Status: Complete

Boys Of Summer



I knew Rach was going to be pissed and wanting revenge for me dragging her into our interview, but I wasn't too worried considering the amount of other people around, and the lack of supplies she had to work with. I was going to have to remember to check my bed before I got into it later though.

That interview was definitely the most interesting one of the day, the rest were just the same old questions over and over. I swear if I get asked about how we got our band name one more time I'm going to scream, and then streak down the carpet! Well, maybe not actually, but in my head I'll be stripping. Haha, you know I'd get us some great publicity if I did really do it.

Finally we managed to get inside, spotting the large, loud group of girls easily. They looked to be having fun entertaining themselves, seemingly ignoring all of the famous people around them.

"You." Uh oh, I've been spotted, and Rach looks just a little bit mad. She was now right in front of me, pointing a finger into my chest with more pressure than needed, and earning yet another round of strange looks. "You're lucky I'm wearing a dress, or else I'd be kicking your arse right now," she growled out with a harsh glare. A second later her usual bubbly smile was gracing her features and she was hugging me. That was scary, and judging from the looks of our friends, I wasn't the only one who thought so.

"Yea, that's usual for her," Drea supplied, earning yet more raised eyebrows. "You hadn't noticed? Or have you just not annoyed her enough before?"

"I am right here people," Rachel didn't seem too amused about us talking about her. "This is too cool of a night to be angry. I'm not going to do anything to ruin it. I don't need to be kicked out."

They were starting to tell everyone to head to their seats, signalling that the show was starting soon. The crowd around us soon thinned, and Joe decided it was time for him to sit down. Drea and I gave Rach another round of hugs before following the rest of the band in, being shown to our seats. The MCR group was led in to sit a few rows in front of us, on the other side of the aisle, about ten minutes later, just in time for the opening sequence.

The show itself was quite entertaining, and the moments it wasn't were spent talking quietly among ourselves. While MCR were away for their performance I joined Drea in going to sit with the other group of girls, sharing gossip and drooling over the hot, sweaty boyfriends. Well, I wasn't particularly drooling, but it was fun teasing Rachel about the way her eyes lit up as soon as the spotlight hit Gerard on stage. She was definitely in deep there, but Gerard was too, and they really did seem to work well together. If only I could find someone to share that kind of chemistry with.

We were all disappointed for My Chem whenever they didn't win an award they were nominated for, at least until the MTV2 award came up. We were nominated for that as well as them, so we'd had a bit of a friendly rivalry going. I was as shocked as anyone when 'Fall Out Boy' was announced as winner. I was seriously not expecting it, and I'm sure I sat there looking like a goldfish with my mouth gaping and eyes bugging for a good few seconds while the camera operators were no doubt getting some great close-ups. The next thing I knew Patrick was pulling me up, hugging me and shoving me out into the aisle. I hugged the other guys, stopping to give Rach a hug too on our way down to the stage.

Some awed, rambling speech poured from my mouth, and I think I thanked most of the people who needed to be mentioned. Being a VMA winner was surreal, even while we were having our pictures taken with the trophy backstage and doing our little press conference. I kept getting questions about Rachel, apparently word had gotten around about our little interview escapade, but we all kept repeating that she was our friend, which was finally accepted when one reported mentioned seeing her kiss Gerard out on the carpet. I'd have to make a mental note to tease them about that.
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Yes, it's finally an update. To be honest i'm trying to think of an ending for this story because i'm just not into it anymore (SORRY Drea!)
Any suggestions are welcome lol

I'm uber excited for the new FOB album, even though Lake Effect Kid isn't on it. I'm seriously in love with that song.