Status: Completed

The Monster


Once upon a time, there were two girls. They thought that they were twins separated at birth, they were so close. They lived in a fairy land, where everything was bright and colorful and no wrong could happen. They strived for the same thing in life: They wanted to be accepted simply for who they were.

But everything in their fairy land went dark. Color seeped from open wounds, made both by knives and their own hurtful words and angry glances to each other. Like all first best friends, they went their separate ways, unable to accept themselves any longer.

The one girl wanted her best friend, her twin, forever. The other girl wanted to be with her twin also, but couldn’t accept her, who had lied and unconsciously (so she wanted to believe) hung out with the other only to appear better.

In their now-dark fairy land, monsters have crawled out of the once-safe and happy woods. The girls look for one another, and stumble over their hatred for themselves and for each other. They love, they hate, and in the end there is only heartbreak.

The one girl, the one lied to, was attacked by a monster one day, one that looked like herself, only more terrible and powerful in her rage. The monster left the girl battered, bleeding, and near death. The girl dragged herself to a mirror and found staring back at her true friends, friends that accepted her and made her accept herself. She found herself on the other side of the mirror immediately.

Those scars, both from the monster that looked like herself (and perhaps really was her), and from the wounds inflicted by the other girl, were still there, but she loves them for what they made her into. She found a new world, on that was not a fairy land but reality and not one full of bitter sweet lies and false love.

The other girl, the liar, is still stuck in the pitch-black fairy land, caught up in her lies. She will be stuck there until she comes across her monster and comes to terms with herself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sort of a true story, but really fantasy-like.

This was written a long time ago and was my "About" for a while. :)

Comments are greatly appreciated...