Look at Me

Chapter 012

I got off of Seth when we reached the house. The house looked empty but I could hear movement from inside the house. I stood nervously, afraid to take a step forward.

“C’mon Violet.” said Seth he was already back to his human form and looking dirty. “What’s there to be nervous about?”

I turned to look at him. “Seth… I’m afraid I might see him.”

“Don’t worry about it okay. I don’t sense him in the house and I know you don’t either so stop worrying.”

“But I’m afra-”

“Stop being scared Violet.” he said looking at me with a soft look on his face. “Because I’m here for you okay? And if he makes you cry again just talk to me if it makes you feel better.” I nodded. Seth looked at his watch. “It’s late already. Amy’s going to get mad at me.”

“What for?”

“Oh, our uhm study thing. I was supposed to go her house to do the project.” he sighed. “Well I guess its too late for that now. Don’t worry about it kay Violet? See ya.” he waved goodbye and left.

I looked at the door and walked forward before I would have any second thoughts. As soon as I opened the door I was pounced on by something small.

“Violet!” it was Alice. She looked at me her eyes full of worry and frustration. “What the hell were you thinking?! You scared all of us.”

“It’s alright Alice.” said Esme “The good thing is that Violet is safe.”

“I thought I told you not to do anything stupid.” said Rosalie

“I’m sorry Rosalie. Things came up.”

“Where is Carlisle and the others?” I asked

“Their on the way here.” said Esme. “Alice sent for them when she sensed something was up.”

“Thanks Alice, but I’m fine really. Seth was with me.”

“Seth?” she raised an eyebrow. “No wonder I couldn’t see you in my vision. Have a seat Violet and tell us everything that happened alright?’


I told them everything, but I didn’t tell them the full reason why I cried in the first place. It was a good thing I didn’t cry in front of them.

If I was like a human I would probably have gone through depression or something like that, but I’m not Bella and I’m not as weak. Not to be of any offense to Bella but I guess that’s love isn’t it?

After I told them everything they told me to relax in my room and went into some kind of family meeting. I think they were unsettled by the fact that Seth and I met a newborn. I climbed out of the window in my room and landed in the backyard garden. For some reason I always found myself drawn to this place.

I turned around when I smelt the faint smell of human and vampire with a little werewolf in it. “Renesmee.”

“You alright?” she said cautiously. “I heard about what happened to you today.”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Seth brought me home.”

“Violet.” she said suddenly. I looked at her and saw that she look of sadness in her eyes. “I know.”

“Know what?” I said suddenly getting defensive. She walked to me and put her hand to my cheek.

Her hand felt warm and I could hear her heartbeat, beating fast at a steady pace. I flinched when I saw images appear in my mind. I saw Me, Jacob and Renesmee and Seth hanging out together all of us laughing and just hanging out. Most of the images I noticed were with me looking at Jacob with that look of longing and adoration in my eyes. Then with me being pulled up my Jacob when I slipped and fell on the ground and that time with the bear incident and the last one with both of us alone in the car. I was looking at Jake intently and Jake looked back at me the same but with a softer look in his eyes. She pulled her hand away and looked at me waiting for me to say something.

It was then that I realized she knew I liked Jacob from the start and she was watching me all along. “I-I’m sorry.” I said.

“I know. It’s alright Violet. I didn’t like Jake as much before and I only saw him as a friend. Foolish wolf he just had to imprint on me the moment I was born, but I’m growing to like him.” She hugged me when she saw a tear fall down my cheek. “Don’t cry alright. Jake isn’t all that. He smells a lot you know?”

I smiled and wiped away my tears. “Who else knows?”

“I’d say my dad knows about it and Alice.”

“How do they know about it?” I asked shocked. Alice knew and yet she never said anything about it.

“Edward can read minds and he’s been reading a lot of your mind lately.” I looked at her and wondered what else Edward saw in my head. “Not to be invading your privacy but it’s just that your mind has been holding in a lot and well my dad senses all this building up inside you. If it makes you feel uncomfortable then I could tell him to stop for you?”

“That would be nice…” I felt guilty since I myself had imagined some… inappropriate things in my mind lately. “Does Jacob know?” I asked afraid of the answer.

“No. He’s oblivious to everything lately. I only wish he would be oblivious to certain details about me.” she sighed and sat down on a chair nearby. “Anything you want to talk about with me?”


She smiled. “You sure?”

“Yeah, I think I’ll be fine on my own for now.”

“I understand.” she smiled and walked to the back door. The door was half open when she looked back. “But, from now on I’m having Seth keep a close eye. It will be better for both of you.” she winked and walked inside.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 12~
I'm so sorry for not posting this up sooner. I was super busy finishing my projects and doing some activities outside of school but here you go.
Don't forgot to drop some comments. Thanks =)