Sequel: Stitch My Wounds
Status: Active: Comments&Subscribers = New Chapter

I Hated You Yesterday


Things come and go.

Some people stay in your lives for only a moment before walking away. Others stay awhile and leave foot prints in the sand to forever remember. I often wondered where Kasper ended up in these two categories. My doubts and insecurities about this relationship never fully left me, they were always pulsating behind the happy thoughts faintly.

The snow storm was fun to play in while it lasted. I swear I was such a little kid again, my spirit was lifted, and my inner child was let loose. I even had built a snowman with the help of Jasey. Kasper and Nate on the other hand made a perverted one.

Boys are well perverts. I mean you don't you the carrot as a dick. It's always the nose. If you wanted to make a perverted snowman at least use a dildo.

Wednesday morning, I was terribly anxious and uneasy. Word spread fast about how Kasper and I were now a couple. A legitimate couple. It still didn't stop girls from fawning over him, and from Chance hitting on me constantly. I offered to bitch slap him, and he shut up almost immediately not needing the humiliation from getting smacked around by a girl..

School passed by insanely fast, and before I knew it we were already on Winter break. Jasey and I shopped around for gifts for the boys.. She was really into my brother which both creeped me out and made me feel happy for her. She needed on decent boyfriend.

Nate may not have been perfect, or Mr. Right, but he was still pretty good as a boyfriend you'd get around here. Next to Kasper who treated me exactly like he called me; a princess. Nate constantly told him, I had him whipped completely. Kasper denied it, not wanting to lose his masculinity as he called it.

It wasn't like I tried to get him to become my custom tailored slave, he just kind of brought it upon himself. I didn't order him around, or anything he just did things for me. Simple things, very chivalrously and gentlemen like.

Christmas rolled around much faster than I suspected. I never expected time to pass me by so swiftly. Good thing I had all my gifts wrapped and ready.


"Jamie, Merry Christmas!" Nate shouted, and I jumped slightly. I grabbed my gifts in my arms and shimmied off into the living room placing them under our poor man's tree. It was the best I could conjure up in the limited time I had. Normally Mom would have gone all out and decorated for Christmas, but that had ended years ago ever since casual sex became her life.

"Merry Christmas, Nate." I said and wrapped my arms around my older brother holding him tightly. If there was one person I never wanted to lose it was Nate because in reality, no matter how many relationships we'd be in, we would really only have just each other. I would take a bullet for Nate if it came down to it.

"Where's your gay hooker?" Nate joked, referring to Kasper. I didn't understand where the call name came from but just went along with it. Kasper, of course, on the other hand always made a fuss about it. But what guy would enjoy being called a gay hooker?

"At his mom's for the morning," I said simply, leaning my body against Nate.

"Mm, since when did he care?" Nate said, pulling away from me. I shivered slightly, and scurried to the thermostat to crank up the heat to what the boys would label as 'Hell'.

"At least she cared enough to want to see him. Our mom sucks," I grumbled. Resentment towards my mom always showed itself. I couldn't keep it bottled up for a long period of time when she was mentioned. I swore that woman deserves all my hate pointed at her in a double barrel gun.

I held out the box to Nate, who took it and opened it unsurely. I knew exactly what to get him, even though him and Kasper were the two girliest boys I had ever met at times. The expression on Nate's face was priceless. It was a mixture of widened shocked eyes, and a half smile painted vibrantly across his face.

"You got me those signed Vans?" Nate said, staring at me with disbelief. I nodded anxiously as he slipped his foot in, trying them on for size.

The door groaned open, and Kasper came walking in, his hair brushed, and bangs flipped to the side. On his back was a guitar case, slung from his shoulder. He sauntered over to us; we were both in our lazy man's clothing. Pajamas.

"Princess," Kasper kissed the top of my head, and tossed Nate a rectangular block. Nate caught it mid air, and smiled mischievously.

Nate tore it open and of course, Kasper would get him something like that. Maybe the two of them were gay hookers together. Sometimes they were just a little too close to that for comfort, even in a sarcastic joking matter.

"Fuzzy blue handcuffs! Hah, fuck me hard tonight lover boy I'm your slave," Nate grinned and I rolled my eyes. Kasper waggled his eyebrows suggestively and I faked gagged. The two of them were laughing so hard they should have been rolling on the floor.

Kasper turned to me. We'd been dating for almost three months now, and he was the sweetest guy ever, for the most part. When he wasn't teasing me like always. I couldn't blame him, it was a hard habit to break.

Kasper took on the guitar case and settled it on the ground gently. I arched a brow slightly, but he molded his mouth to mine, moving his lips softly against mine before pulling away. Kasper's blue eyes gazed directly right into mine, and his face was so close.

He tensed his jaw slightly, and a look of uncertainty glimmered through his ice blue eyes for a moment. Kasper opened his mouth, and in a fast jumbled rush he whispered,"Jamie Audrey Mills, I love you."

Everything seemed to stop. "Wait, what?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry.. writer's block sucks.
Like how this chapter sucks.. D:
My story's moving fast... blah.
I will finish this story though..
And edit it completely when done.
Short chappy...can you enjoy puhlease?(:

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