Status: Completed

Danger Line

I Won't See You Tonight

Three months had passed since Brian and Jen became husband and wife. Brian had moved the rest of his things into their home and made sure to have a room for Dominic when he came over to visit. Sophia still didn't like that she had a brother but she was starting to get used it. Jen had started to get her strength back and was feeling the best she had felt in a long time. Right now they were laying in bed thankful that Sophia hadn't come running in to wake them up yet.

"You awake?" Brian whispered as he looked down at Jen who was laying on his chest. Every night since they had gotten married he had pulled her onto his and let her use him as a pillow.

"Barely." She mumbled with her eyes still closed.

"Jen are you okay?" He instantly knew something was wrong by the tone of her voice. She sounded weak and tired.

"I'm tired. I want to go back to sleep."

Brian carefully sat up and pulled her against his chest. "Open your eyes and look at me." He demanded and he placed his hands on her face.

Jen took several deep breaths before barely opening her eyes. "I don't feel good Brian."

Brian tore the covers off the bed as he picked Jen up in his arms and rushed down the stairs. He placed her in the front seat of his car before running back into the house and throwing on some clothes. He turned to run back down the stairs when Sophia emerged from her room holding her leopard in her arms.


Brian looked at her for a split second before picking her up and rushing down the stairs. He half assed buckled her into her car seat before he jumped into the front seat and started the car, peeling out of the driveway.

"Stay with me baby." He said reaching over with one hand and taking Jen's hand in his.

"Where we going Daddy?" Sophia asked from her carseat.

"Mommy's sick honey." He told her as he sped to the hospital. He flew into the ER and yelled for help as he carefully got Jen out of the car. Several doctors and nurses came running and took Jen from Brian and placed her on a gurney. He wanted nothing more than to follow them inside as they pushed the gurney into the hospital but he couldn't leave Sophia behind.

Jumping back into the car, Brian found the first empty parking spot and parked the car. He quickly got Sophia from her car seat and rushed into the hospital. He had no idea where they had taken Jen and he felt like an idiot for not asking when they rushed her inside.



"Is Mommy going to see Brianna?"

Brian looked at her and hugged her tightly with tears in his eyes. "I don't know baby."

"No cry Daddy." Sophia pulled back enough to place her tiny hands on Brian's face and pat his tears away. Brian kissed her cheek before going into the waiting room and sat down on one of the empty chairs, praying that Jen would be alright.

Brian looked around the waiting room as he waited for any news on Jen. The room was filled with friends and family members he had called after he had gotten there. Michelle had brought Dominic not only for support but to distract Sophia.

"Mr. Haner?"

Brian jumped up from his seat as the doctor said his name and rushed over to him. "Is my wife okay?"

"Mr. Haner I'm Dr. LoCicero would you mind coming with me please?"

Brian felt sick to his stomach and followed the doctor into his office. "Is Jen okay?" He asked sitting down on one of the chairs.

"She's very sick Mr. Haner. The cancer has taken over her body."

"What the hell does that mean?"

The doctor sighed. "Her body doesn't respond to treatments. She could die at anytime."

"I want to see her. Where is she?" Brian demanded in a low growl.

"Room 2207."

Brian got to his feet before the doctor had a chance to say another word and ran at full speed to Jen's room. When he got inside he saw her lying in a hospital bed hooked up to several machines, including a heart monitor and oxygen to help her breathe. She looked at him weakly and tried to smile as she reached for him. Brian walked over and took her hand in his. She was unnaturally pale and it scared him. He knew she was dying.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

"You have nothing to be sorry for baby." He said brushing the hair out of her eyes with his free hand. "You're gonna be fine."


Brian hung his head and closed his eyes tightly. He didn't want her to see him cry.

"Look at me."

"I can't."


Brian opened his eyes and lifted his head to look at her as his tears began to flow. Jen smiled at him softly and squeezed his hand.

"Can you promise me something?"


"I want you to find someone else. Sophia's gonna need a mother."


"Promise me. I need to know that you'll both be okay."

"I promise." He mumbled watching a single tear fall from her eyes.

"Thank you."

Brian leaned down and kissed her deeply. "Don't leave me."

"I'll always be with you Brian. Even when you can't see me."

"Stop it. Stop talking like that. You can't say goodbye to me, not yet." He said as another tear fell from her eyes.

"Where's Sophia?"

"She's in the waiting room with everyone. Would you like me to get her?" He asked watching her nod. "I'll be right back." Brian kissed her again before slowly letting go of her hand and going back to the waiting room. He dried his eyes the best he could and made his way over to his daughter.

"Mommy wants to see you."

Sophia's eyes lit up as she jumped off the chair she was sitting on. Brian took her hand led her down the hall. The second she was in the room she let go of Brian's hand and ran towards the bed her mother was laying in. Brian lifted her onto the bed and watched as she crawled up to Jen and hugged her tightly.

"Hi Mommy."

"Hi Honey." Jen smiled, running a hand through her daughter's hair. "Are you being good?"

"Yes. We go home now?"

Jen frowned. "Not yet baby. Mommy doesn't feel good."

Sophia leaned up and gave her mother a kiss. "All better."

"Thank you. Hey.. I love you."

"I love you too Mommy." Sophia said hugging her again.

