Status: Pregnant

Lets Make a Pact

_Noelle_Diary Entry Four_

Thursday, September 16th.
Today my mom asked me why I hadn't gotten my period. When I asked her how she knew, I found out she looks through the garbage in my bathroom like every week to make sure 0.0

Of course she would do that....
I couldn't think of a good response so all I said was "I don't know"
That was smart huh?

She's obviously suspicious... Damn. I didn't want them to find out yet!

This could totally turn our plan upside down...Yeah I know the goal is to rebel and get and angry response from our parents, but I'm scared. I've never been caught disobeying my parents. And I never did till this summer.

I can hear my parent's voices in the next room, but I can't understand what they're saying. Oh god! Footsteps! Brb!


So my mom came into my room and told me that she hasn't gotten her period either. What. The. Fuck?! They have sex??? Ewwww bad image!

Anyway she told me she's been lying to me about her age! I thought she was 25 when she had me, but she was actually 19... And right now she's 37, but I had thought she was 42!

I'm so.... I don't know how to describe it..But yeah I'm in trouble :) She told me the whole reason she and my dad are so strict and religious is they didn't want me to make a mistake and get pregnant at 19 like her....

She's at the drugstore right now buying pregnancy tests D:

They're making me take one... But also my mom thinks she's pregnant 0.0

At least she's 37... It would have been even grosser if she was actually 42. I guess they're gonna find out sooner than planned... It'll be better for the baby I guess.

I really wanna call Rose... And I would if my dad wasn't sitting next to it. I hear her car.... I'll tell u how it goes in a few minutes.


My test obviously came out positive. And weirdly... My mom's did too 0.0

My dad is soooooo mad! I thought he was gonna hit me.... His face got so red.. I'm surprised no one asked me about the father yet. My mom is being quietly mad. Probably trying to decide how to react. She made doctor appointments for both of us on the same day this week.

Its weird to be pregnant at the same time as my mom... So my baby and my sibling will be the same age. Strange. I can hear them talking about school.... Which started on the 1st.

From what I can hear, they're either gonna send me to a school for pregnant teens so I'll learn how to be a parent, or they're gonna make me keep going to this school to "punish" me. Haha! I don't see how that is punishment... But I'll keep quiet.. I wouldn't mind staying here. I wanna be where ever Rose is.

Anyway I better get to sleep. Got school in the morning and my baby needs me to rest! Hehe a couple days ago was about 5 weeks :) Rose is around 7 weeks now. We probably should have waited till now to take the gender test.. but oh well... I'm gonna take mine in 2 weeks! :]
