Speak Now

Speak Now

Theo stood outside of the church door, shaking slightly. She was not the girl to do this. She had always been the quiet, shy, and reserved one. She just couldn't let him finish the mistake he made. There was still an hour or so before the ceremony was supposed to begin. She slipped inside quietly and went unnoticed by the decorators. She found a hallway and started to walk down it, not sure what or who she was looking for. Then she heard it. The deep chuckle that made her heart melt. She turned to the side to see that a door was cracked open. Assuming it was the door the chuckle came from she stepped near and peered inside. All the guys were in there. Zack, Brian, Jimmy, Johnny, and of course, Matt. They were all sitting except for Matt, who was stnading in front of the window, looking handsome as ever in his tux. "So, you're really gonna do it?" Theo heard a familiar female voice ask. Elsie, her girl on the inside. Matt sighed.

"Yeah, Elsie. That's kinda why we're here." He sounded slightly annoyed.

"Just making sure it's what you want."

"He wouldn't have gotten the ring if it wasn't what he wanted." Johnny said, giving Elsie a stern look. Theo held back a chuckle. She heard shrill shreiking coming from a room further away. Theo jumped against the wall, as everyone in the room turned a head. Theo squeezed her eyes shut, praying noone had seen her. Elsie sighed from within the room.

"I'll try and handle that."

"Just try not to put her hands around her neck." Zack said, with a chuckle. Theo shook her head and turned around to walk away. The door opened, God, she hoped whoever it was didn't look this way.

"Theo?" Elsie whispered angrily. Theo stopped and turned around. Elsie stood in a knee length green dress with a smile.

"You look gorgeous."

"And you look like hell, I can't believe it."


"Tiffany invited you." Theo bit her lip.

"Except she didn't."

"Oh, that makes more sense. Matt called?"

"No." Elsie opened her mouth, closed it, and opened it again. Then it clicked.

"You're crashing Matt's wedding?!"

"God, Els, shut up! I was just leaving, I just wanted to, I don't know. I don't even think I'm me right now."

"Tell me about it. Well, you're gonna stick out in a sore thumb in an old t-shirt of Matt's and basketball shorts. You could have a least tried to look decent." Theo shook her head.

"It doesn't matter, because I'm leaving." Elsie cocked her head.


"Because I don't belong here."

"You belong here more than anyone. You're his best friend. Tiffany's just a bitch." That's when they heard the yelling again.

"You should go check on her, like you were supposed too."

"You're more important."

"Els, babe, what are you-" Zack's eyes widened and he walked up to the two girls in the hallway. "Theo, you look like shit. Always trying to make a statement, huh?" Theo shook her head, there was no way she was getting out now. "Elsie, go check on Queen Bitch and try and grab some clothes for this girl to wear."

"I'm on it." And Elsie walked away. Zack stared at Theo.

"You weren't invited."


"You've got some balls."

"I can't let him finish this mistake." Zack smiled.

"We tried to tell him. We were real nice about everything until he proposed. We didn't want a Yoko and she was becoming one."


"Yeah, we were real harsh about it. I'm surprised we're his groomsmen." Theo shook her head. They heard Tiffany exclaiming about Elsie being the only girl with brains and Theo chuckled. "She's such a user." They stood quietly, Theo listening to Matt's voice as the guys talked about old times, while Zack waited anxiously. Soon, Elsie came hurrying down the hallway. She handed Zack a dress and shoes and poked her head inside Matt's door.

"Everything's fine, Matthew."

"Thanks Els. Where's Zack?"

"Bathroom, which I have to use the little girls room. I'll be back." She shut the door all the way and turned to look at Theo. "Come on." She said, taking the clothes from Zack and grabbing Theo's hand.

"Can I come too, Elsie? Theo?" Theo nodded and Zack followed them to an unoccupied room.

"This is a terrible idea, you guys." Zack shook his head, as he sat in a chair, the shoes in his lap.

"You're the one who wanted to crash the wedding." Elsie wrapped an arm around Theo's shoulders.

