Status: slow, but active(:

Dance The Night Away

Trouble In Paradise

~Morgan's POV~

Zach spun us around the room a couple times, and I was getting slightly dizzy. My eyes got wide and I made a face that caused Zach to laugh.

"Need a break?"

I smiled, "Maybe a short one."

"Good." He stopped dancing completely, and I tipped over a little. "I want you to meet someone."

After balancing myself out I asked who.

"Oh, no one." He smirked as he tucked my arm under his.

We were walking to the very opposite side of where we were. A group of people were sitting in a fairly large circle. At the center was that boy Hunter.

"No." I stopped walking.

Being a gentleman, Zach didn't try to drag me. "Please?"


"Please, Morgan."

"No, Zach."

He shook his head a little and looked away from me. I felt a little bit bad, but I stood my ground. I didn't want to meet that guy.

"Please, Morgan. Please."

I crossed my arms. "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why do you want me to meet him so bad?"


"Oh, we both know that that's not a real answer."

"Please, Morgan. Just trust me, this is important."

I bit the inside of my cheek as I looked at him. His eyes were really trying to plead with me. There was something he wasn't telling me, that was for sure.

"Fine," I agreed at last.

Zach took my arm again. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"But you better explain later."

He never really agreed to that, but I wasn't sure if it was because he didn't want to or the fact that we were standing on the brim of the group now.

I did a quick look over of this Hunter character. He was without his girlfriend now, and it seemed like he didn't like that very much. He kept looking around. Sadly, he was even cuter up close. It should be illegal for boys to look the way he does.

"Hunter," Zach called.

He looked at him them. They did the whole nod thing as Zach motioned for him to come closer.


His voice was nice.

"Just wanted you to meet my date." Zach looked at me then, and with his eyes he also brought Hunter's.

Being the first time we made eye contact, I surprised myself when a small gasp escaped my mouth. His eyes were a startling sky blue. His hair looked so soft. And his lips, oh man his li-

No. Stop right there. He has a girlfriend, and even if that was irrelevant, you know a better reason.

"Hunter, this is Morgan."

Hunter lifted his hand up. It was like a foreign gesture to me for a split second.

"Nice to meet you." He gave me a soft smile as I lifted my hand to meet his.

It wasn't even a surprise when I felt the warmth radiating from it.

"You too." I couldn't find it in me to look away from him.

"I like your dress."

I looked down at it then back at him. "Thanks."

" you go to school here?" He looked embarrassed to be asking.

Well color me red. "Um, yeah I do."

Hunter's face must have matched mine. A vibrant red. "Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I'm not really social."

Hunter lowered his voice a little. "Don't tell anyone, but outside of ROTC, neither am I."

I laughed a little. He was different.

"It's our little secre-"

"Hunter!" A voice trumped mine.

We all looked over to see his girlfriend standing there with her hands on her hips.

"I should probably go." Hunter gave me another smile. "It really was nice to meet you."

I would have replied, but he was already walking away. So instead I watched him walk over to his girlfriend, put his arm around her waist, and pull her close. They smiled at each other before kissing.

I looked away.

"I'm telling you not to get attached." Zach shook his head at me. "You're just falling into it just too easily."

I glared at him. "Shut up. Is there anyone else you want me to meet before I decide to leave your ass here."

"Actually, there's someone you already know that I think you should still go talk to." He totally ignored my hinting.


Zach spun me around, "Her."

"Hey, Morgan." A petite brown haired girl said.

"Monica," I was breathless.

"How have you been?"

"Good," I gasped. "I've been good."

"I'm glad to hear that." She tucked her hair behind her ear. "I've missed you, Mo."

"I missed you too, Mo." I smiled at her as we both used our nicknames for each other. We were the only ones that could call each other that.


It's been an hour since I met Hunter and Monica and I reconnected. Monica, her date Charlie, Zach, and I have spent that hour talking and dancing. Right now the boys were off doing something with their friends, and Monica and I were sitting at a table laughing about old times.

"Do you remember when we went to the mall and played hide-and-seek?" I laughed.

