Status: New and shiny

My Obsession

My Story

"You fucking bitch!" I screamed at the older woman.

She rolled her eyes, not really taking an interest in what I was doing. I tried to lunge at her again, but the two people in white that were holding me back wouldn't let up on their grip.

"That's it Arden! To White's office! Now!" her voice boomed through out the nearly empty cafeteria. The only people left were the ones who had clean up duty.

I shrugged, "Like I give a fuck. I know the way." Despite my words, the two at my side pulled me through the west wing of the fourth floor, all the way to the south wing.

They pushed me into White's bleached yellow office. White is my therapist, in case you're wondering. He's the therapist for everyone in the east wing, which is only about.. 4 other people. He's an older man probably in his late four ties, and is probably the only on that tolerates me, besides the twins.

White is.. well, he isn't the kind of therapist you would imagine a patient at Ashmore Mental Asylum to have. He's not grouchy, strict or a major prick in any way. He's laid back, and lets you decide on how to contribute to therapy.

I waited there for a good eight minutes before he came in, a look of confusion planted on his face.

"Arden, nice to see you again. I didn't expect you until tomorrow. May I ask why you're here now?" he asked calmly.

"Pauly again. She was making comments about blood again. How she put extra in my food, like I'm a fucking vampire or something." I muttered.

Pauly is the lunch lady on Thursdays. She hates my guts for some reason I'll probably never know.

He sighed, "I'll see what I can do. But since you're already here, let's do you're session now, and not worry about it tomorrow, since you'll have a new room mate to show around.

"Wait, what? You're giving me a room mate? What honor do I bid to this news?" I asked sarcastically.

He chuckled nonetheless, "You've been lonely enough these past two years, I think it's time you meet someone new." he told me.

I nodded as we continued my therapy. As soon as I was done, I walked back to my room.

This place wasn't that bad, after you got used to it. You have to work you're way up to get privileges. Me being only 15, I was the youngest, and most respected, patient here. I can walk the halls on my own, I can go to the library when I pleased, and most days, I could get in trouble, and still be on good terms with Boss Man.

He's Knight. Knight was skeptical about me at first, he thought I was the oddest case he's had in a long time. But while I've been here, he's seen nothing but the teenaged girl I am, minus my flaws.

I guess you could say that I'm content with my placement right now. I have my usual routine, and on a good day, I mess around with the twins, Kandy and Kendra. I guess you could say that they're my best friends.

My story began when I was eleven. My brother, Andy, had his first nightmare- one that included fire, pain, and blood.. oh the blood. Back then we were close, considering that he was only two years older than me. He told me about his dreams, and one day I caught on to what he wanted me to do. And I let him.

I told him that he could hurt me, cut me, and light my hand on fire, momentarily, of course. The light in his eyes was enough for me to know that he loved me, or using me at least. When it hurt too much, he would tell me 'the pain only lasts for a moment'. What he didn't tell me was that the scars lasted forever.

The next thing I new, I was addicted to the things he did, the blood and pain he made. After a while, his 'dreams' got bigger and he set our house on fire, while our parents were in it. They died, he was put into a juvenile delinquent center, and I was sent into foster care.

My foster parents always complained that I wasn't 'normal', that I should go play with other kids. I never wanted to. Because Andy was gone, I had to improvise. I cut myself, I kept a lighter and knives in a box under the floorboard, and I excepted that I was in control of the pain.

They found out though, and when they told child services, who happened to have a copy of my background, they announced me as 'mentally dangerous to myself', what ever the fuck that means.

And now I'm here. In my room, doing nothing but drawing.

I couldn't help but think about what my room mate would be like, and some part of me was excited that I wouldn't be alone anymore.

Sighing, I took out my iPod. Yeah, you'd think they'd take away all that shit right? Wrong. They're not too strict about our belongings, though, we can't have cell phones. We can have laptops, but they have no Wifi, so Internet is out of the question, so basically, the only connection to outside world is through snail-mail.

I laid on my bed for the night, the one in the far corner. My room has three beds, but the third one is hanging from the wall, so I get tempted to sleep up there sometimes. I smiled to myself as Sweet Blasphemy by Black Veil Brides came on.

Fuck Andy Sixx is hot! Well, the last time I saw him he was.
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Ahh, so here is the first chapter! I already have one Sub and Commenter before this came out, sooo I'd like to thank irememberthoseeyes. She inspired me with this idea, so yeah..

Um.. Subscriptions mean a lot, but Comments mean a lot more!!

Thanks <3 Maria