Status: ?

Who Said We're Killjoys?

My world has always been colorful, ever since I was little I've had a paint brush in my hands. My imagination can't be contained. So rules I might have to break, even if it means to survive I'll do it.

So me being here surrounded by sand and the sun, It gets a little boring.

I'm Silver Star, and I'm here to bring back the color to this once bright city and
I'm a Killjoy


And I'm gonna find my family......


New updates are going to be posted on my new website, I will be updating here first and if you want to get in touch with me anytime just go to the link and also there is a new addition I'm going to be trying, have a question and you want me to anwser it in more detail then what was written in the story or you just want some anwsers, there is a link on my website but you have to have the password, (because I'm not going to be anwsering pointless questions) leave a comment on the story and I'll send you a message with the password! ^-^