Status: Pregnant

Lets Make a Pact

_Noelle_Diary Entry Two_

Monday, July 26th
I can't believe it. We both took a test today, 5 days before our "missed periods".
Of course we got the cheap kind, the plus and minus thing.
I don't know how this happened....
I'm so upset and I can't stop crying.

A little blue minus appeared on my screen. Which meant, no pregnancy,
So we bought one more, just in case.
Can you guess what was on the second one?

Yep you guessed it, another blue minus. If we would have been at my house, or Rose's house instead of the bathroom at McDonalds, I probably would have thrown a major fit....

But instead I just chucked them both in the bathroom and ordered a giant chocolate shake to help ease my saddness. (btw it did nothing!)

Now Ive gotta wait after my period which should come in a few days. Theres no way I'm giving up. I'll just have to try again.

Which of course means I have to call Kameron, 'cause I want him to get me pregnant. His looks will match up with mine nicely. Hopefully he at least remembers we did something...
So yeah I better call him.

Wish me luck.
