Sequel: Stitch My Wounds
Status: Active: Comments&Subscribers = New Chapter

I Hated You Yesterday



My head throbbed with an intense pain which spread, searing not only my left temple but the whole left side of my face and head. Who knew a little baseball bat could pack such a punch. I opened my eyes to find myself in the same room. Right before opening my eyes, I suspected either a) I was dead, or the more reasonable option, b) my father tossed me to the side of some road. Neither happened, but instead I pulled my body upright and found the old, aged man sitting next to me, the bottle to his lips.

"I'm sorry son," He said solemnly. I nodded, shaking it off. There was no need to tick him off again, but I would've kept my mouth most likely shut If I had been sober.

"Whatever," I mumbled rubbing the sore spot on my head.

"Boy, have you found her yet?" My father turned to me, our blue eyes locking. I guess I know where I got those sharp, icy blue eyes from.

"Who?" I said, trying to think through the bruise and hang over. I rolled my neck around, cracking it. I needed some Tylenol, or Motrin, just some kind of pain reliever.

"I lost your mom because of my addiction," My dad lifted his bottle of Vodka up, and then pulled the bag of weed out for me to see. His face looked sober, and his features grew older with lines of remorse. "She was my everything, but I lost her."

My dad had a bad temper; those damn anger issues. He used to beat my mom because of them. Another thing I inherited from my father was his temper. Was I just a spawn of the Satan because I never inherited anything good?

"You talked lots about Jamie, is she something to you? Does she pull at the heart strings?" My dad said, scooting over closer. His eyes were glazed sad, and bleak lacking a vibrant shine.

Was Jamie something to me?

Sure I liked teasing her, but that was something we've grown up doing to each other. There wasn't a doubt in my mind about her beauty that simply glowed off of her, the sadder part is she wasn't able to realize it. I liked touching her soft, wavy hair. Fuck, I liked touching her, holding her hand, my hands on her waist when we danced, her lips on mine. Then to top it all off with whip cream and a cherry; her personality was something I always secretly loved. Its what drew everyone in and snagged them like a thorn. She was caring, loving, and sweet, but nonetheless she could hold her own, and was mouthy, vocal. She wasn't afraid of anyone.

I guess Jamie meant something to me, but I kept trying to deny it because nothing more would happen aside from the relationship we already had. Even if we passed this milestone and onto friends we'd never walk farther than that. I just had to accept that I already had my one day to hold her and act like she was mine.

Now here's the big question in return, did I mean anything to her? Did I hold any significance to her, at all? The one person she probably cherished with her entire whole was Nate, but there was nothing to be jealous over. He was her older brother after all, and Nate loved her unconditionally; it was what every sibling relationship should be.

I hated the fact how my thoughts were starting to sound like a girl's.

"Yes, she does," I said in a low voice, trying to hide the fact. It wouldn't change anything much, life would continue on as the same.

Just because I happened to like her didn't mean the feeling was mutual.

"Let her know she means something, keep her close. I lost you mother Kasper, biggest regret of my life," My father's eyes filled with tears that trickled down his face. His big hand swiped them away, and he looked at me with those bleak eyes. His face was crinkled in places, and he tried to blink away the tears. I guess my mother wasn't the only one heart broken over their split.

"I can't have her," I said simply. I shook my head, shifting my hair.

"Would you rather her be with someone who won't care for her as much as you? She'll get hurt, and her poor little 'heart' will never be the same. Or would you say the hell with those who disapprove and keep her happy, and safe?" My father said, slamming his fist onto the space on the couch between us. I let his words sink in, and knowing he was right, I was filled with a a new determination. I had to be nicer towards Jamie, and it wasn't going to be easy because antagonizing her was like an addiction I wasn't ready to let go. There were sure to be relapses.

"Dad, where have you been the last seven years?" I asked, changing the subject. He looked at me once more, and blinked.

"I've been living my life , boy!" He nearly shouted and slammed his fist down again. "I've been smoking my weed boy! This shit makes me happy!" Was he asking for a death wish? And no shit, the smell of marijuana was practically being ventilated throughout the stuffy mobile home.

"That shit will kill you," I scoffed and stood up readying myself to leave.

"I don't care, Kasper. My life revolves around this, its the only thing that's made me happy since I left your mother," My father said, and scratched his cheek, and beard covered chin. I grimaced slightly when he stood up, thinking he was going to give me a slap across the head. He did the unexpected and gave me a fatherly bear hug I used to receive back when I was a little kid.

"I've miss you, Kasp, tell your mother I wish her a happy life," I nodded, and stepped away. The cold fresh air was the best thing you could possible inhale after being locked up in his house.I sat on his front steps, no even sure where I was going to begin. I didn't remember how to get home from here, after all its been seven years since I've last seen my dad.

A red Nissan truck pulled into the trailer park, and I shot back up instantly realizing it was my truck. Front seat Nate was steering the car, and his sister Jamie sat next to him, her eyes widened filled with frantic.

I sauntered up to where the car stopped and pulled a lazy smile onto my lips. Jamie swung the truck door open, and I was for sure she was going to smack me when she marched up to me.

Instead she wrapped her arms around my torso and hugged me. "Fuck, Kasper you scared me."

"It's only been a day," I said, and hugged her back, letting her distinct scent fill my nostrils. It was faint, and soft like velvet. When she looked up at me with those silver innocent eyes I leaned down and molded my lips onto hers. Impulsive as it may have been, I felt like it.

She pulled away, biting down on my lower lip, allowing the tips of her top teeth to be shown. I let that crooked smirk I knew she disliked crawl smugly onto my face.

"Jack ass," She muttered, and let me go, stepping away.

"I felt like it," I said, but she ignored me and jumped into the front seat, settling back into the car. I shrugged when Nate raised his brows through the tinted windows. I hopped into the back seat where I discovered Jasey who had tagged along.

"So, what happened while I was gone?"

"I went to my Dad's, came back, and you still weren't home," Jamie said with a note if disdain hanging in her voice.

"I thought you were dead on some highway," Nate laughed, and then his tone became boastful. "I came across Chance, beat him up real nice along with Todd that big foot ball player. Jamie was soooo determined to find you."

His snickering didn't last long because Jamie's arm reached over and punched Nate's arm. He whined softly about the short lived pain, and then smiled. I smirked in return.

"Immature," She muttered under her breath and I watched her plug in her ear phones. The clouds looming above were dark, stormy winter clouds.

Jasey piped up, "School's closed tomorrow, bad snow forecasts." She held up her Droid for everyone to see the alert. I looked at the clock to find that it was only early morning still, snow wasn't falling, and they called off school already. Sweet!

"That means Jasey and I are taking advantage of the fact and going out today, and later tonight, movie sound good?" Nate said, and wiggled his eyebrows, and that was only suggesting a hot make out session throughout the whole movie.

"Yes," She squealed, and I rolled my eyes. I heard Jamie make fake gagging noises and I couldn't help but to laugh. Nate finally pulled the truck out of the trailer park and we made our way home. The rest of the ride quiet from both to girls, and only the voices of Nate and I filled the car. I'd get Jamie alone, and I was going to see just how far her feelings for me went. Dislike or like.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kasper likes Jamie(;
Mmm, how's that alone time gonna go?

= Update

SOO-- what do you think Kasper & Jamie should do next chapter.. alone?

& PS: Enter my contest? Music Shuffle Writing Contest

PPS: I love you guys. <3333