Status: In the works, bro.

Firework Eyes

I Introduce You

Vic stared at the light, creamy color of his coffee. Steam whirled out of the small opening in the lid as he snapped the top back onto his thermos. When he was on tour, the time he spent off-stage left him worrying about her. Emileigh Rose Scott was his world, but he was far too afraid to let her know that. The vibrations of his iPhone pulled him away from his thoughts. Setting his coffee down, he pulled the device from his pocket. He had one new text, from her.

An automatic smile stretched across his face as his fingers moved across the screen: VICCCCCCCCCCCC. I miss you. /: His smile grew as he replied back, expressing how he missed her as well while asking how she was doing. As her closest friend, he knew everything about her. From her fucked up, horrid past, to he thought.

Sitting down his phone for another sip of coffee, he envisioned her face in his mind. The way her dark, wavy hair fell around her shoulders, the swoop of her side-cut bangs slightly covering her right eye. A smile showing off her perfect, white teeth, and her big ocean green eyes.

His phone vibrated again and he quickly opened the message. I'm doing...excellent. [: Hby? Vic's smile began to fade, his mouth contorted into some sort of a half-frown. How could she be excellent without him? If only he knew how she really felt.

Tears rolled from Emileigh's swollen eyes. "You said you wouldn't do this anymore, Brad." Her voice was shaky, yet firm. The boy she called hers stared at her from across the room, a close-to-empty bottle of Jack hanging from his finger-tips. "I trusted you." Brad didn't take in any words. Instead he rose the glass to his lips, finishing off the rest of the liquor before glaring at his girlfriend once more.

"I nevuh promisthed you anyfing." He slurred, stumbling towards her. Her heart pounded as she watched him. Flashbacks of her childhood showing themselves in her mind. "Now, come here." He demanded. Emileigh stood in place as he reached for her shoulder, yanking her towards him. The smell of alcohol reeked on his breath. She was disgusted.

"Let go of me." She screamed, but he didn't listen. Instead, he raised one hand, smacking her face so hard her head swung at impact. "LET GO!" She struggled, but he was much stronger than the small girl. His hand ran along her back. "BRAD!"

"I don't hafftuh listhen to you." The words that left his mouth were barely legible. Emileigh turned, jabbing her elbow into his side. A groan left his mouth as he lost his grip on the girl. She went to run, but he caught her with his foot. She tripped, her body landing hard on the kitchen tile. Pain ripped throughout her body as her boyfriend kneeled into her back.

"Get off of me." She yelled, kicking her feet.

He ignored her, pushing more of his weight onto her. "Fine." He mumbled as he got back to his feet. The girl got up, only to be grabbed by the hair. He pressed her body close to his. Taking this to her advantage, she kneed him in the balls—he fell to the floor. Despite the pain, she ran to her bedroom. She gathered all of the things she needed into her purse before slinging it onto her shoulder.

"Fucking bitch!" Brad's heavy foosteps could be heard as he rushed towards the room. Emileigh grabbed her things and hurried to the bathroom, locking the door behind her. She grabbed her phone as her boyfriend banged on the door. Only one person could calm her—her best friend—Vic Fuentes. She missed him, and let him know. She typed a message, and soon after it sent, he replied: I miss you too, baby-doll. I was actually just thinking about you. How are you?

A light smile played on her lips, but it was soon replaced with a frown. She could never tell him about Brad. He wouldn't be happy, and even though Brad was bad at times, she couldn't leave him. He was all she had. Vic was just a friend. A friend she was too afraid to lose. With a sigh she closed her eyes...her mind ignoring her boyfriend's anger and her own stupidity.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I've never really written in third person, nor have I ever written about abuse, so wish me luck? Hopefully you enjoy this! ALSO, This introduction was kind-of split up between the two, and future chapters will be much better. I promise.

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