Look at Me

Chapter 004

The four of us drove around together. I had fun hanging out with them, and since I didn’t have any money on me, Renesmee was kind enough to pay.

“Buy whatever you want.” she said. “I’ll pay for it.”

“You sure?” I asked

“Don’t worry about it.” She leaned closer to me and said, “Having a family of vampires has it’s benefits.” she winked.

While we were out shopping the guys were playing at the arcade. Turns out there were a lot of things I wanted to buy. Especially clothes, but I tried hard to refrain myself from buying anymore.

When we got home I couldn’t help but think that I made friends.

“Were home!” said Renesmee cheerfully.

Esme who was cleaning answered. “Beautiful. How was your day Violet?”

“It was nice.” I said softly.

“She likes shopping.” said Renesmee

“I see, just like Alice.” Renesmee and Esme laughed.

“And what about Alice?” said Alice as she walked down the stairs with Jasper.

“Nothing.” Renesmee chimed .

The next few days were going smoothly for me. I felt that I was slowly remembering who I was bit by bit. Until I started getting nightmares. There were always black cars and bright flashing lights and a girl… I had a feeling I knew who it was, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I would wake up shaking and frightened that maybe someone would grab me and throw me into one of those cars, but I didn’t think that would happen.

I mostly hung out with Renesmee and Jacob. Seth wasn’t around as much for some reason. I always went out hunting with them. I found it funny how Jacob and I always have the same taste in hunting animals. One time when we were out hunting he saved me from being attacked by a bear, which was unnecessary since I could have killed it anyway , but since then I fell deeper for Jacob.

I always catch myself looking at him. We had our laughs and jokes and he would look at me, but when I look at him I realized that the way he looks at Renesmee is diffrent. When Renesmee sees him staring she would just punch him and change the subject. Then we returned laughing and telling jokes.

I was playing the x-box with Jacob and Renesmee when Carlisle came into the living room. “Violet I would like to talk to you. In private.” They looked at me curiously but I just shrugged.

I followed Carlisle out into the garden. “Violet.” He said “How do you like it out here?”

“Uhm, It’s really nice.” I said confused by his random question.

“Have you got any curiosity in you Violet?” he asks

“What do you mean?” I asked even more confused.

“Do you have any questions about being a vampire? I know your still adjusting so I want to make it easier for you getting to know your surroundings. You must have a lot on your mind by now.”

“Well, yes I do.” Carlisle looked at me silently waiting for me to go on.

“First off, I want to know more about the others, because I feel like a stranger to them. Their all so close with each other and they know each other so well and I don’t. It feels like they all know a secret and I‘m the only who doesn‘t know about it…”

Carlisle looked at me thoughtfully. “Well, it isn’t my business to tell you about their personal lives and in time they well tell you, but I’ll be glad to tell you about myself.” He smiled.

I looked at him intently. I was quite curious. Carlisle told me about how he was born in London, England and how he took after his father hunting vampires, witches, and werewolves.

“I had found a coven of vampires and attacked them with my group, but I was bitten and on the brink of dying.” He said with a far away look in his eyes. “I hid in a cellar and transformed into a vampire. I tried killing myself but after feeding on animal blood I realized I could survive on it rather than human blood so I stuck to it. After a few centuries I became a part of the Volturi.”

“What is the Volturi?” I asked curious.

He looked at me with a pained look in his eyes. “An elite coven of vampires. Harsh and dangerous… Eventually I left them and moved elsewhere. I met Edward who was dying and out of loneliness and a desperate favor from his mother I transformed him. We traveled together and I met Esme in… I think it was in Wisconsin? But yes I transformed her too and then I met everybody else on the way.”

“Wow.” I said speechless.

“I already told you about Edward and Esme’s transformation. So I guess that should be enough.”

“Yes it is. Thank you Carlisle.” I said.

He smiled at me. “Any more questions?”

“Well yes, but it’s quite similar to my first question. I don’t understand how Renesmee is a half vampire?”

“Well Renesmee is a special case. You see Bella was a human when she had Renesmee and in order to keep Bella from dying, Edward transformed her. So Renesmee is a rare hybrid. She matures faster than all if us but she will stop growing by the time she turns seven.”

“Wow. Weird, but wow.” I said speechless.

“Yes.” Carlisle smiled at my surprised expression. “It’s quite amazing actually. We have still yet to find out more about her.” he laughed. He looked at his watch. “I guess its time to let you off. I’ll call for you tomorrow if you have anymore questions.”

“Alright.” I said and walked out of the room.
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Okay i know things may be moving kinda slow but I promise the action will come soon!
Something! lols Thankyou!