"Yes! And remember how it was Zach's turn to look and he had found everyone except for Bentley cause he had hidden in-"

Monica stopped talking as soon as she looked at me. I was shutting down, bit by bit. I couldn't help it, it was just what happened every time someone said his name.

"Oh god," Monica rubbed her face with her hand. "I'm so sorry Morgan. I forgot. Please forgive me."

I closed my eyes.

That didn't help. It just made me see his face.

Before I could stop it, a tear rolled down my cheek. I wiped furiously at it. I wasn't about to break down crying here.

"I'm such an idiot!"

I was able to shake my head. "No, it's okay." My voice as tight. I hated how easily I showed my weakness. "I should be over this by now."

Monica reached for my hand. "No one expec-"

"Yes they do!" I laughed trying to fight off the tears. "Everybody expects me to be!"

She gave me a small smile. "Nobody should."

I was about to reply when a bang startled me.

I turned around and watched as Hunter walked into the room, following his girlfriend that just slammed that door open.

"Bianca!" He called.

So that's her name.

"Just drop it, Hunter!" She kept walking.

All eyes followed them.

"You expect me to drop it?" He sounded like he couldn't believe the words that just came out of her mouth.


"You've been running away from me all night, what the fuck?"

Bianca stopped walking to face Hunter. "This isn't the time or place. You're causing a scene."

"Oh, like you give a fuck! You're probably soaking this up! Or is this just not the right kind of drama for you?"

"Shut. Up. Hunter."

Everyone around them started to take a step back.

"No!" Hunter jabbed a finger at her. "You don't tell me what to do!"


"No, I want to know!" Hunter threw his hands around. "I'm sure everyone wants to know by now."

Bianca looked around. Her eyes stopped on someone, but she quickly looked away. Not quick enough. Hunter definitely saw.

"Oh, right!" Hunter started laughing. "I know why you've been running around all night! Tried to pull a fast one on me, huh?"

Bianca didn't say anything, so Hunter continued.

"You thought I wouldn't notice how you and Austin, my best friend I might add, both simultaneously disappeared at the same time?! You didn't think that one time, I may have decided to follow you?! Well I hate to break it to you, but both of those things happened!"

Again, she stayed silent.

"So you don't want to tell everyone then? You want me to tell them?!" He seemed to be unraveling before all of our eyes. "You don't want them to see you for what you truly are, do you? A whore?!"

Bianca cracked. "Fine! If it's so damn important to you, I'll say it!" She looked dead straight at Hunter, even had the lady balls to step closer to him. "I've been cheating on you! Happy?! I admit it, I've been cheating on you with your best friend!"

Hunter shook his head slowly. "Finally, the truth. Now here's more: karma is a fucking bitch." He took a step closer to her. "I may have been blind not to catch onto this before hand, but I've known Austin for a damn long time. I know his tricks. He's probably told you that you're not like any other girl he's met. That you are the best thing that he could have hoped for."

As he took a breath, we all looked at Bianca. By the look on her face, we all knew that Hunter was right.

"He didn't tell you that he loved you until after you had sex with him, did he?" Hunter continued, "And he probably still doesn't say it unless something sexual is involved. He isn't there the next morning when you wake up after, is he? No, cause he leaves as soon as you fall asleep. I bet he always gives you an excuse like he doesn't want to get caught."

Bianca was crying at this point.

"It's cause he doesn't really love you. You're just an easy fuck to him, and that's all you'll ever be." He was laying it on thick now. "You're worthless. You know, there's a part of me that's glad you did this, and even more glad part that's happy I found out now. Cause who knows, if I had found out maybe a month from now, I may have actually loved you then. But right now, I'm just glad I didn't get that far yet."

Bianca fell to her knees then. No one moved forward to help her up. Not Hunter, not her friends, and especially not Austin.

"We're done, Bianca. I never want to see you again. Don't text me, don't call me, don't come by my house. Just fucking leave me alone."

He started backing away then, towards the exit. He was looking around the room, maybe committing this to memory, then his eyes met mine.

It was like time froze. It was just Hunter and I. He gave me a small smile, one that I returned.

Then he was out the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
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