Status: New and shiny

My Obsession

My Rules

The next day was nothing special. They wouldn't let me meet my room mate until later tonight, and it was only lunch time.

I sighed, sitting at my table and eating the semi-decent food that was in front of me. At least Pauly wasn't working today. The table jiggled a bit, telling my that someone was joining me. I looked across from me and saw that it was Kandy, one of the twins.

"Hia Arden. Did you hear about the new guys?" she asked, putting both of her elbows on the table and resting her chin on her palms.

New guys? How many are their going to be?

I shook my head, "No, I just know that I'm getting a room mate. No one told me anything about there being more than one." I said.

She gawked at me, mouth hanging wide open, "A room mate? Where the fuck do I sign up for one? I guess theirs like.. five or six guys that are going to be enrolled here. And the trippy part is that they all have different reasons! Like I heard..."

Blocking her out, I let her keep going on, nodding when I thought it was needed. I was in my own little world.. until the table shifted again, but this time it was next to me. I hadn't noticed that Kandy stopped talking, so that must of meant one of her 'friends' in her head told her to shut up.

When I looked up, I knew why she shut up. A fucking hot guy was sitting right next to me. He had a nose ring, and the prettiest brown eyes I've ever seen. His hair was sticking up everywhere, but it looked good on him. He was wearing a black button up shirt that went to his elbows on his tattooed arms. His jeans were gray, though they weren't tight enough to be considered skinnies.

While I sat there staring at this man before me, he developed a smirk that showed off his nice, high cheek bones and straight teeth. I looked away, suddenly embarrassed by the fact that he caught me staring at him.

I heard him chuckle a laugh, "Are you Arden?" he asked in a curious tone.

Nodding, I chanced a glance over at Kandy. She was just the same as when I last seen her, mouth open and eyes wide.

I turned my attention back to Mr. Hottie. Ha! Did I really just think that? Fuck yes I did!

"Who wants to know?" I asked, shocked at how confident I sounded.

His smirk grew wider as he scooted just a small amount closer to me, "Your new room mate."

Now I smirked, showing him I wasn't intimidated by him.

"Great." I stated simply, picking up the trey in front of me and walking away.

I could feel their eyes on me, but I didn't look back. That guy wants to play hard ball? I'm game.


After lunch, I didn't feel like doing much, so I went to my room. By now I have this whole place mapped out. My room is on the fourth floor, room 62D in the east wing. The other four patients on this floor are the twins, Kandy and Kendra, who are four ears older than me, Landon, who is 17, and Paris, who is 16. And for some odd reason, their rooms are all the way in the beginning of the hall while mine is at the end.

I sighed, jumping up on my wall-bed and opening my sketch book. Lying on my side and hoisting myself up on my right elbow (I'mma lefty!), I wasn't sure what I was drawing, just letting my hand flow across the thick paper while I let my thoughts out. But it was too quiet for my liking.

Just as I was about to put my iPod on my ihome, the door was opened forcefully, then tumbling in came the new guy. Why the fuck did the push him in. They never even did that to me..

As the door slammed close, he straightened himself up, dusting off the imaginary dust, then looked around until he noticed me. That damn smirk came and I just wanted to physically hurt him if it wasn't for his sexy looks...

"Hey, fancy seeing you here." he chuckled, walking over so that he was now face to face with me, since I was laying down.

"Not really, I live here." I smiled a sickeningly sweet smile at him.

He just chuckled, "So what's the deal here?" he asked, taking a step back and stuffing his hands in his pockets, rocking on the balls of his heels.

I snorted a laugh, "The deal? The deal is that you stop bugging me, and be quiet."

It was silent for a while, then he shuffled on his feet, "There, I was quiet, now lets be mature about this and talk." he demanded.

Raising an eyebrow, I starred intensely at him. He has balls, I'll give him that.

Deciding on giving him a break, I nodded, setting my stuff aside and climbing down from my wall-bed. When I was securely on the ground, I sat on the edge of my bed and he sat on his.

I took a deep breath, ignoring the funny feeling in my tummy every time he looked at me.

"So.. This place isn't as.. horrible as you might think it is. Breakfast is at eight, and you get to wear whatever you want. You don't get any privileges until you earn them, which means that anytime between meals and therapy, you have to stay in the room.

"Lunch is at eleven forty-five, then some more free time that you'll spend in here for the next.. week and a half, if you stay under good terms." I took a breath to look at him.

"Any questions so far?" I asked.

He nodded, "How many privileges do you have?" he asked.

I smirked, "The most. Now, when and if you earn your privileges, they give you options on how to spend your free time, such as going to the gym, or library."

He shifted so that he was laying on his stomach, chin on his hands.

"Okay, then what's next?" he questioned.

I shrugged, doing a backwards summer salt so that I was laying like him, "Well, then theirs dinner at six, and after that, you have to spend the rest of the afternoon in the room, no matter what privileges you have."

He nodded a couple times, letting what I said sink in, then he smirked, "I'm Brian, by the way. I don't think I told you before."

Brian? Okay.. I can do that.

With one light nod, I stood up and walked over so I was standing in front of him with my arms crossed, "Alright, Brian, now that we're on good terms, it's time for my rules." I smirked evilly as his eyes widened the slightest. "I don't have many, so I expect you to follow all of them."

"Rule number one; I like my privacy. As in I don't want you in my shit. And I don't want you bombarding me with personal questions, so I'll limit you to three questions about me a day. Fair?" I asked.

Brian stood up so that he was towering over me. He was fucking tall. Well, to everyone else I know, he would be considered averaged height, but for my 4 foot 11 inches, he was like the fucking green giant!

We stood there for a few moments, just staring at each other. It was odd and comforting at the same time. Finally, he was the first to break the silence. "Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked, taking me by surprise.

I guess I expected something like 'What did you do to get in here?' or something along the lines of that. Not if I had a fucking boyfriend!

"No. Never really new any guys that held my interest."

He nodded, taking another step closer, making me take a step back. I smirked when I realized what he was doing, and took a step forward, having the same effect he did on me.

"Now, rule number two. I'm a girl, you're a boy. Boys happen to have certain needs, and I don't want any part of yours" Lie. "So when you have these needs, take care of them somewhere I'm not, and I'll do the same for you." I smirked as I added the last part.

Hey, I may love pain with a passion, but pleasure is almost as good. Just almost.

"Deal." he stated, taking another step closer. This time I didn't back up, and his chest was mere centimeters from my face.

"Rule number three." I breathed out, looking up into his beautiful eyes, "I am my own person. I will not be what you want me to be, and I will be only honest with myself, as I will with you. I only expect you to return the favor." I said, not breaking eye contact.

Something changed in his eyes as I spoke, but he nodded anyway, walking back to his bed.

I took a deep breath to collect myself from that little 'moment' we just had. Then I noticed that his suit case was still by his bed, full with close.

"Theirs a dresser over there, and some space in the closet for your shit. Unpack, then we'll go to dinner." I said, climbing back on my wall-bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY!!! This one was waaaayyyyy longer, so I hope you enjoyed it =)
Um.. tell me what you think? I don't want this to end up being one of the stories that I have to ask for comments, so yeah.

To those who have commented:
Seducing Superman;;

Thanks, I love you guys!! So comment and subscribe!
