Status: :/

Swallow My Doubt, Turn It Inside Out


Laine and mom. Thats how it had always been. Well, since I can remember. I'm Laine by the way. Laine Rachel Baker. I haven't met my dad but I know his band. Avenged Sevenfold. Ever heard of them? Well they rock. I've been to a couple of their shows and the last time I was in the first row, literally where I could've grabbed my dads balls and ripped them off for bringing me into this stupid world.

When I was little and I would ask my mom about my dad, she would slap me and tell me never to talk about him and that he was a horrible person. As I got older, I did my own research, via my best friends dad and found out who my dad was. Billy was able to get me his email and cell number. And for the past 4 years, I've been able to talk to him via calls, texts, and emails. I was one of the first Avenged Sevenfold fans to learn of the Rev's Death because I was on the phone with my dad when he got the call, just like I am now. Well, will be as I'm hunting my ringing phone.

I found my phone in my backpack and immeditally dialed my dad's number back. It rang 5 times before he answered.

"Hey Kiddo" he said.
"Hey Daddyo." I said.
"So how are you? I haven't talk to you in forever." he said. I was walking downstairs and saw my mom.
"Zack, I talked to you yesterday." I said. I knew he was scowling in the room he was in. I had to call him Zack around my mom so she would think I was talking to a friend instead of my dad.
"She's in the room?" he asked.
"Not now, I'm outside."I said, walking down the steps.
"Kay so. We're going on tour soon" he said.
"Which means I won't hear from you a lot" I said.
"I know talking to me is therapy, Laine. She hasn't changed since highschool. Lainey. I promise that you come before anything and that if anything happens you can come here or call me." he said.
"Okay. I love you Daddy" I said.
"I love you too Laine. I'll talk to you tomorrow" he said. I hung up and walked back in.
"Laine!" my mom shrieked. I walked in and she was holding a paper.
"What?" I said. I took a closer look at the paper. My text messages for the past week.
"You have someone under the name. "Daddy" Who is it?" she said.
"My dad. Zacky. Zachary James Baker. " I said. She hit me.
"Your father left me with you when I was 15." she said.
"No mom, he didn't. You left him. I know him pretty well. I've snuck out to see him in concert. I've been so close to him I could rip his dick off for bringing me into this stupid world. I'm done Mom! I'm going to California to live with Daddy!" I yelled and stomped upstairs. I packed a few bags one with my computer, chargers, and phone and one with clothes. As I walked to the airport(3 miles away),I called my dad.
"Whats up love" he said. I broke down and started sobbing.
"Dad.. It's mom. She's gone to far." I said.
"If she hurt you" he hissed.
"She slapped me. Told me that you left her with me at 15. I told her straight off that she was the one who left and that I've snuck out to see your concerts. The last time I saw you I was so close to you I could've ripped it off for leaving me with her!" I sobbed. He took deep breath.
"Shows what kind of father I am. To not notice my daughter at a concert."he said. I laughed a little.
"It's not like I was wearing a "I'm Zacky's Daughter" shirt." I said.
"True. Where are you Lainey?" he said.
"Airport. I'm coming to Cali. Daddy, I can't stay there any longer." I said.
"I understand baby." he said.
"Syn. You know damn well who I'm talking to." Dad said.
"OH! I WANNA TALK TO MINI VENGE!" Brian said. The phone was handed to "Uncle Syn."
"Heyo Mini Venge! Talk to me?" he said. I gave a half-hearted laugh.
"Uncle Syn. I'm not in a good mood." I said.
"Well, Mini Venge, I'm going to have to change that won't I?" He said huskily into the phone.
"GROSS!" Zack said.
"What?" Syn said.
"YOU HAVE THE FUCKING HOTS FOR MY 13 YEAR OLD! THATS FUCKING GROSS" he yelled. A teenager looked up at me.
"Sorry" they said.
"You better be. Uncle Syn. Give the phone to my dad." I said.
"Hello Mini Venge." Dad said.
"Who said I wanna be "mini venge" Dad?" I said.
"Because you look like me and you're my kid you earned your nickname. You will always be Mini Venge to us,Laine" he said. People were staring at me.
"I gotta go. You and Uncle Syn's fight got everyone staring. I miss you Vengeance" I said.
"I miss you to kiddo. I'll be there to pick you up" he said.
"Yey!. Bye Daddy!"I said.
"Bye Lainey!!" he said. I closed my phone and boarded my plane. The teenager was sitting beside me. He didn't look much older than me.
"Hi," he said.
"Hi" I answered.
"I'm Keegan. Keegan Parker Haner" he said.
"I'm Laine. Laine Rachel Baker." I said.
"I like that name." he said. "I'm going to meet my dad."
"I'm moving in with my dad. My mom isn't the best mother in the world" I said.
"Mine's dead. I was a one night stand at 15." he said.
"Me. Too." I said. He laughed.
"Is the fact that we are like twins creepy?" he said.
"Not one bit. Me and My dad are like twins. He got into a fight with my Uncle Syn over his "Mini Venge". God, I hate that nickname. I look like my dad, a lot." I said.
"Cool. I do too. I just don't know who he is. I have a picture." he said, grabbing his backpack. He found the picture and handed it to me. There on that picture was the earliest picture of A7x. I looked at him then at Brian.
"I know which one it is. The one playing the guitar. His name is Brian Elwin Haner Jr. aka Synyster Gates." I said.
"Huh?" He said.
"Your dad. Do you know who these guys are?" I siad.
"No." he said.
"This is the earliest known picture of Avenged Sevenfold. I'll name them all. Matthew Charles Sanders aka M.Shadows. Zachary James Baker aka Zacky Vengeance or my Dad. Brian Elwin Haner Jr. Aka Syn Gate or your dad. James Owen Sullivan aka The Reverend Tholomew Plague, may he rest in peace, Jonathan Lewis Seward aka Johnny Christ."I said.
"Oh I get it. Are dad are in a band together?" he said
"Yea. Its a cool band" I said. He nodded as I took a picture of him on my phone and sent it to my dad.

