Status: Complete

Boys Of Summer



"What do you say Rach? Think you can handle these boys?" Drea laughed.

I was completely shocked. I knew these guys were great, but to actually offer me a job, to have me go on tour with them... 'Wow' was all I could think for a few seconds. I knew my answer.

"Don't you think you should be asking if they can handle me?" The look in Pete's eyes went from nervous anticipation to pure excitement. He jumped on me, wrapping me in the biggest hug I've ever received, before going to Mikey and doing the same to him. The rest of the guys came to give me hugs too, followed by Drea.

"Congrats girl. You're gunna have a great time with these fools."

I laughed, knowing she was right. "Ok, huge thank you to the little sneak Mikey for doing this. Mark too. All I want to know is why? It's a pretty big thing to do for someone you barely know." It had been bugging me.

"We all like you. You seem to like us. I knew it would make a lot of people happy," he shrugged. I guess that would have to do as my answer.

"Group hug!" I yelled as I jumped on top of the closest person to me, Joe. Everyone just laughed as they joined us.


We arranged for me to meet the guys again in the morning, to travel up towards New York. I didn't get much sleep that night, being too excited about what was happening with my life. I had to be at their hotel by 8am.

Drea was kind enough to take the morning off work and drop me off. It was hard saying goodbye to her, even though we'd only had a few days together. I'd always thought of her as a big sister as well as a best friend. Luckily I had a group of crazy guys to keep my mind off of things for a while.

As soon as Drea's car pulled into the parking lot we were mobbed. She'd barely stopped the car when the doors were being pulled open, and we were being dragged out of our seats (after undoing our seatbelts... that took a few seconds).

"Calm down boys! You're going to be sick of me soon enough."

"Never!" Ray screamed in my ear.

I had to laugh at him. "Do I need to tackle you some more?" I started heading towards him, crouching slightly, in a tackling position.

"No, no... I'm good for now," he backed away. I heard a small laugh from behind me, and turned to see Gerard with a grin on his face. Quickly turning I launched myself at him, making sure it wasn't too hard and he didn't smack his head on the concrete. I didn't need to injure a singer quite so early in my employment.

"Who's next?" I joked, helping my soft cushion up. No one volunteered, so I went to pick up my bags. I noticed Drea on the other side of the car, talking to Joe and Patrick. As I was about to grab my first bag out of the trunk another hand reached down and placed itself over mine. I moved my elbow swiftly back in shock, before turning slowly to see my latest victim.

"Sorry Petey, you shouldn't have scared me," I rubbed his stomach, where his hand had been clutching, before giving him a tight hug and a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "Slobber is my way of saying I care," I joked, wiping it off for him.

His only reply was to lean in and lick from my neck to my forehead. "Ditto."

While we were doing this, somehow my bags had found their own way onto my bus, and Drea was getting ready to leave.

"I'm gunna miss you girl. You have to come see us some time."

"Miss you too. Bite." Bite was an inside joke we had, a way of saying goodbye. It came from a typo of 'nite' on instant messenger.


She drove away, and I managed to hold back the few tears that were starting to arrive. I'm not an emotional person very often, and I hardly ever cry.

As I was climbing the stairs I faintly heard an offer I couldn't refuse, "You can bite me anytime." I just wish I knew who had said it!