Status: Pregnant

Lets Make a Pact

_Noelle_ Night of the Party_

Tonight is the night. Will I really do it? Of course I will. Neither of us will back out. Especially not me.

After taking a deep breath, I stepped out of the car. Rose and I walked to Jennifer's front door, and entered the loud, crowded atmosphere of the party. We both had two guys we planned to look for. I had picked Tanner, and Kameron.

I spotted Tanner right away, and began a conversation. This needed to happen as quickly as possible. Neither of us were supposed to be here. The plan was to get in, get it done, and get out. Both of our parents thought we were at each others houses, and we didn't wanna get caught.

After talking for a while, it seemed like we were getting close (which wasn't hard since he was so drunk). That's when he started swaying.

"Yeah I think I should sit down..." He mumbled, and sat on the nearest couch. And right in the middle of my next sentence, he fell asleep. well that's just great!

I sighed and went to see if I could find Kameron. Lucky for me, he was standing alone against a wall, drink in hand. Perfect! Casually, I moved in his direction and say hi.

He smiled widely, and started talking about ten different things at once. I could barely keep up, let alone understand him. So I kissed him.

Not surprisingly, he kissed back. And It went on from there. Before I knew it, we were heading upstairs. I felt kinda awkward doing this in someone else's room, someone else's house...

I have to admit this was scary.As you can guess, I've never had sex with anyone before. I know its going to hurt, and I'm really hoping I don't bleed. Blood freaks me out, especially if its my own.


I laid there, waiting to see how bad it would be. He moved forward ontop of me, and I held my breath. Obviously he didn't know how bad he was hurting me, and I wasn't about to interrupt him. So I stayed still and winced through the pain, not letting a single sound escape my lips.

It seemed like forever when he finally pulled away and laid down next to me. I looked over at him, his eyes were half closed. So I figured he wouldn't care, and quickly pulled on my jeans and tank top. He looked like he was asleep so I silently left the room.

I scanned the crowd downstairs. Where are you Rose?