Status: Complete

Boys Of Summer



"Come on, go get changed. I'm taking you out today," Pete ordered, pushing me gently in the direction of the bathroom.

"Ooo, where?"

"Hurry up and get ready then you can find out," he laughed from his place on my bed while reaching for the TV remote.

Pulling my bag into the bathroom with me, I huffed out, "Fine," before getting down to the business of showering and changing clothes. Once I was ready I walked back into the room to find Pete watching some nature documentary. It actually seemed pretty interesting, but it was soon turned off as we headed out to wherever I was being taken.

We bumped into Gerard in the elevator. He was just coming back down from visiting the rest of the guys upstairs. I managed to talk him into coming out with us since he seemed to know why Pete was kidnapping me. Of course, I checked with Pete that it was ok. Didn't want him thinking I didn't want to spend time alone with him, because that's just not true. I love my Petey time, but whatever is going on with Gerard and I is pretty exciting and I figure it will be less awkward if Pete's around to break any tension.

It hadn't taken Gerard long to link his fingers with mine, smirking at Pete as he leaned in to kiss me gently. I was quite surprised at his forwardness, but I wasn't going to complain. I could feel myself starting to blush as he pulled away just before the bell dinged to announce our arrival in the lobby.

"Hey Pete?" I started as we walked across the marble floor to the front doors, "Are you going to tell me where we're going?"

"You'll see soon enough." He led us out to the pavement before jumping into a waiting cab. After giving the driver an address we took off, only for my stomach to start rumbling. I still wasn't feeling too flash from my hangover, but decided I needed to get something down.

"Hey, can we stop somewhere so I can get a thickshake?" I questioned, the cabbie nodding his head. A few minutes later we were pulling up to a fast-food joint's drive-thru. After ordering my drink we continued our mysterious journey, small talking it up in the back seat. It was only another few minutes until we were stopping in front of a nice looking house and Pete was paying the driver.

"So, I guess we're here," I said more to myself than anyone else as I stood waiting for Gerard to climb out of the car. Once he had exited we followed Pete up to the front door.

A young guy answered the door, looking nervously at us as he opened the door wider so we could enter. "Hey Brendon," Pete greeted the boy as he gave him a hug. "Hope you don't mind, I brought some friends with me. Gerard, and Rachel." As we were introduced I gave the kid a warm smile while Gerard shook his hand.

He squeaked out a greeting of his own before leading us through the house, then outside to a large garden shed looking thing. I was clearly confused, and Gerard's smirks and small bursts of laughter weren't making me feel much better, but I trusted these guys so I knew it couldn't be anything too sinister. A wave of relief passed over me as we entered the room to find a band set-up and three more young boys.

Pete greeted the group while Brendon showed Gerard and I to some seats. Looks like we're going to get a performance, yay! Pete came over to join us while the band made their final adjustments and prepared themselves.

"I'm thinking about signing these guys to my label. I wanna know what you really think of them, ok?"

"Wait, you have your own label? That's crazy," I exclaimed, completely shocked. I knew he had his own company, Clandestine, that made amazing clothing and produced his book, but still... his own record label?

Brendon chose that moment to clear his throat and speak into his tightly gripped microphone. "Hi, we're Panic! At The Disco and this song is called The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage."

There were a few small mistakes, probably from the nervousness of the audition, but on the whole it was a good performance. I was amazed by the lyrics; they were definitely catchy and had a truth to them. I was blown away further by their second song I Write Sins Not Tragedies. Brendon had a great voice that showed emotion well along with a good range.

There was little doubt in my mind that these guys could do really well. That seemed to be the general consensus while we gave our opinions in a little meeting outside.

"They're good man," Gerard spoke up. "I vote yes."

Nodding my agreement I gave Pete a grin, "If you don't sign them you're an idiot."

He chuckled along with me as he agreed. "I guess we should go make their day, huh?"
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I am SO sorry for the wait!