Status: Pre-Production

Blue Skies and Butterflies


To every beginning there is an end. But, at the same time to every end there is a beginning. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat down to write this letter. I can’t count the number of pages I have wrinkled in my trashcan. But every time I sat down and put pen to paper I couldn’t seem to find the words to tell you everything you deserved to know. You deserve to know about your past. You deserve to know about your future. You definitely deserve to know about us and I think we deserve to know about you.

I suppose I should start at the beginning from the moment I laid eyes on her. Her strawberry blond hair was more than I could handle. The way she smiled put me over the edge and how she would say my name was just…it was different. She made me laugh, she made me smile. It was new for me to be that happy in any relationship I had regardless of who it was. Any fan of my band could tell you that what with all the ‘h8 lyf’ Gomez shit around the world. Oh, sorry about my language, don’t grow up to curse like me.

But like I said, I should start from the beginning.


“John, get your ass on the move,” I shouted from my car. It was as though he wanted us to be late. It was like he wanted us to forever be behind schedule. Of course it was he who had set up this show so I didn’t see why he was so pig headed about being late.

“Don’t have a kiniption!” He slid into the car like it was no big deal for him and almost immediately flipped on the radio.

“Excuse you, I do believe this is my car and in my car,” I said flipping the station, “I get to pick the music.”

It wasn’t anything for the Gomez brothers to argue every once in a while. I suppose you might say that every pair of siblings runs that risk. But, for some reason today it wasn’t getting to me. Okay, I was trying not to let it get to me.

“What songs are we doing today?”

“Where are you now and I think Chelsea,” he managed as he started stuffing his face with some sort of sandwich. “Too bad Josh couldn’t come, I know we ruined your day,” he continued.

“Well, it’s not like I had much better to do today anyway, what the fuck are you saying asshole? Josh plays better than I do?”

“No, I’m just…no.”

I rolled my eyes and turned back to the road. John never did know how to keep conversations going quite as well as they might have started. Then again when you had a conversation with John, nothing ever ended the way it started or the way you might want it to. In fact I usually ignored him and would’ve continued to do so if he hadn’t started shouting.

“Look out!”

Only whenever someone actually says look out in that tone and voice you never have time to look out much less stop. I looked over at him as my car slid into the one in front before a string of curses escaped my mouth.

“What the fuck were you…this is all your fault, idiot. If you hadn’t been late we wouldn’t have been here in the first place and now you’re going to have to tell mom that you ran us into a fucking Cavalier!”

“Just get out and go see if she’s alright!”

“She?” I slid out of the car looking towards the driver seat of the next car. It wasn’t until I got up there that I saw her. She slid out and smoothed the wrinkles out of her skirt as she started towards me. She had a small smile on her face the one people give others when they’re sorry that something like this has occurred. I hate those smiles.

“Hi, um, we seem to have a predicament,” she said looking at the dent in her bumper.

“Yea, about that, I’m so sorry. Why don’t we…?” I looked behind me at the piling traffic and sighed, “Why don’t we pull into that parking lot? Clear the street and what not so we don’t get hung or something

“Yea, alright.”

After pulling into the parking lot it was pretty clear that the dent in her bumper was an old dent one that was actually rusting in. She laughed about it, apparently her brother liked to drive recklessly but had backed into a tree a year or so ago and hadn’t bothered to fix said dent yet.

“I’m Maddie,” she said offering her hand for a shake.

“I’m Stephen, and this is John, my annoying brother.”

“I resent that!”

“It’s nice to meet you. Well since there’s no real damage and my car is a piece of crap anyway so it’s up to you if you want to call the cops or something.”

“No, I have an appointment that I’m now late to and I still need to stop and get some strawberry milk so I’ll just call it even for both of us,” she smiled. “It was nice meeting you, I mean even if you did rear end me.” With a smile and a wave she started back towards her car.

“You should get her number,” John told me.

“I am not going to get her number I just rear ended her car!”

“Stephen,” I turned to see Maddie walking towards me. “If your mom freaks out or something you can call me. I’ll give you my information and we can actually settle this the “correct” way.” She stretched her arm towards me and gave me a piece of paper. “I’ll see you around,” she said before getting back in the car and driving away.

“Look at that,” John said with a gleam in his eyes. “She actually gave you her number without you looking like a fool asking for it,” he joked.

“Oh har har, get your ass in the car!”


Needless to say we were late for the acoustic show but for some reason it didn’t matter because I’d never felt better about any show. I couldn’t seem to get her out of my head. Her hair, the way she smiled as she talked about her family. It was like she just beamed with every word. And now, now I had her number. The only problem I had no clue if I could get up enough nerve to call her. Not that John was much help in that department. He was forever pushing me to call her, the beautiful brunette that I couldn’t get out of my head. But something was different with this girl.

She didn’t know me. She didn’t know about the band that was pretty clear when we met. She wasn’t fawning all over me with some sort of zeal in her eyes. It was like we were both normal, not that that was a bad feeling. She was different that Maddie from the accident. She was sweet and innocent. She was smart and witty, but most of all she was a mystery.
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Dear Kim, enjoy!