Status: :/

Swallow My Doubt, Turn It Inside Out


"WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA!" Keegan sang as we walked into the school. He cracked me up, I started singing with him
"NOBODY NOW! THANKS BP!" we were laughing and getting weird looked from other people. Not that we cared. We were the "weird" ones because we were related to rockstars. I bit my snake bites as I looked into my locker for my chem book.
"Hey! Baker" a guys voice said. I turned around to see the star football player, Kenneth standing by my locker. I rolled my eyes. As his ex-girlfriend, he wouldn't leave me alone.
"What Martin" I said, using his first name.
"Fuck you baker" he said.
"You wanna." I said. He clamped his hand over my mouth as the bell rang and I was out cold after he slammed me against the lockers.


I walked into my Chem class. Shaking, pale, and 15 minutes late.
"Ms. Baker nice of you to join us." the teacher said. I knew he was going to call on me alot.
"Ms. Baker. Whats the answer" he asked me for the 4th time. I just wouldn't talk. I was still shaking and pale.
"Mr. Armstrong. Excuse me and Laine for a minute." Keegan noticed I wasn't talking. He dragged me out into the hallway.
"Laine. I know this is going to hurt to tell me. But what happened." he said.
"I want to go home Kee" i said.
"What happened Laine" he said.
"Rape." I whispered.
"Rape." he said
"Kenneth. Rape. Call my dad. Don't tell him please!" I begged him. He nodded and pulled me into the bathroom. He grabbed his phone and dialed my dads number.
"Yea. Zacky? It's Keegan. It's Laine" he said. "She's like shaking and pale. She won't answer the teachers. She was 15 minutes late to class. She has a bruise on her wrist. She just says "Call my dad." over and over. So I'm calling you.". He handed to phone to me.
"Laine. What happened" dad asked me. I tried to speak but couldn't.
"Laine. I'm on my way." he said and hung up. I went to the classroom to get my stuff. Keegan stayed with me until my dad came up the stairs. I grabbed my bag and a notebook and pencil. I gave Keegan a hug and left with my dad.
"Laine, you're going to have tell me what happened." he said in the car. I pulled a notebook out of my bag and a pen before writing in my bold writing. "I was raped". Luckily we were still in the parking lot because if he had been driving, he would've crashed.
"Dad.. Say something." I said.
"Who's the little faggot that did this to you Laine?" he said.
"Kenneth." i said. He clinched his fists on the wheel. But then opened his door.
"Stay here." he said. I opened my door and he loooked at me.
"Where?" he said.
"Supply closet. He knocked me out and raped me." I said. He took my hand and dragged me back into the school and to the principal.
"Mr. Baker can I help you?" He asked.
"Martin Kenneth Alexander. Now. Call him down" Dad said through clinched teeth.
"Laine, go to class" Mr. Smith said.
"No. This involves her and that sick freak." Dads gripp tightened on me. I winced in pain. Mr. Smith called Martin down and he came into the office glaring at me and shrugging away from my dad. Let's just say, don't piss my dad off and you won't get hurt.
"Dad. You're hurting me" I whispered. He smiled at me and let go of my wrist. He turned back to grimace at Ken.
"Now Mr.Baker. Please tell me what is going on." the prinicpal said.
"This dimwitted jack ass knocked my daughter out, dragged her into a supply closet, and raped her."My dad was livid. I saw Uncle Brian come in and start looking for, most likely, Keegan, who had called him.
"He's lying!" Ken exclaimed.
"Bull fucking shit." I said.
"You wanted to sleep with me you lying son of a bitch!" he said.
"Really. Because you came to my locker and bugged me and I called you "Martin" and you said "Fuck you" and I retorted "You wanna" and then I wake up in a supply closet naked. Hmm I wonder what happened?" I said, totally being sarcastic.
"Laine. Go outside please" the principal said. I walked out to where Uncle Brian and Keegan were.
"Did you tell your dad?" Keegan said. I nodded.
"He's pissed" I whispered.
"Wait. What's going on. I just came down because Keegan called so I could make sure Zacky doesn't get arrested" Brian said.
"Well. Me and Kenneth got into a fight by my locker. I woke up in a supply closet naked. I knew I had been raped. I just didn't want to admit it. I'm scared Uncle Syn" I said, starting to cry. Keegan pulled me into a hug and we just stood there as I cried. When my dad and uncle Brian came back, Brian sent Keegan and I to go get all of our stuff because we weren't coming back. We were in the car and I laid my head on Keegans shoulder.
"Well, since it's awkward enough. I'm going to admit something right now" he said taking my hand.
"What is that??" our dads said.
"I'm gay" he said. I buried my face in his shoulder.
"Keegan. I already knew that. It's kind obvious when you go around talking about how hot all these guys are." I muttered, making our dads laugh.
"Oh and you don't think that one chick from that one movie is cute??" he said.
"Fuck off Haner. I was simply comparing Demi Lovato to Taylor Lautner. Taylor won because he's the hottest thing alive."I said.
"Ouch, Baker. That hurt." he faked crying.
"Go call your boyfriend.." I said.
"Can't, he's in class." he said.
"Hasn't stopped you before" I said.
"Are they always like this?" Brian asked.
"Yep. I've seen them much worse. To the point Laine was telling Keegan to go get a blow job in an alley. You don't know the deepths of the evilness of teenagers Brian." my dad said. Keegan was now texting Jordan, his boyfriend.
"Tell lover boy I said hi!" I said pulling out my own vibrating phone.

To: Laine Dawg
From: Short Shit.
MSG: Ur dad told me what happened and honestly, I would've punch the jackass in the face. But I do believe me and you have a date tonight with a bunch of movies about Vampires that sparkle..

From: Laine Dawg
To: Short Shit
MSG: I believe you are correct!! Muwhahahaha. See you then loverly!

I looked up to see my dad looking at me.
"Who are you texting." he said.
"Uncle Johnny." I said with a smirk.
"Why?" He said.
"Because I have a date with him and a bunch of movies about Vampires that sparkle.." I said. He rolled his eyes. Every friday was like this. I loved staying with Uncle Johnny.