Msg:-photo- Who does this look like to you?

From: Daddy
Msg: Brian?

From: Laine
Msg: His name is Keegan Parker Haner. He's the result of a one night stand when Brian was 15. he's sitting next to me on the plane. We're almost there ;D

I looked at Keegan and smiled.
"My dad is going to tell your dad."I said.

I ran up Brians steps. His wife, answering the door.
"'Chelle. Wheres my brother from another mother?" I said.
"In the living room playing video games!" she said. I ran into the living room and tackled him.
"Zacky!" he whined.
"Brian. You have to go to the airport with me. Now!" I said.
"You better have a good reason." he said.
"Mini Venge and a boy named Keegan." I said. He looked at me slowly and I handed him my phone.
"Who does that kid look like to you."I said.
"Oh my god!" he said.
"His name is Keegan Parker Haner. He's 13 lets go!!" i whined. He laughed and got up.
"WE'RE GOING TO THE AIRPORT!" Brian yelled as we left. As soon as we were there, we heard our kids flight.
"FLIGHT 405 FROM INDIANAPOLIS HAS LANDED!" we heard and made our way to baggage claim.
"ZACHARY JAMES BAKER!!" I heard and turned around to see my daughter running at me. I was in a hug before I knew it. Keegan was standing back.
"Brian. Over here" I said as Brian looked at the kid and walked over to him.
"Hi, Keegan. I'm Brian. I'm your father" he said. The kid stood there for a second and litarally collasped into tears. I hugged Laine closer to me

- Laine-
"Dudes. I'm serious. I seriously cry when I hear your songs from before Jimmy died" I said.
"Who are we talking about?" Keegan said.
"Jimmy Sullivan. Aka Uncle Jimmy aka The Rev. He was the drummer. He died in 2009." I said. My dad was leaning over the back of the seat, laughing at us.
"So you've seriously never heard of Avenged Sevenfold Keegan?" he said.
"Yea. I'm still confused." he said.I patted his shoulder.
"You're going to like them. Well you kind of have to because of the fact you're dad plays guitar for them." I said. He shrugged and I laughed.

Oh what a joy this would be..
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The titles, put together, will say a saying from an all time low song. who ever gets it first, gets a one shot :)