Status: Pregnant

Lets Make a Pact

_Rose_Night of the Party_

Sitting across the crowded room I could see Noelle working her magic with Kameron. Seeing Tanner pass out on her had made the night a little more interesting, but more devistating. Now that she had Kameron, I could work my own magic.

I had already found the two guys I needed. Now it was the waiting game. My hunt was between Dion and Oliver. Both were talking to girls, obvious flirting going on. Oliver had a girl securely gripped by the waist. No cat fight for me please. Glancing over at Dion, I noticed he had some space, and was clearly looking around not interested.

Our eyes cought and I smiled playfully. He smiled back and said something to the girl that made her shrug and turn. With her back turned it was obviouse she was pissed. Good, I hated that tramp April anyways. Opps! No need for tramp, I guess I'm one tonight! I giggled to myself as Dion walked over, plastic cup in hand.

We started with some small talk that lead to flirting, then whispering. I made sure to wear a push up bra and low cut top tonight, and obviously it was working since he looked like he was talking to my boobs instead of me. I had him in my grasp, and it was time to sink my claws in. Going on my tip toes I let my lips brush his cheek to his ear where I whispered the magic words. I felt him twitch slightly. I had him by the throat.

I let him grab my hand and weave us through the crowded room into the kitchen, then left into a hallway where there were rooms. We walked in and closed the door, the booming noise of the party turning into a muffled hums. I looked around the room I didn't know, and the bed that I new we would be degrading. I thought quickly about who's bed that was, and maybe we should just do it on the floor, but my racing thoughts were interrupted by Dion.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and the kissing started. It turned harder and more passionate if you could use that word for a one night stand. The taste of alcohol washed over me, and I fought againts gagging. He backed me up till my knees hit the end of the bed and we fell, me on my back and him ontop.

I had my prey and it was time to finish it.


He peeled the clothes off easily, and I new right away he had had a lot of practice. I new the pain would come, since I still proudly owned my V-card. But I new I had to give it away for Noelle. I braced myself for the pain.

It was agonizing and I wanted to scream to get off me, but I held my tongue and clenched my jaw. It felt like a century before he was done and pulled away. He laid down beside me and played with my hair. I tried to sit up but he pulled me down and wrapped a heavy arm around me.

After a couple of minutes his breathing slowed and I lifted the arm' sliding out. I yanked my clothes on and tiptoed out of the room, closing the door quietly behind me. I jogged around the corner into the kitchen. I slowed down till I was in the living room and scanned.

Instantly as if we were magnetic to each other me and Noelle's eyes locked. We walked over to each other and locked hands, then left the party without a word.