Status: Pregnant

Lets Make a Pact

_Noelle_Rose's Gender Test_

Rose is about 5 weeks in, so we got a "Pink or Blue" test, to see the gender of her baby. (We know its 2 weeks early but we don't wanna wait!) I really don't wanna watch her prick her finger, but I will to support her. I know she wants a boy, so I hope it turns out blue.

We stare at the test, Rose looking very nervous. I'm super excited, even though I feel naseous again. I'm about 3 weeks, and I can't wait till I can take the gender test... Just one more month!

Rose's face turns down in a frown when the test turns pink. "So.. its a girl then?" She says in an emotionless voice.

"Yeah I guess so... Aww.. I know you wanted a boy." I put a hand on her shoulder. She slid her hand down to her stomach.

"Well you're either Lily or Zoe.." She whispered, looking down.

I smiled, knowing she'd be happy with her baby girl.