Look at Me

Chapter 011

“Violet?” it was Seth. For a moment I thought it was Jacob. I put my head back down and continued crying. Seth sat next to me quietly listening to my sobs. When I was done crying for the moment I looked up and Seth gave me a small smile. “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked.

“I-I’m stupid.” I said my voice shaky.

“No your not.” he said awkwardly. “Would you mind telling me what happened?”

“It’s k-kind of-”

“Just tell me anyway.” he said giving me a reassuring smile.

I tried to smile at him and tried to tell him everything I could with ought crying again but it was no use I ended up crying afterwards.

“Stop crying okay?” he said putting his hand on my shoulder. “It‘s not like he did that on purpose. Imprinting on her that is. It just happens.”

I nodded. “How do you know? Did you imprint on someone already?”

He smiled. “Jacob doesn’t say much but being part of the wolf pack we can read each other‘s thoughts so…some things aren‘t completely private. As for me imprinting on someone…” He had a faraway look in his eyes. “I’m not sure.

“I’m sorry... I know I don’t cry out in public like this.” I wiped my wet cheeks.

“Why not?” he turned to look at me.

“It makes me feel vulnerable. I don’t like being weak otherwise people would take advantage of me.”

“Everyone has their weaknesses.”

“Oh really? Then what’s yours?”

He smiled brightly and looked down awkwardly scratching his head. “That, I can’t tell you. Otherwise you’d use it against me.” I looked at his eyes which were like a dark brown, similar to Jacob’s eye color. “Is there something on my face?” he asked curiously.

“No.” I shook my head trying to get thoughts of Jacob away from it. It felt good to get everything out of my chest, I was grateful for Seth being there. It made me feel better even though Jacob always reappeared in my mind, but it made the pain less painful.

I looked up immediately. Seth looked at me seriously. “Something wrong?”

I nodded slowly and gasped when I saw something or rather someone move quickly from one tree to the next slowly coming closer to us.

“What is it?” I said feeling scared by the moment.

“Stay here.” said Seth. He ran and transformed into a giant sandy colored wolf before my eyes. I knew Seth is a werewolf, but I found it surprising to see him transform like that. These things were new to me so I was slowly taking it in.

I watched Seth as he slowly moved closer to the figure. I gasped when I saw that the figure was now in front of Seth. I tried to look closer and realized that this figure wasn’t human, but rather a vampire.

“Seth!” I screamed his name when they started to fight. I watched as they locked into combat and then became a blur. They knocked down a couple of trees and started fighting farther into the forest. I followed them careful not to get in the way. The vampire was now on top of Seth ready to rip his guts off but I knew I couldn’t let that happen to Seth.

Within a few seconds I was near the vampire and saw that Seth was struggling to get it off him. With all my strength I knocked it off of him. The vampire and I clawed at each other. Then the next thing I knew I was held up against the tree. With the vampire holding me by my neck I was choking and trying to let it go of me. I noticed that the vampire was a boy around my age with blood red eyes, similar to mines except slightly darker. He had dirty blonde hair with a tall build.

I hissed at him.

“So your Violet huh?” he said with a smirk.

“H-how do you know my name?” I said choking.

“Someone told me to keep an eye on you. Though I fear it is too soon for us to meet. You are quite an interesting newborn.”

Seth growled deeply.

“Stay away you filthy mutt or I’ll kill her.” The vampire spat.

“W-who are you?”

“Bryson. I suggest you remember it, since you might start seeing me often.” He winked. I tried kicking at him to make him let go. I may be a newborn and powerful, Bryson had an advantage being a guy newborn.

“Let. Me. Go.” I said angrily.

“I will, don’t you worry. Though I’d really love to kill you and your dog friend here but now is not the time. Until then farewell.” he smirked.

I dropped to the ground gasping for air. Seth appeared by my side. His giant wolf eyes looking into mine.

“I’m fine Seth.” I managed to say. I patted his giant furry head. He looked so adorable in his wolf form I couldn’t help but imagine how comfortable it would feel to cuddle with him. Wait what was I thinking. A while ago I was just crying over Jacob now I’m here thinking what it would feel like to cuddle with Seth?! Something must be wrong with me.

Seth nudged my arm and pointed his nose to his back. He was telling me to go on his back. “Seth, I don’t want to go back there.” Seth ignored me and nudged me again. “Seth.” I said sadly. I was afraid to come home. I needed more time to myself. Seth nudged my arm again and I sighed as I climbed on his back. He flinched when my skin made contact with him. "Sorry." I mumbled. Seth was really warm, warmer than I thought and since I was cold I guess it took him by surprise when I made contact with his warm body. Being cautious I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Seth started to run and the trees began to be a blur.

I don’t want to go home. I thought to myself as Seth ran faster, his giant paws hitting the ground.
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Chapter 11! Its a bit longer now and things are a bit interesting. :) whats next? Find out in the next chapter!

I'm posting these chapters a bit sooner than I thought so enjoy!


Thankyou =)