"Now, this dress may not be awesome, but it's all I could find." She said, handing the dress to Theo and leading her to the bathroom in the room.

"At least it doesn't look like cotton candy." Elsie laughed. Theo quickly undressed and stepped into the dress. She pulled up the purple material and Elsie zipped up the dress. Theo stared at herself in the mirrior. She might look halway decent if her hair had been straightened and she didn't have huge bags under her eyes. She voiced these opinions to Elsie, who pulled the bobby pins out of Theo's hair.

"This is why God brought us together as best friends." Elsie quickly comed her fingers through Theo's hair. She pulled the front sides to the back and secured them with bobby pins, her bangs being long enough to fit back with them, but Elsie secured them with a bobby pin also. Theo sighed. Elsie had taken a mess and created a decent looking hair style. "I don't have any make up on me." Theo shrugged.

"I guess I look alright as it is."

"You do look pretty stunning."

"Stunning is not the right word."

"Go put your shoes on, we have a half hour until it starts." Theo walked out of the bathroom and Zack whistled.

"You look great, based on what you came here looking as." Theo rolled her eyes.

"Thanks Zack." Zack handed her the shoes.

"I've got to get back. Can't wait to see what you're gonna do next, The. I'll see you out there." He winked and walked out of the room.

"Alright, I'll be in the front row on the groom's side, of course. Take a seat in the third or second row, just so we don't look suspicious. Okay?" Theo stared at Elsie. "What? Something unclear?"

"You're not a bridesmaid?" Elsie laughed.

"There's no way in hell, even if she would have asked me." Theo shook her head. She couldn't believe Matt had just stepped aside during this whole thing. It wasn't like him. "I will walk out there with you though. I just have to stop by the guys' room and tell Matt what an idiot he is." Theo nodded, and the girls departed the room. Elsie, moved Theo to the side, so she wouldn't be seen and opened the door to the room.

"We could have been naked, Elsie." Johnny exclaimed.

"Wouldn't have seen anything I haven't before." She stepped inside. "Matthew, I love you, you know that, right?"

"Yes. I love you too."

"Good. You're an idiot." Theo couldn't belive it. She didn't think Elsie was being serious.

"I'm fully aware how you feel about this Elsie."

"Good. Remember, I'll be in the front row, staring you down." She walked out of the room and Theo followed her out to the front, where guests had started to arrive. Theo saw Matt's parents and they greeted both her and Elsie with a hug.

"I'm so glad they invited you, dear." Matt's mom, Julie, said, hugging Theo again.

"Yeah. I'm surprised she's not up there in a tux, right behind Matt." Matt's dad, Chuck, laughed, throwing his head back.

"Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Sanders. I wouldn't miss this for anything." Julie smiled.

"You were always his best friend. We thought he would marry you, the way he talked and talked about you." Theo bit her lip and nodded.

"Oh, there's the Johnsons, better to get the fake hellos over with, right dear?" Chuck asked. Matt's mom sighed.

"I guess. See you later Theo, Elsie."

"Matt's parents don't agree."

"Not inwardly. Outwardly they were all for it."

"That sucks."

"I know." Theo sat down in the second pew and Elsie sat in the front, turning so she could still talk to Theo. "What are you gonna say?"


"When you decide to not hold your peace." Theo shrugged.

"Obviously, I didn't think anything through." Elsie laughed.

"If you want my advice, just say what comes to mind. Then, at least you know you're speaking from the heart." They heard someone clear their throat and they looked up. Brian, Jimmy, and Johnny were all smiling widely and waving at Theo. They all gave her a thumbs up which meant the Zack had obviously told them of her plan. Elsie waved Zack over and he walked over, smiling brightly himself. Brian walked over as well.

"Theo, you little shit. I can't believe what your doing. It's gonna be incredible." Brian said with a laugh

"Bri, really, I don't even know if-"

"Theo! You. Are. The. Coolest!" Jimmy said, wrapping her in a huge hug.

"Thanks, Jim."

"Where's Matt?" Elsie asked.


