Status: Complete

Boys Of Summer



"Come on boys, let's go out and celebrate!"

"What are we celebrating?" It wasnt like Gerard to question an opportunity to get smashed. I had noticed that he wasn't drinking quite so much lately though.

"Hmm, lets see," I pretended to think. "Well, we could celebrate your kick-ass show tonight, we could celebrate having the next week off before the VMA's in Miami, or we could celebrate cos it's my 21st!" Yea, I hadn't told any of them that it was my birthday. I didn't want them to go out of their way or anything. It was better to just surprise them, and then go out and have some fun.

There was stunned silence for a second, before I was tackled onto the bed I had been standing in front of. There was a faint chorus of, "What? Why didn't you tell us?", "You're 21?!" and "Happy Birthday," in the background, but I was too busy looking questionably at the person lying on top of me. Pete would have been the person I'd have expected this from. He'd never been afraid of playing around with me. The other guys though, they still didn't like getting too rough with me. Don't get me wrong, we wrestled and they pushed me into walls, or people, but this was the first non-Pete tackle I'd had.

I was still looking uncertainly into those amazing, beautiful eyes when he finally spoke quietly, "You're all mine tonight." He looked around the room searching for the face he was after, "Sorry Pete, I'm stealing your girl." Turning his attention back to me, he gave me a soft kiss on the cheek before announcing that this would be the best birthday I'd ever had.

"Thanks guys. Sorry I didn't tell you, I just wanted to have a quiet one, having fun with the best guys around."

"Dude, why are you still on top of her?" Thanks Bob, I hadn't even noticed. I did notice the flash of red that went over Gerard's pale features at that comment, however. He quickly composed himself, pushing his body off of mine. Then he reached a hand down to pull me into a sitting position. Pete was straight over, pulling me up into a big bear hug.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he pouted, looking adorable.

"Aww, I'm sorry Petey. I will next time." I poked my tongue out at him, then seeing the pout still on his face, gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Better?"

"No. Gerard's still stealing you from me."

"Don't worry. I'll make sure he behaves himself. And I'll let you tag along." He finally let me go, and the rest of the guys gave me hugs, before I kicked them all out. "Meet you all in the hallway in 15 minutes."

"Can we make it 30?"

"No, your eyeliner is fine Frank, you don't need to touch it," I laughed, rolling my eyes as his now infamous pout appeared. "Gerard, don't make me kick you out the door." That man had been acting strange lately, ever since the night we roomed together two weeks ago actually. Something was going on with him, but I couldn't figure it out and I didn't feel comfortable questioning him about it. We'd been spending a bit more time together since he broke up with Libby. He was good to hang out with, except for the constant smoking and the awkwardness that arose whenever we were alone. Luckily that hadn't happened too often. We'd had a few nights on the bus where it was just us two sitting up watching movies because we weren't big fans of the bunks, but generally there was Pete or Frank around too.

Once everyone except my roommate Bob had left I changed into my 'birthday outfit'. We were in Las Vegas, so I figured I should make the most of it and dress up a bit. I was wearing a knee length black skirt, a sparkly purple top and some black heels that I'd picked up while the boys were getting ready for their performance. After coming out from applying my makeup (I'd slowly been getting better at doing it myself) in the bathroom I was met by Bob's mouth hanging open.

"You scrub up well Rach."

"Thanks Bob. You look pretty damn fine yourself," I winked playfully, to receive a lopsided grin. He really did look good though, in dress pants and a nice shirt.

Glancing at the clock I noticed our 15 minutes had passed, and went out into the hallway to meet up with the other well-dressed members of our party.