Status: Pregnant

Lets Make a Pact

_Noelle_Life Sucks_

I'm sitting on my bed. Crying. Life sucks. I'm grounded and way too emotional. Kameron keeps trying to talk to me at school. And he needs to stop! Its making me want him to be a part of my life, and my baby's.

But Rose and I promised to do this with each other. I wonder whats gonna happen when Kameron finds out. No one knows yet, except for Rose and my parents.

I took another bite of my sandwich, as another tear rolled down my cheek. At this point, I don't even know why I'm crying. I just can't stop.

The garage door opens. Dad's home. Oh gosh, not another dinner of being stared at angrily from across the table. In my view, not talking to your daughter because shes pregnant is childish. But that's just me.

My mom opens my bedroom door. "Your father is home. Time for dinner. Oh lord, your eating?? Noelle!"

"I'm sorry! I'll still eat dinner. I'm so hungry.." I started crying again when she walked away. God this is stupid.


After a silent, uncomfortable dinner, I went straight to bed. I dreamed about Kameron. And my baby.