Sequel: Stitch My Wounds
Status: Active: Comments&Subscribers = New Chapter

I Hated You Yesterday


To sum up the events of the last five days, and hours since I barely noticed the passing of time. Everything blurred by so fast for me, I wished it would have gone slower. Jasey decided after a cute, sickeningly sweet moment to be my older brother's date. It made me feel awkward, and considering I'm pretty sure Nate knows nothing about my date, he'll feel just the same when he does find out.

Jasey had worked on me for barely an hour but in the end I actually thought I looked pretty. My naturally wavy hair was calmer, and in looser, waves. My eyes were accented the most with eyeliner, and smoky shadow. I thanked her so many times.

When I was through with Jasey her light brown hair was in Shirley Temple ringlets that reached down to her collar bone. It was a very cute, little girl look with a sexy twist. I did her makeup, and brought out her eyes and lips. Jasey, when finished, with her dress and all was drop dead gorgeous.

I may have felt the slightest pang of jealousy. But it was easily pushed to the side. I pulled on my hoodie feeling a chill creep up over my skin already. I looked ridiculous with my black hoodie with a fur hood and ears flopping off from it. I questioned why I chose this one out of all of the whole collection I own.

The door bell rang, and Jasey grabbed my hand, towing me downstairs. Her mom had already let the boys in, and Jasey halted in her steps and looked at me from the corner of her eyes. I looked right back at her.

Jasey's mother Valerie, felt more like a mom to me than my own biological mother. Valerie even treated me like her daughter, she called me her daughter, I loved her like the mother that was never there for me.

Nate walked up to Jasey and smiled softly at Valerie. He took her hands, and let her to his side. Jasey's smiling was beaming, she glowed with happiness. Kasper came up and hugged me-- his scent intoxicated my brain too easily.

As much as I tried to deny it, I couldn't help the fact I was beginning to crush hard core on Kasper. It was something out of my control and nature cruelly intended. I smiled like a moron, it reminded me when I went to homecoming with Kyle for my freshman year. I was so infatuated by him that it clouded my mind. I had trusted him enough to open up my heart to him, but he took it and tore it apart.

I feared Kasper would end up doing the same. At times he could be such a tool. I wasn't going to cry for another boy, and definitely not Kasper. It wasn't worth my tears.

"You look beautiful," Kasper blurted suddenly, and I turned my attention on him and averted my eyes away from my brother and best friend. I smiled and took in his appearance. He cleaned up well, and still had his punk look to him though he was dressed in formally (in his own eyes, at least. There wasn't a whole completed suit and tie thing.) I laughed, and pulled at his dark blue tie.

"Is this the best I'm going to get from you in terms of dressing formal?" I said playfully.

He looked at himself, and feigned being offended. "What do you mean? I'm not good enough?"

"You're dumb," I said simply before Valerie returned with a camera. To be frank, I never noticed she left to grab it.

She ushered us to pose, and smile. All of us cooperated, both of the boys looked a little uneasy though. Speaking of, I wonder what was going through my brother's head seeing Kasper and I going together. Probably the same mix of feelings and thoughts about me watching him and Jasey all over each other.

I don't remember how many times the flash went off but by the time we were done, I felt blinded with those colorful blotches in my sight from the flash. They soon faded, and Kasper took my hand to lead me outside.

His hand was cozy and warm. I didn't even feel the brisk autumn air biting at my skin.

My hand clasped onto his, and it fit like a glove. Like two puzzle pieces, or a key to its lock. His hand had to be made for mine. Nature was being crueler than ever, just fueling my crush even more.

"What do you think Chance is gonna think?" Kasper said, a smirk in his voice.

"He's gonna be pissed that I'm actually here, going with you," I said, and slid into the black rental car, with a chauffeur. I sat next to Kasper, and we kept our hands interlocked. Jasey's arm was wrapped around all over Nate's and he kept a goofy smile on his face. That smile was filled with much more adoration than the one he gave Daniella. Nate actually cared. We all talked casually, and shared little laughs.

When we finally arrived at the school, Kasper took out the blue floral corsage and slipped onto my wrist. I was impressed, maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad at all.

Kasper mingled, and introduced me to the many seniors I didn't know. I never knew Kasper had such a huge fan club of girls; who all by the way decided it was cool to shoot me murderous looks and glares.

Actually it was pretty much all the other girls at homecoming who seemed to be either jealous or envious of who my date was. I don't think any of the guys cared, because it was just me.

I was wrong, there were a few guys who shot Kasper looks. It made me feel the slightest bit better about my self appearance.

I watched Jasey scurry up to the DJ and request two songs by the amount of fingers she held up. The two songs she chose were obvious, they were our personal songs with each other.

