Status: Pregnant

Lets Make a Pact

_Noelle_Diary Entry Five_

Wednesday, October 20th

I think its getting obvious that I'm pregnant. People are starting to whisper when I walk by them in the hallway. But who cares. Only thing that does matter, is that Kameron is texting me. Here's our conversation so far:

K: Hey

Me: Hi

K: How r u doin?

Me: Fine.Y?

K: I've heard some things......

Me: Like?

K: Plz just tell me the truth.. Y don't u wanna b with me? Y did u do tht with me if u dnt wanna b with me? Noelle... R u pregnant?

I haven't replied. Should I tell him? I guess its getting obvious.... And I probably should. It would be wrong not to... but what do I say? He just texted me again..

K: Noelle please answer me....

Ugh. Here I go...

Me: Well...Yeah I am.. ....Yeah... Why wuld u care?

Well he hasn't responded yet.... I'm just sitting here waiting. What if he wants to be a part of my life? The baby's? What do I do? Should I let him? I guess I can't not let him... But.. I promised Rose...

God I hate being so emotional. I'm crying. Again. Like always. At least I have a reason this time...

K: Bcuz I care about you Noelle.... plz.. u r pregnant aren't u? Is the baby mine?

Me:...yea. it is yours..

K: Y wouldnt u tell me?? Plz let me b with u... I wanna be there for u.... please..

Me: I didn't want to force u in2 anything, I'm sry. Idk....

K: Plz... Let me be there for u! doesn't the baby need a dad?? R u keeping it?...

Me: Of course im keeping it.... Keeping him.

I got an ultrasound this week, and since im 3 months pregnant now, we found out the gender... its a boy :) Not that I cared what it turned out to be, but I'm happy to know.

K: plz let me be his dad... plz let me help, i wanna b with u Noelle... please.

Me: I dont know yet. can we talk about something else for now? plz??

K: What will u name him?...

Thats something I had started thinking about. I'm not sure yet... I only have a few names picked out right now... I can't decide for sure yet though... heres the list:


Thats it so far. I know I'll think of more...

Me: Idk yet. I have a list... but i might not choose any of them on it..

K: (: whats the list?

Me: James, Harrison, Everett, Zane, and Gavin.. Ill think of more tho.

K: How about Graham? I like that name :)

Its surprising how he's taking this... I don't know any guy that would react like that...I may just have to break my promise to Rose.. :]

♠ ♠ ♠
Btw check this out :]


Plus we made the character pagesss..