Status: Pregnant

Lets Make a Pact

_Rose_Diary Entry Two_

Monday, 26 July

I'm sitting in my room with Noelle sitting on the end of my bed. I'm sitting on the floor with my back against the bed.

Everything has flipped on us. At McDonalds we took those damn tests at the same time. Noelle had finished before me and was looking worried, her stick on the sink. I laid mine on the other sink and we sat in a kinda awkward silence for awhile. After a couple of minutes we closed our eyes, grabbed hands, and picked up our sticks, brining them in front of us.

We counted to three and opened our eyes. In front of us starred back Noelle's blue line, and a pink plus for me. Noelle didn't believe it and we quickly bought another pack, both of us taking them again. Same answers.

I couldn't believe this bull shit! I just watched Noelle have a small fit and chuck her tests away, and get a chocolate milk shake. I sat across the small table from her and remained quiet.

It was awful and I don't even want to think about it, but I guess I have to to write in this damn thing. I really hate this and I wanna burn this, because It's just showing our failure. But Noelle has promised it will be okay, and I trust her. So, baby mamma's gonna go now because she doesn't care if this is short.

