Status: Active; some quick updates and some slow.

So Long, Marianne.

Don't Judge Me 'Till it's Over.

I tended to Will’s wounds; he was bruised and scarred all over his body. The hole in his hip was infected and a fever was the only thing keeping him out. I tried to rouse him many times, but nothing seemed to be working. I shook his shoulder hard, as a last resort.

“C’mon Will! Get up!” I shook him harder. “Get up for me!”

Nothing came from him but a groan, and his face twisted up like he was in pain. I laid my arms softly across his chest, my chin resting in the crook of his arm and frowned. I was doing everything I was supposed to, so why wasn’t he awake yet? My mother said we didn’t need to get the doctor just yet so it couldn’t be anything too bad anymore. I sighed, my breath blowing away a few strands of Will’s hair away from his face. I heard footsteps outside and sat up quickly, brushing myself over. The door opened up behind me and my mother came in. She stood behind me, rubbing my shoulder gently.

“Are you happy to have him home?” She asked quietly.

I bit my lip, looking back and forth between Will and my mom. “Yeah,” I smiled at my sleeping friend.

“That was how I felt when your father came home.” She looked off into the distance, reminiscing. I jumped up.

“N-no! It’s not like that! It’s not like you and Dad. We aren’t –” I stuttered before just giving up.

“Marianne,” She gave me a strange look, like she was going to say something amazing and profound, but stopped. “Your father and I are going out for dinner. Stirling will be home soon and he’ll want to come in here. Just make sure he isn’t too loud, ok?”

“Yeah,” I sat down again as my mother left, the door closing softly behind her.

I made myself some dinner and listened to the news on the radio for a little. Nothing was going on, really. Nothing that I hadn’t heard before. I turned the radio off and went back up to Will’s room. Stirling came home shortly after; his whistling echoed up the stairs and off the walls. The door wasn’t even open and he was already asking questions.

“Is he awake yet? Is he Marianne? Did you miss him? Will you be happy when he wakes up?” Stirling’s wide eyes stared up at me. He was at that age where he was curious about everything.

“No, he’s not awake yet, yes I did miss him, a whole lot actually and yes I will!” Stirling seemed satisfied with my answer; nobody really listened to his questions.

I pushed a stray piece of hair behind his ear. He was examining Will; he had almost no memories of being with him. Will was mostly referred to now as ‘Marianne’s-best-friend-who-was-fighting-in-the-war-but-is-now-staying-here.’

“Can I stay up with you?” Stirling asked.

“Oh, no!” Stirling looked upset. “He might get up really late or be really sick or not get up at all! I don’t want you to be too tired tomorrow morning.”

“Ok,” Stirling said, yawning.

“See! You’re tired anyway. You’d fall asleep.”

Stirling went to bed, making me promise to wake him up when Will does.


The dreary weather was slowly passing, so I pushed all the curtains open in Will’s room. Maybe the light would get him up? His fever was slowly breaking. It seems he wasn’t unconscious anymore, just sleeping. The sudden burst of light and heat in the room made me smile. I love summer! I walked over to the dresser, noticing the water basin there was dirty. I made a mental note to clean it out later. I heard low mumbling from the bed and sprinted over, leaning over him.

“Clara…I need Clara…” For a split second I thought he was going to wake up, but he just rolled over. I frowned; who was Clara?

I felt a little hurt. Why didn’t he need me? I was the one taking care of him! I didn’t see this Clara person here doing anything to help. I wanted to cry, which was stupid because it’s not like Will and I were even together. He could see anyone he damn well pleases; he didn’t have any attachments to me. I turned on my heel, walking towards the phone. I dialed Shelly’s number and told her to come over quick.
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Meh, ok chapter.