Status: Complete

Boys Of Summer



"Fancy meeting you here."

"I know, right! So what's the plan?" I had just met up with Rachel again, this time at the local airport and we didn't have much time to organise ourselves before heading to Miami.

Pete had kind of dropped me in it by asking me to go with him at such short notice, but I liked those guys, and getting to hang out with Rach for a couple more days was a definite bonus. I still had to get my outfit organised, but we're going shopping in Baltimore this afternoon so hopefully it won't take too long to find something acceptable.

"I don't know, you're the one who lives here!" Rach laughed at me before continuing, "All I know is that I have to call Pete to let him know I got here ok. I swear that boy worries more than my mother." She rolled her eyes, but smiled. I know she was grateful for Pete looking after her. "Oh, speaking of my mother, I should probably talk to her as well. I called them for my birthday, but didn't really get to talk for very long. I should probably let her know about Gerard." The smile that lit up her face and shone through her eyes as she said his name said more than words ever could about how much she liked him.

"How is Scary doing without you?" As much as I pretended to dislike the guy, I couldn't fault the way he acted towards Rach. Looking back, it seems almost obvious that he was into her. How he placed himself next to Rach in the group photos, the way his eyes followed her across the room...

Rachel's voice was soon breaking me out of my thoughts. "I think he's having fun at home, but apparently his Mom keeps bugging him about meeting me. Of course Mikey's there teasing him too, but I don't think it's too bad. We've been talking every night. He threw a bit of a hissy fit the other night cos I wouldn't tell him about my dress for the show. It's so cute, he's worried that Pete's corrupted my sense and I'm gunna wear something completely hideous."


"Drea, you have to try this on!" Rachel yelled from across the store. "It'll totally match Pete."

It didn't sound like I had much choice, so I met her half way and headed to the dressing rooms. "It does look pretty cool, I guess," I joked as I took in the fabric that was handed to me. Actually, I really liked the look of it, and hoped that it did fit nicely. Being quite short, it was hard to find clothes that weren't too long without being way too small.

After trying the dress on I pulled back the curtain to show Rach how it looked, pretty pleased that it would suffice. It's not like anyone would really care what I was wearing anyway, but it did look good. Our matching smiles confirming the decision I changed back into my original clothing before making my purchase and steering Rach in the direction of Victoria's Secret.

I know it's completely stereotypical of a girly mall trip, but it's going to be her first real date with Gerard, so she has to look good, just in case! Maybe I could find something to impress someone as well, who knows? U2 are going to be there, maybe I could accidentally run into The Edge? Haha, here's hoping I just get to lookat the man. Even if it's only from a distance I'll be happy.


We were in the lounge, watching our favourite movie The Boondock Saints and eating ice cream when Rach's phone rang, interrupting our heated discussion over whether Connor or Murphy was the more attractive brother.

"I swear it's Murphy! You know I'm right!" she yelled, laughing as she answered the call. "Oh hey Gee."

Looks like it was Gerard calling. "Hi Scary!" I yelled into the phone, hearing a yelp of surprise from him at the sudden volume increase.

"He says hi back," Rach informed me, once she had her phone back, before laughing at something else he must have said. "Yea, we're watching our favourite movie and getting fat," she laughed, motioning at me to pause the movie.

They talked for a while longer, leaving me to eavesdrop on their conversation while I refilled the empty glasses we had, and tidied up a bit of the rubbish.

"Yea, I miss you too, but we'll see you tomorrow night. Have a good sleep." With that over, we continued watching our movie, still arguing about various things that came up. The 'cat scene' as Rach referred to it was her favourite part of the movie, while mine was the hotel room attack. About the only things we could agree on were that it was an awesome movie, and that Willem Dafoe looked scarily good in drag.
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Seriously, i love that movie to pieces! If you haven't seen it go check it out!!!