Status: Complete

Boys Of Summer



I was sitting on a bridge in the middle of yet another city, next to one of my best friends, Pete. We'd just gone wandering on our night off and found this place completely deserted. We had our feet dangling down into the small stream flowing past, looking out past the trees and further away the buildings, into the impending sunset. The shadows being cast were making an effort to cool down what had been a scorching hot day.

As I glanced at Peter on my right, I noticed he was lost in thought. This was something I realised he'd been doing frequently the last few days. I gently nudged his arm, breaking him out of his thoughts before asking, "What's up man? You've been spacing out a lot lately."

"Mikey, you remember that girl, Rachel? The one who got punched the other night?" I nodded and waited for him to continue. "I'm trying to figure out how I managed to notice her through, like, all the lights and everything. That's like, the first time that's happened to me. I just had this urge to like, look in that spot, it was like some freaky connection."

"I was kinda wondering about that myself. All I ever see when I look out is movement, it's too hard to pick out actual people."

As if I hadn't even spoken, Pete continued. "When I saw her getting punched, I don't know, I just had to find out how she was. I went down and like, when I stuck my head around the door it was like I'd know her for years. Just like, this amazing feeling. Then later when we got to talk, we just like, clicked. I know I can just be me and like, she wont care. She's someone I wanna spend a lot more time with."

"Yea, she seemed like a really cool girl. I know we all liked her. Frank can't stop talking about how she insulted him." We both laughed at that, knowing Frank likes any excuse to talk about himself, not in a bad way though. "How were Joe, Andy and Patrick?"

"They like her too. It's gunna be good seeing her again in Washington."


We'd made it into Washington around lunchtime, checked out the stage and equipment and now we were all just hanging out. Andy and Bob were playing X-Box in one room with Ray and Patrick watching them. The rest of us were in the next room. Frank was sitting on the table by the door, on the phone to his girlfriend. Joe, Gerard, Pete and I were on the couches around the room, watching a movie. Well, the movie was playing but Joe was the only one paying any real attention to it. Gerard and Pete were talking together, both looking nervous and excited. I knew why Pete was that way, he'd hardly shut up about how much he was looking forward to seeing Rachel again, but I had no idea why Gerard was the same way.

Just as Frank was hanging up there was a knock at the door. Since he was the closest he went to open it. As the door opened he froze, and his jaw dropped at the sight before us.

"Wow," Joe managed to get out from beside me.

"Hey Frankie, you know what I said about your pout? I changed my mind, this is definitely your best look!" Rachel laughed with her friend.

"You know, he'd be absolutely perfect if he was on his knees," her friend added.

Slowly there came a loud laugh from the next room. Ray was cracking up. "And one of them gets it! Good to see you again boys." Frank was still confused about the joke, but most of us now understood the reference. "Don't worry Frankie, you'll get it one day." Rachel gave him a kiss on the check, then moved further into the room, her friend slightly behind her.

"Welcome back to the crazy house, girl. How's the eye doing? It looks good," I asked, since everyone else still seemed to be shocked at the new look. Rachel looked a lot different from the last time we'd seen her. She had thick eyeliner and blood red lipstick, and just looked different. Not in a bad way though, just different.

"It's good. Only hurt for a day. The bruise took a while to go, but it's all good now." Seeing that the rest of the group had moved into the room now, she took the chance to introduce her friend. "Boys, this is Drea. Drea these are the boys! Frankie's the one by the door, then there's Patrick with the hat, Ray with the most awesome hair, Bob's the blonde, then Andy with the wicked sleeves. Over on the couch we have Joe, Mikey with the glasses, then Pete and lastly Mr Scary."