Status: Complete

Boys Of Summer



"How much do you wanna bet they're all listening outside the door?" I asked Gerard, my back flat on our bed as I lay underneath him, after giving him the proper welcome I'd been waiting to give him all day. From the way he reacted it seemed a safe bet that he'd been just as eager to see me again.

Bowing his head to graze his lips against mine once again I saw his evil smirk paint itself over his features. "Maybe we should give them something to listen to babe." Barely above a whisper his voice was husky and lustful, something I hadn't heard come from him before. I have to admit it did have an effect on me, only adding to the feelings building up from feeling his body against mine.

Apparently he didn't expect an answer, he just lowered his head to my neck to suck and bite, quickly finding the spot that made my breath hitch in my throat and my brain foggy. That fog was quickly lifted however when his fingers found my sides, tickling without mercy, earning a high-pitched squeal of his name in surprise.

Muted laughter was making its way through the wood of the door, completely ruining any ideas of fun that were going through my head. As much as I wanted to just ignore them and have my way with Gerard it just wasn't going to be happening now. Apparently he could sense my aggravation, since he let out a low growl of frustration and disappointment.

Taking my chance when his fingers momentarily stopped their assault I manoeuvred myself around underneath him so I could yank off my sneaker, throwing it as hard as I could at the door while I yelled, "Bugger off perverts! You're ruining the mood."

A scream sounded as the shoe hit, and it sounded like the group was dispersing. As much as I didn't want to, I had to laugh a little. Really, how often do you see stuff like this in movies or on TV but think it never really happened in real life.

By now Gerard was laying beside me, having given up on the tickling. His hand was still on my stomach though, lazily exploring the skin it came into contact with.

"Hey, since when do you call me 'babe'?" I questioned, realising the term he'd used earlier. So far in our relationship we'd just stuck to the general nicknames we'd always used for each other.

Gerard looked a little sheepish as he burrowed his head against my neck, playfully nipping. "Um, since it just slipped out? You don't want me calling you babe?"

The concerned look on his face was too adorable. Flipping myself over so I was straddled over his waist I leaned down to kiss him forcefully. I loved being able to do that now, whenever I wanted to. I think it was finally sinking in that he was mine and I should show him how I really felt about him. "Geraldo, you can call me whatever you want... as long as you don't hurt me."


The next day went by in a blur. Gerard and I had spent a nice, peaceful night just cuddled up in our bed. We caught up on what we'd been doing over our break, about various happenings from our past, and anything else that came to mind. He made somewhat of a confession about his alcoholism and drug use, swearing he was cleaning up his act and getting clean because he wanted to be the man I deserved to have. My heart had swelled at both the reasons why he'd gotten into his habits, and the way he made me feel about myself. I still didn't believe I was as great as he seemed to think I was, but it was flattering that he'd make such an effort for me over anyone else.

After a late breakfast us women were whisked away to begin getting ready. A short kiss goodbye was the last chance I got to see Gerard before the ceremony. Surprisingly, he hadn't tried to get me to spill any details about my dress. I guess he'd finally resigned himself to having to wait until later to find out. He also didn't have a chance to hunt for it while I was away being prettied up since MCR had to go to the venue for a rehearsal.

Having my hair and makeup done by professionals was a first for me, and I was excited to be sharing the experience with Drea. Both of our dresses were relatively simplistic in their colouring, mine being deep blood red while Drea's was black with white designs all over. Our makeup was done to match our dresses, the red of my eye shadow looking quite dramatic and contrasting greatly with her simple black lining and green shadow which made her eyes stand out significantly.

We both chose to have our hair up, coincidentally ending up with similar styles. Drea's hair had been pulled into a messy bun with pieces escaping all over the place and a few tendrils framing her face. My hair, being a little shorter, was pulled together with the loose ends curled gently. We were both happy with the results and actually felt like we fit in with the other girls, who happened to all looked amazing.

Heading back to the hotel, we quickly ate a small snack before cramming into our outfits and heading to the venue to meet the guys inside if we didn't happen to catch them on the White Carpet.
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Drea asked for an update so she got 1 =] YAY for her now being on mibba!
3 weeks till i'm heading over to finally hang with her!!!!! YAY!!

And thanks to the couple of you who left comments, they're greatly appreciated. I also have a q... who do you want to have the next POV?? I wanna hear your suggestions =]