Status: Pregnant

Lets Make a Pact

_Rose_Diary Entry 3

Thursday, August 26th

Everything is turning around, but I'm starting to wonder if we made the right choice. Yea, I'm super happy Noelle got pregnant, and I want this life inside of me to be mine, but I'm afraid of what will happen afterwards.

I want my parents to feel shame to me so they don't want me. I want them to shun me. I want to learn from there mistakes to become a good mother to my own baby.

But what happens AFTER the babies are born? Will our parents shun us enough to kick us out? Will we have money to support our babies? What if our parents make us get rid of them? That thought scares me the most. Out of all the crazy ideas that have crawled there way into my mind, the thought of my baby boy or girl getting taken away after birth terrifies me.

Schools just around the corner. What are we gonna do when the school finds out? Most likely they will kick us out and force us to a pregnant school. Great, that will go well.

Well lately I have been puking my guts up and I'm SUPER hungry now. I have a huge craving for Skittles. YUMMMYY!

And I've been thinking of names to. Heres my list so far, so I can remember them. :b






Yeah not a lot of girl names :]

Shh, I hope i get a boy secretly.