"Well, I don't want him to notice Theo, go stand where you're supposed to." She said, pushing the guys away.

"Geeze, Els, calm down." Jimmy said, walking away with Brian. Zack shook his head as he hugged Theo quickly.

"You two are something else." He said, smiling and shaking his head. "Thanks for helping us out in our master plan to fix Matt's life." Theo looked at Elsie who shrugged.

"I guess, you're welcome." Zack winked and hopped up the few steps leading to the alter, taking his place in front of the rest of the guys. "Zack's the best man?" Elsie nodded.

"He was gonna say no, but I wouldn't let him do that to Matt."

"Why was he gonna say no?"

"Matt wasn't marrying you." Theo shook her head.

"Elsie, who is this?" Theo and Elsie looked up to see an older woman, wearing a powder pink dress. Elsie stood.

"This is Theo. She's been friends with all of us for forever. She's known Matt longer than me. She's his best friend. Theo, this is Tiffany's mom, Jen Johnson." Theo smiled politely as Jen Johnson looked down her nose at her.

"Hmm, it's nice to meet you, Theo."

"Same here." Jen nodded curtly and walked away. "Major bitch?"

"Definitely, they're all snotty rich assholes." Theo laughed. "What?"

"We're in a church."

"Well, God don't like liars." Theo laughed again. Elsie checked the clock. "It's almost time. I'm gonna pretend like I don't now you're here and then turn around and bam! My gorgeous best friend." Elsie got up and walked up to the boys, checking their tuxes. Theo looked around and then she saw him. Matt walked out from the back and over to his parents and soon-to-be in-laws. He hugged his and Tiffany's mom and shook his dad's hand. Tiffany's father kept his hands behind his back. Matt talked to them for a few and then Elsie called him over. He smiled a goodbye and walked up the alter, to be checked. Elsie looked up at Matt, who smiled brillantly. They exchanged words and Matt frowned.

"Elsie, pretend to be happy for me?" Matt pleaded and Theo saw Elsie smile.

"As long as I can pretend she's Theo." Matt sighed in defeat.

"Thanks for everything else." Matt said, as Elsie straightened his tie. Elsie smiled, kissed his cheek and turned, she stared at Theo for a minute, elbowed Zack and nodded in Theo's direction. He smiled brightly again and waved. Theo wasn't sure if he was doing it for the plan or just being him, but whatever it was, Elsie was pleased. Jimmy distracted Matt as Elsie hurried down the steps and rushed to give Theo a hug. Theo chuckled and returned the hug. Elsie sat and Matt's parents hurried over, Matt's dad blocking Theo from view. The music started and to Theo is sounded wrong. It sounded too sad and dark. Like Matt was ruining his life. Which, if you looked at it that way, the music was perfect. Theo turned her head to see Tiffany being walked down the aisle in a hideous, poofy, ivory white gown.

"Looks like she got the color wrong." She muttered under hear breath, but she saw Elsie shake her head. Matt satred at Tiffany, but Theo could tell by his eyes that he was somewhere else and she could only believe that he was back in high school with Theo, as they talked about Theo getting married. They had messed around about it, Matt pretending to her groom as she mocked all the stupid brides and as she stood next to Matt, he kissed her. Theo could only believe that as Tiffany was walking down the aisle, Matt's smile, the smile he only gave to Theo, proved that he saw Theo walking down the aisle towards him. He shook his head as the preacher spoke. Tiffany's father gave her away and sat down. The preacher had Matt and Tiffany exchange vows and then Theo's window of oppurtunity appeared.

"If there is anyone who does not wish for these two to be married speak now, or forever hold your peace." The guys all looked to Theo and Elsie turned her head, smiling. Theo even thought she saw Matt's mother turn to look at her. Theo sucked in a breath and she saw the guys nod eagerly. Theo stood, her hands shaking and sweaty.

"I don't agree." She said, her voice ringing out in the sactuary. All heads turned to look at her and people gasped and glared, and mouths dropped open. But all Theo could see or hear was Matt snapping his head and his jaw dropping.

