proposed, and that's when I froze. A little too sudden right? I coughed, and took another drink when our desert was brought over. "Zeke, please. The anticipation is killing me."

"I... I don't know what to say." I confessed, and looked around the room for some possible answers.

"Say yes, of course." He teased and I giggled.

"Fine." I accepted and he grinned, pulling out a box.

"Here's this necklace." He stated, standing up and walking over.

"A necklace?" I quirked a brow, staring at the rather expensive looking thing in front of me.

"Yes." He chuckled, lifting my hair up and held it for me to take hold of. "It's a token, of my appreciation." He breathed in my ear, and clipped it on me. I allowed my hair to fall down, and I stared at the heart necklace. "I hope to have your heart one day, Zeke."

"Awe." I smiled, although deep down it was kind of creepy. But for some odd reason, I was attracted to all of this.
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Thanks for the comments! They mean a lot and hope you're liking the story!