Status: Pregnant

Lets Make a Pact

_Noelle_Diary Entry Six_

Saturday, November 20th.

Yeah so, 4 months! (: Rose is 5, and yeah I'm still bigger:( But people can def tell shes pregnant too! So Rose didn't object to Kameron. And apparently her and Stephen have a thing? But I think he found out shes pregnant. I hope that went well...

Usually I only see her at school. But my parents are getting less strict about keeping me at the house. I guess they figure they have to live with it. Plus they have a lot to deal with, with my mom being pregnant. Ew.

I am eating a giant salad at the moment. Kameron and I are at his house. He wants to know what/why I'm writing, but I won't let him see!

Anyways, I'm busy at the moment. Got stuff to do ;)

Love ya.

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Eh that kinda sucked sorry :/

Next one shall be better!