Status: brand new

Almost Easy

Number Twenty Five

'Are you suggesting we Google Leana Michi?'

Michelle sat at the other end of my couch, her legs laid out next to mine on the couch, as Val lay on the other with Isaiah asleep on her chest as we sat around this lazy Sunday afternoon doing nothing whilst the boys worked in the studio.

'Yes. Brian brought up something about how having quite the reputation...' She paused frowning to herself 'they he started laughing and walked out of the room, you know that weird laugh he does? Yes that'

'Matt mentioned something like that' Val spoke up not taking her eyes from the baby on her chest 'Said I wouldn’t regret looking it up'

I thought this over for a moment, what could we possibly find by googling the girl? She didn’t seem famous or like anyone would know her name. I stood up and took off to my room to retrieve my laptop before returning to the couch, Val had moved to sit at one end Michelle at the other, so I took my spot in-between them.

Typing Google into the web address bar I paused when I went to write her name in 'What’s her last name?'

'Silver?' Val looked to Michelle for confirmation as she rocked my child in her arms, he looked so tired.

'Something likes that'

We waited as the searched showed some 3,000 results the first of which a link to a site called Teen Topanga, clicking into it my jaw feel to the floor as I watched an image of Leana in a few compromising positions dance across the screen 'IS THIS PORN!?' I squealed loudly before falling into a fit of laughter, he'd really upgraded.

'Really? Oh look she does girl on girl too!' Michelle snatched the computer from my grasp clicking into a video and sat patiently as it loaded 'Oh wow'

'What is Isaiah going to think when he sees this...' I asked mainly to myself, I turned to my left to look at my child whose eyes were wide awake staring back at me 'Your Daddy is dating a porn star baby'

He didn’t change the blank expression that he always had when he first woke up, but eventually his face distorted into that strange face babies pull right before they cry, and he let out a huge sob as he tried to climb up my leg.

'What’s wrong buddy?' I asked the toddler as I pulled him up into my lap, his body temperature was hot and his nose slightly runny. I groaned to myself, I will never get any sleep now.

'Do you want me and Bri to take him tonight? I know you have work...' Michelle looked almost desperate for me to say yes, I almost wanted to chuck him at her just to get her to stop making me feel guilty for being the only one out of all of the girls with a baby.

'Unfortunately Michi, Jimmy has him tonight...but I work again Tuesday afternoon you can have him then?' She nodded while I looked down at Isaiah who now sat up still whining clutching his ear and rubbing his eye. I should really call into work sick, he needs me... but money is money and we really need the money.

'What’s wrong with him?' Val asked biting her bottom lip looking at the child in my arms, he sniffled and whined trying to push himself closer to me 'He looks terrible'

'I don’t know...he was fine this morning' I shrugged looking into the deep blue eyes of Isaiah 'I'll take him to the doctors before work I think'


'Little man! Mummy wants to stay home with you tonight' I spoke to him through the rear-view mirror as I drove the 15 minute drive from the doctor's surgery to Jimmy's, Isaiah sat in his car seat looking more and more miserable every moment. The doctor had informed me he had ear infections in both ears and small fever running due to a few teeth still coming through, and he would get better with a course of antibiotics in a few days.

His little lip trembled and it was breaking my heart, so I looked away and turned the radio up and sung quietly to him the rest of the way to his fathers.

Arriving out the front, I decided I'd take him in first and come back for his few belonging's, taking his little body, that felt like a small space heater into my arms I made my way to the door, rolling my eyes at Leana's car sitting in the driveway 'Stupid bitch...' I muttered under my breath before banging on the door.

It swung open to reveal Leana's smiling face, I gave her a small sarcastic smile before inviting myself inside to find Jimmy, and I did, he was sprawled out on the couch, beer in hand with only his jeans on. My heart gave a lurch and I wanted to cuddle up next to him, but I quickly shoved that feeling away.

'Hey Jim' I smiled walking towards him, watching as Isaiah started whining and wriggling to get out of my arms 'Mischief has been so excited to see you!'

'Aw little buddy' Jimmy grinned, sitting up and swinging the little toddler decked out in shorts and a tiny Avenged Sevenfold shirt into his arms, placing kisses all over his face. Jealousy rang through my chest, but I pushed it down and smiled as I stood awkwardly watching their embrace 'He feels he sick or something?' Jimmy's bright blue eyes turned to look at me properly for the first time in months.

'Two ear infections and a small fever from teething, he needs anti-biotics every 4 hours, that means you-'

'Got to wake him up every four hours, I know how to do it Kyler' He cut me off, looking away from me and I felt flat.

'Yes...well I got to go to work, just bring him home in the morning when you're ready I guess' I chewed the inside of my mouth and watched as Jimmy nodded, placing his hand on Isaiah's forehead muttering about giving him a cool bath and getting him ready for dinner.

Kissing my son goodbye I left the house I once had lived in and set off on the way to the little bar across town to start my shitty job, feeling empty like I usually did once I was left without a baby or anyone to talk too.
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kinda fillerish :/