Status: Pregnant

Lets Make a Pact

_Noelle_Hanging With Kameron_

Turns out Kameron did remember that we did something. He just doesn't remember the details. So in my way of trying again, I flirted back : "Well..... Maybe I could remind you of the details sometime?"

Its a week after my period, and I'm hoping to have unprotected sex with Kam multiple times over the next two weeks. Right now we're sitting in his car talking. To tell the truth, he was alot more exciting to talk to when he was drunk.

Not that the conversation was important. This "relationship" was strictly about sex. At least, thats all I was interested in. And by the way he was looking at me (or my body) it seemed thats all he wanted too.

We were parked in an empty parking lot by a playground. It was almost 8 o'clock, so there would hopefully be no people.

The second time kinda hurt, but not nearly as much as the first. It was mostly just uncomfortable. We did it a third time too, which didn't hurt, but I wasn't doing it for pleasure so it didn't really feel amazing either.

After we talked a little more, he dropped me off by Rose's house. I told her the details and that I planned to do this alot in the next two weeks just to be sure. Hopefully it'll work.


The next two weeks I met up with Kameron in mostly the same places, and did alot of the same thing. He was really starting to bore me, and I had to keep reminding myself I was doing this for a reason. And as soon as I got pregnant I would break up with him.

I guess he just assumed I was on the pill, since I never told him to wear a condom or anything. Guys are stupid in that way... Not that he was thinking with his brain when it came to our "dates". (I just call them 'meetings', because to me, they're just like business.)

But to get to the point, I am going to get pregnant no matter what I have to do.