"Theo?" The corners of his mouth turned up in a smile and Tiffany glared so hard, Theo thought she might burst into flames. Theo smiled smally at Matt. "What are you doing?"

"Stopping you from finishing the mistake you started three years ago. Matt, can't you see it? No one around you was happy about this relationahip, engagement, and then this marriage. You deserve so much more than a bleach blonde, clingy, bitchy, gold-digger. I'm your best friend aren't I?" Matt nodded. "Then why did I have to crash your wedding? Why wasn't I invited?" Matt looked to Tiffany.

"You said you invited her. You said you called her. You said she was coming and then I waited all day for her to show up, to help me get ready. You lied." Matt said, shaking his head. Tiffany shook her head fratically.

"She's lying Matt."

"Shut up Tiffany." Matt looked to Theo again, which urged her to go on.

"Matt, I love you too much to let you go through with this. Matt, don't say 'I do' and let her take away everything that means the world to you, like your band, your friends. Walk away now Matt." Theo couldn't belive she was about to say, but she had to. "I'll be waiting behind the church, by my car." As she turned around, she heard Elsie laugh out loud and start to clap and she caught Jimmy clapping also. Theo started to cry as she walked away, there was no way he was going to go after her. She heard somone calling her name, but kept walking.

"Theo, Theo!" Footsteps, someone was running after her. "Theo, wait." It was Matt. He grabbed her and turned her around to face him. What was he doing?

"Matt, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" Matt cut her off by crashing his lips against hers, like he did back on that summer day when they were messing around. Theo kissed him back eagerly, until a shriek pierced their eyes. Matt and Theo pulled apart to see that about twenty people had followed them. Elsie was smirking proudly. The band was grinning, Jimmy was clapping again. Theo didn't think he had stopped. Matt's parents, were smiling smally, Tiffany's parents were majorly pissed, and Tiffany was livid.

"Matthew, how the hell-No. I shouldn't blame it on you. Someone probably drugged your drink. We'll just, push the date back a few weeks, though I'll need a new dress." Matt chuckled dryly. He walked over to Tiffany and took his ring off. He grabbed her hand and placed his ring in it.

"You're not getting anymore money from me." He stated simply. He walked back over the Theo and grabbed her hand. "So, Taylor Swift, what's the next lyric?" Theo smiled.

" 'Run away now.' " And they did. Matt threw off his jacket and vest and he and Theo ran out the back of the church, laughing.

~One Year Later~

Elsie zipped Theo's dress up. "This feels slightly familiar." She laughed. Theo shook her head.

"I can't believe it."

"At least you're wearing make-up and your hair's professionally done this time."

"Well, I can't go to another wedding, looking like a mess."

"Especially your own." Zack chuckled from the doorway. Theo smiled. Zack held out her shoes.

"This is all too familiar." Elsie said again, smiling. Theo sat down and Zack handed her her shoes.

"Thanks Zack."

"You're welcome. I gotta go get up front though." He hugged Theo and kissed her cheek. "You look gorgeous, The."

"Thanks Zack." He kissed Elsie.

"See you out there." He said and walked out.

"You ready?" Elsie asked. Theo nodded.

"Ready as ever."

"Prepared for tonight?"

"Get out and go stand, so I can get my ass down the aisle." Elsie laughed and squeezed Theo in a hug.

"I love you."

"I love you, too." Elsie smiled, grabbed her flowers and walked out the door. A knock sounded on the door. "Come in." Theo's father smiled at her.

"You ready darling?" Theo nodded and hooked her arm through her father's. She held her bouquet in her hand and stared ahead, smiling. She stood behind the doors. The song started and this time, it sounded way more happy. The doors opened and her fathed walked her down the aisle. She looked ahead and saw Matt, smiling her smile, his dimples showing. Theo's father gave her away and the preacher had them exchange their vows. As he asked if anyone disagrreed to their marriage and to 'speak now or forever hold your piece', Matt smiled down at Theo.

"I'm so glad you were there when they said, 'speak now.' " And then he kissed her.
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Happy Anniversary Bestie, <3