Status: slow updates.



Stupid stubborn me just couldn't have let him pick me up. I must have driven around for hours trying to follow his stupid directions, until I quit concentrating so hard and actually looked at them. Then I finally made it.

"Took you long enough." Ace teased as he walked out to my car. I gawked at his house, I mean it wasn't huge but it was bigger than my house. "It's nothing fancy, I could have gotten a bigger one." He nonchalantly said, with a simple shrug.

"It's nice though." I commented, and he nodded.

"So how was the drive?" He questioned, wrapping an arm around me as we walked to his door.

"It was only like a ten minute drive." I answered and he chuckled.

"Be glad it isn't the other one, that would've taken an hour!" He mused, and that made me feel even more envious. What person at his age owns two houses? I shook my head of the thoughts and followed him inside.

"Nice." I breathed out, staring at the nice decor. The dark oak furnishings, with big comfy couches.

"Yeah, it's relaxing." He agreed, plopping down on the couch. I sat down next to him and just took the place in. "I picked this house because it's nice, and I enjoy the smaller size. Since it is just me."

"I could only imagine, I would hate to live in a big house by myself. Even this size. I hope to get a nice apartment." I replied, and he gave me an awkward look.

"An apartment? There's too many neighbors." He complained, and I just laughed.

"Says little rich boy." I teased, and he shook his head.

"Not my fault I was born into a wealthy family. Now don't get me wrong, I work hard for this shit. Trust me." He sighed, he looked tired.

"I could only imagine, unless daddy pays for it all?" I joked, but he just stared at me intensely.

"My father doesn't pay anything." He corrected, with a serious facial expression.

"Sorry." I apologized, looking down at my hands.

"It's all good, I'm just tired of people thinking I don't work for my shit." He explained, and that did make sense. Kind of like how Zach implied that I was only with Ace for his money. "Want something to eat?"

"Sure." I shrugged and followed him into his nice kitchen. I glanced out the back door, and took notice of his pool. "This is a really nice bachelor pad." I commented and he laughed.

"Not a bachelor anymore, I'm with you." He chuckled, pulling out eggs and stuff from the fridge.

"Breakfast lunch?" I observed and again he chuckled.

"Felt like making egg burritos, good with you?" He asked, and I nodded.

"That sounds good actually." I retorted, and he nodded contently. I took a seat at the island counter, on one of the bar stools and smiled. "Anything I can help with?"

"No, I've got it. But thanks." He politely declined as he started cooking. Our first real day as a couple and he's already cooking for me, nice. I laughed at my thoughts and heard Ace chuckle. "Now what are you thinking?"

"Do you want to know?" I replied.

"That's why I'm asking." He dryly assured.

"Do you really want to know?" I was playing now, but he was more on the serious side. "Fine, I was thinking how this is our first day as a couple and already you're cooking."

"Oh, ha. You're funny." He shook his head. "Next time, however, you're cooking."

"Yeah, right." I laughed, but this time he wasn't laughing. I took him seriously for a moment, until he started busting up laughing that is.

"Don't do that to me, Ace! I really thought you were being serious." I scolded and he shook his head.

"Part of me is, but I didn't mean to come off as an ass. Sorry." He playfully apologized and cracked the eggs open. The sizzle was a good sound to my ears, and the smell was comforting to my nose.

It was nice, sitting at the dinner table with Ace, and eating the good food he made. He wasn't the best cook, I'll tell you that much. But it was good.

"Hold on, okay?" He excused himself, and answered his cellphone. I sat at the couches waiting for him to return, and heard bits and pieces of his conversation. I assumed it was a business call and didn't bother to tune in.

"Who was it?" I immediately asked when he returned in the room, it was out of habit more than anything.

"Just a client." He measly answered, and took a seat next to me. I smiled and cuddled up to him, and we just sat there in silence. "I really enjoy the time we spend together." He commented, and I giggled.

"Me too." I replied, and this time he chuckled.

"You're an amazing girl, Zeke. I'm glad you're here with me." He was being a hopeless romantic and I liked that about him. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, he excused himself again then answered it.

"Dude, we need to review this now!" Another guy entered the room, with a folder in his hand. Then he saw me and made an 'O' with his mouth. "Bad timing, aye?"

"Just a little." Ace growled, and glared at the guy. "What do you want, Leon?" Ace spat, staring at the guy with an annoyed expression.

"Look, we need to review this and make some decisions. I'm sorry but the babe has to wait." The guy, Leon, rudely answered.

"This babe happens to be my girlfriend, so don't ever refer to her as this babe again. Secondly, I am your boss. You are not mine, and I say when we review something." Ace rudely shoved the guy back and slammed the door in his face. "I'm sorry about that. Where were we?" He returned to me and I sat there uncomfortably.

"You can do business, it's all good." I assured, and he sighed.

"Fine." He got up, and went to the door. As expected Ace was still standing there, with a pissed off expression.

"Look, I know you're an asshole Ace. But fuck, for one-" Leon started to rant, but again Ace slammed the door in his face.

"I'm waiting for him to calm down." Ace chuckled and turned to me. Then he waited a few more seconds and opened the door. "Now before you speak, I hope you think wisely of your choice of words towards me. Or I'll fire you and hire someone else that's more grateful."

"Yes, sir." Leon gave in and sighed. Ace nodded and moved aside for Leon to come in. Once Leon was in, Ace calmly closed the door and lead Leon down a hall way to I'm guessing his office.

"I'll be right back." Ace assured and disappeared. I sat there with confusion, and all the while just enjoyed relaxing.

As Ace said, he was back. Leon waved at me and left, so that Ace could return to my side and we cuddle.

"I am sorry about that." Ace apologized over and over, but I just giggled.

"You work, it's all good." I assured, once again.

"So." He shifted nervously and looked at me. I returned the look, but with a smile. Slowly he leaned forward and our lips met. A spark flew, I felt nervous and excited at the same time. He wrapped me in his arms, and I crawled on his lap. Oh that kiss had me smiling all day on my ride back home.

And that's how it went, the first month was simple. We met each other's families, properly of course. We hung out, went to the movies, and just enjoyed each others companies. By the middle of our second month dating. We acted as though we had been dating for a year, and hell some would even say married!

"So, are we going to Zach's tonight?" I questioned, cleaning up the dishes in Ace's house.

"Do we have too?" He whined, taking the moment to look up from his laptop at me with a playful smile.

"Yeah, Zach just wants to chill." I shrugged, and Ace mumbled something I couldn't hear. "What was that?"

"I said, I sadly have to work." He repeated, louder for me to hear.

"Ace! We barely get out anymore." I frowned, putting away the last dish.

"I know, I know. It's just, I've been busy." He explained, and I sighed.

"I know." I took a seat next to him and glanced at his laptop, but he has one of those screens that make it to where no one around you can see on it.

"I love you Zekelyn." He smiled, and I cringed at my first name.

"Zeke, Ace. It's Zeke!" I corrected, and he just laughed.

"I'm so glad that Justin told me that one." He teased, and I rolled my eyes.

"Remind me to get him back." I hissed, getting up and going towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Ace frowned, and I looked over my shoulder at him.

"Not like you're any fun. I'm going to go lay naked in your bed, and play with myself." I answered after he took his attention back to his laptop.

"Oh, okay." He mumbled, typing again. "Have fun with that." He added as he stared intensely at his laptop, suddenly it clicked and a little light bulb flashed in his head. "Oh. Baby." He immediately closed his laptop and chased me up the stairs.
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Teehee... ^_^