

Everything’s turning blue.

You’re standing next to me; I can feel the heat of your arm against mine, and you are still and silent. Everything in front of me, everything around us, burns and aches and rots and throbs but it bleeds a calm blue.

We’re at the river as the cold dusk swallows us like the whale swallowed Jonah. Above the woods the pink and purple November burns away as the blue billows through the valley and beyond. I can hear the water run fast at my feet, but I can’t see it. It’s soft and sweet. The sound falls away quietly into other empty spaces while we stare out into the trees on the other side. The embers of a forest fire float around us like leaves.

“Sometimes love isn’t enough,” you say. Thousands of sparrows flood the sky as we turn and wander back up the bank to the tree line.

We look around and I see the light leave your eyes like phosphorescent ghosts wandering into a great fog.

“Follow me,” you say. I follow.