Watching this broke Brian's heart into a million pieces. Jen and Sophia talked for a while before the toddler announced she had to pee. Jen said a very heartfelt goodbye to her baby girl and watched as Brian took her back to Jimmy who would make sure she got to the bathroom. When Brian returned Jen was sobbing and clutching Sophia's leopard that she had given to her to help her feel better.

Brian slipped his shoes off and climbed into the bed with her. He pulled her into his arms and rested her head against his chest and gently rocked her back and forth as he held her tight.

"I can't leave her Brian." Jen cried.

"Shhh. I don't want you to worry about anything. Nothing will happen to her. I promise. And I promise she'll know how much you love her. Just rest now baby. I'm not going anywhere."

"Brian?" Jen said weakly as her eyes began to close.


"I love you."

Brian opened his mouth to speak when a terrible sound came from the heart monitor. "Jen?" He checked for her pulse and instantly began to cry when he couldn't find one. She was gone. Brian kissed her forehead softly and rested his head against her's. "I love you too."

Brian slowly made his way down the hall as tears poured from his eyes. The second he entered the waiting room he was swormed with hugs. He made his way through the crowd of people until he stopped a few short feet away from his daughter who was playing with some blocks on the floor. Taking a deep breath Brian sat down beside her and watched her look at him.

"Is Mommy in heaven now?"

"Yeah baby. Mommy's in heaven."

Sophia hung her head and started to cry. Brian pulled her into his arms and held her tight. He knew he had to be strong for her but he was having a hard time holding it together.

"I want Mommy." Sophia cried.

"I know baby. I want Mommy too." He whispered as he began to cry again.

Sophia pulled back enough to look at him and gave him a kiss. "I take care you Daddy."

Brian smiled the best he could and gently wiped her tears away. "I know you will pumpkin." He kissed her cheek and held her tight in his arms as she continued to cry.

"Hey Buddy." Jimmy smiled as Brian answered the door.

"Hey man. Come on in."

Jimmy made his way inside and gave his friend a hug. "Where's the munchkin?"

"Eating lunch. What's that?" Brian asked pointing to the gift bag in Jimmy's hand.

Jimmy looked at him confused. "It's Sophia's birthday dude."

"It is?"

"You didn't know?"

"I guess I forgot." Brian mumbled sadly as he made his way into the kitchen where Sophia was drinking out of her Purple Little Mermaid sippie cup. Jimmy followed.

"Dimmy!" Sophia squealed and dropped her empty cup onto the floor. She climbed out of her chair and ran for Jimmy, crashing right into his legs. "For me?" She asked trying to peek into the bag.

Jimmy pulled the bag out of her reach and looked down at her. "What do you say?"

"Pease Dimmy."

"Oh alright." Jimmy set the bag down in front of her and watched as she began to tear into it. He couldn't help but smile as she squealed with delight at each thing she pulled from the bag but the smile faded from his face when he looked at Brian who was looking down at the floor and kicking the non existant dirt under his feet. "Bri? You alright?"

"Jen should be here for this."

"She is dude. She's always here."

Brian nodded still looking at the floor. Jimmy hugged him before looking back down at Sophia. "Look at her dude. That's where Jen is. You still have her in Sophia."

"I know."

"You want me to go?"

"Nah. I'm just being a grump."

"And that's new?" He joked.

"Not funny James." Brian mumbled before kneeling down next to his daughter. "Happy birthday pumpkin."

Sophia looked up at him and smiled before turning her attention back to the box she was trying to rip open. "Tank you Daddy. Help pease." She said and held it up to him.

Brian took the box in his hands and opened it for her before handing her her new babydoll. "What are you gonna name her?"

Sophia stared at the doll for a while before smiling brightly. "Jenna! Her looks like Mommy." She said practically shoving the doll into her father's face. "You like?"

Brian looked at the doll and was shocked at how much this doll looked like his late wife. "I love it baby. Why don't you go play?"

Sophia took off running towards her room with her new doll as Brian got back to his feet.

"Jen had it made for her." Jimmy told him.


"Yeah. She told me to give it to her on her birthday if she couldn't. She had something made for you too."

"What is it?"

Jimmy pulled a box from his pocket and handed it to Brian. The guitarist opened the tiny box as tears came to his eyes. Inside was a platinum ring with a skull in the center. Inside each eye was their birthstones and the inside was engraved with the words forever.

"You meant the world to her dude. I tried to get to her go out with me after she left you but she wouldn't do it. You were the only one for her."

"I miss her Jimmy."

"I know you do. We all do. Especially that little girl upstairs. She needs her Daddy. Remember that." Jimmy said as he patted him on the back before leaving.

Brian slipped the ring onto the ring finger of his right hand and smiled. "Thank you baby." He whispered before heading up the stairs to spend some much needed quality time with his little girl. Brian hadn't realized until that moment just how much Sophia really needed him and how much he needed her.

As he reached her bedroom he could hear her talking to her new doll. She was babbling non stop about everything and Brian couldn't help but smile. She was an amazing kid and Brian couldn't imagine life without her. He had made several promises to Jen and he planned on fullfilling each and every one of them.

"Hey you. Can I come in?"

Sophia looked up and smiled. "Sit Daddy."

Brian walked in and sat down on the floor across from her.

"We pay pease?" She asked as she placed her doll in her father's arms. "You be Daddy, I be Sophia and dolly be Mommy otay?"

"Okay." Brian smiled and spent the rest of the day making up for lost time with his baby girl. His and Jen's baby girl.
---The End---