Status: brand new

Almost Easy

Number Four

The house was filled with people when we finally arrived, I followed Val in, leaving her to go find my boyfriend, and it didn’t take long, he was stood outside next to the pool with Brian, and some girls I’d never met.

I walked over, hugging him from behind, his body tensed up at first, unsure who was embracing him but relaxed when he recognized my hands.

‘Baby!’ He cried pulling me around to the front, kissing my forehead ‘How’s the spawn?’

‘Developing nicely, due on September 13th’ I nodded, muttering a quick hello to Brian, and the girls who seemed less than impressed at my presence. I smiled my best smile at them.

‘Can we see it?!’ Brian got all excited bouncing on the spot, making his drink splash everywhere.

‘Tomorrow?’ I laughed holding his drink still

‘You can’t drink that silly! You’re pregnant’ He laughed patting my head, before bouncing off.

Shaking my head I turned to look up at Jimmy, who was humming quietly to himself, before he put an arm around my shoulder, I smiled, and this is the Jimmy I liked, when he was all cute.

'We're not staying late tonight, are we?' I asked quietly, looking at his pupils, dilated, but I didn’t expect anything else.

'Whatever you want, I know you may be tired from the pregnancy, I read a little bit into it today' He smiled that smile that I love so much, he looked so proud that he knew what he was talking about.

I felt like crying, stupid hormones.

'I fucking love you' I laughed leaning up to pepper his face with kisses.

Taking my hand he led me into the house, and then through to the kitchen where Zacky and Matt stood engaged in conversation.

‘HEY!' I tackled my big brother as best I could, planting a big kiss on his cheek.

'Get off Kyler' He laughed gently putting me on the floor, instead of flinging me off like he would of had I been not pregnant.

'Hey man' I embraced Zack quickly, standing back and chatting with them for a while.

'Ready to go?' Jimmy appeared behind me, smiling gently.

I nodded, hugging my brother and Zacky goodbye before following Jimmy out to our car, climbing in I inhaled deeply, this was so nice, no fighting with him to take me home, he wanted to go himself. Maybe he was finally ready to be a family now little mischief was coming.

I loved him, and our relationship was strong even with the constant bickering, we'd never actually break up, it killed us to be apart, there'd never be anyone else for me. Life was one big party for him, and I loved watching him be happy, but sometimes I worry about his health, because he seemed to not worry at all.

'I'm thinking maybe we should get a little house' He didn’t look at me, just at the road in front of us.

'Do we have the money to afford it right now?'

Money was always an issue for us, no matter how much we earned both of us blew it on whatever we could.

'Well, we should do after the next tour' He paused, thinking 'In about five months'

'Seven months pregnant and moving into a new house does not sound fun' I laughed; we were pulling into our apartment now.

'You wouldn’t be doing any of the work; I want you to be relaxing the whole pregnancy, no working! Quit your job!' He led the way up the stairs, unlocking the door and switching all the lights on, before getting a beer from the fridge as I slumped on the couch feeling exhausted.

'We can’t really afford that'

'Yes we can' He shrugged sitting next to me, flicking the TV on 'Don’t worry Sanders, things will work out for you and me'

And in that moment, I stupidly believed that things might
♠ ♠ ♠
feedback yes?

So a7x isnt playing soundwave anymore, I am slightly disapointed, but they are coming sometimes during next year to Australia hopefully.
I wish they'd told me that before I brought the ticket but >.<