The electronic rock beat was a dead give away to the first song.

Princess I just wanna witness.
Watch you severing that velvet
I won't say the word
--Say the word.

Princess, I just wanna witness,
Watch you slip right outta that dress
I won't say the word

I danced, and moved my body to the tune of the body. The dance floor basically turned into a tame mosh pit, and I joined it. Kasper found me and arched his brows, widening his ice blue eyes.

"Damn, you can move your body," He smiled, and pulled me close. The song ended and the next one started up, a slower one. I smiled brightly, it was my favorite song by my favorite band.

The twirling among couples began, dresses were swirling colors and my blue dress in the mix of pinks and reds added more of a variety. I couldn't slow dance, but Kasper good, surprisingly, and it made up for every time I faltered.

"You look so grown up," Kasper said softly. We danced in silence for most of the time. It wasn't an awkward silence but a comfortable silence. I was perfectly content. I turned around to try to find Jasey and Nate, and when I did, let's just say it was an uncomfortable sight to see. The two of them were lip locked and I looked away immediately.

Seriously, talk about uncomfortable.

I saw Chance too a few times; one moment feeling up Daniella, another slipping the tongue down Janine's throat. When he saw us, I watched his his jaw set, and his eyes go in a scowl with a fire burning in them. Kasper noticed him too by the way he grew rigid with a tense body.

I wasn't surprised when Chance approached us, he had a crushed cup in his hand. You never would have thought a sweet looking, cute, almost nerdy kid like Chance would have made a scene, but he did.

"Kasper, I always thought you had good taste, but the little hooker isn't that pretty this time," Chance said grandly, making sure his voice echoed throughout the whole room. I was seriously glad Kasper's arm kept me restrained against him or else I would have jumped Chance. That would have been very unladylike.

"Mother fucker," Kasper muttered under his breath angrily. "Go fuck yourself, no real girl is going to want to do it for you. You can only get the sluts."

Chance's hands clenched into fists, and his knuckles were turning an unsightly shade of white. I rolled my eyes in a patented Jamie Mills silver eye roll.

"You dumb bitch ruined my ego," Chance said and took a swing at me. Kasper pushed him away before he got the opportunity. Kasper was pissed, and Nate came bursting through the circle around us. Nate was extremely angry and took off his coat, rolled his sleeves up readying himself to throw a few punches.

"You're a prick! That's very unmanly of you to take a swing at a girl," Kasper said, and nearly punched Chance. But Instead Nate took him to the ground. I loved my older brother with my entire heart; I was sorry that he got in trouble because of me. I felt even worse for Jasey because yet again she was left dateless.

Chance was taken away too, and I was taken in to report the whole story briefly. Kasper stayed by my side the whole time, and I couldn't have been more grateful. I was a tad shaken, and my feet were beginning to hurt from the silver heels. Jasey hung around us the whole time, and I tried to refrain from dancing with Kasper anymore. Homecoming would have been better if Chance didn't have to interfere

Finally after a few more songs the student body president, Dean Terrance, walked up onto the stage and cleared his voice in the microphone, gaining everyone's attention. "I'm proud to announce our Homecoming King and Queen this year. You guys voted for a couple who weren't even nominated, and yet they've won the hearts of the Raiders."

I never voted at homecoming for the king and queen. It was always obvious who would win, except for maybe this year. Dean made it seem like there was another nominee added last minute. An extra toss up to the normal batter.

"Our king would be described as one of our most popular Seniors, especially with our lovely ladies," Brownie points, what a kiss up. "He has crystal blue eyes hard to miss." It had to be Jayson, but his eyes weren't always blue, they tended to change between blue and green.

"Our queen this year, she's a junior, very gorgeous beyond belief, with those dark curls, and liquid moon eyes. She's one of the sweetest people you'd ever meet," Dean continued describing the 'Queen'. I just wanted to know already.

It had to be Jayson and Laurel. Neither of them were nominated to be King and Queen. It had to be them.

"Our Homecoming King and Queen are," Dean said, but then the disco ball fell crashing to the ground. Many girls screamed. I didn't but, shut my eyes for a brief moment. I was hugging Jasey and Kasper just shook his head, shifting his black hair to the side.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this chapter twice before.. and both times LOST. D:<
Sorry if this is rushed and lacking detail.
I'm not very happy that I had to rewrite this again.
Next chapter will be better. I promise

76 Subscribers♄37 Comments.
It made me so happy to know this story
has ten stars. <3333333333
thank you everyone!



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PS-- What do you guys think about the pairs? (Jamie & Kasper, Nate & Jasey?) Oh, and intense drama is coming in soon. >:D

& true story.. I love Velvet :)