Status: :/

Swallow My Doubt, Turn It Inside Out


"Laine. Get your ass up."Uncle Johnny said grabbing my big toe and twisting. I didn't feel good and he wasn't making it any better.
"Fuck off" I muttered.
"Ohh. You just got told by a 15 year old." Lacey said.
"Please excuse us for a minute." he said shutting the door. He sat on the bed.
"Get dressed. I'm taking you to the doctor." he said before leaving. I pulled on sweatpants and a sweatshirt.
"This as fancy as it get Short Shit. Can we go now?" I said. He smiled before grabbing his keys and leading me out to his car.
"I hate you" I muttered as he pulled up at the doctors office.
"Oh please. You love me and you know it." he said. I shrugged and followed him into the office. There were girls from my school pointing at laughing.
"Short Shit, save me" I mumbled laying my head on his shoulder.
"Baker, you smile now or I will be forced to sing." he said. I burst out laughing at his attempts. I was finally called back and I flipped a teenager off as I walked back, Uncle Johnny following me.
"I'm going to ask you some questions, okay Laine?" the nurse said. I nodded.
"Are you sexually active" she said.
"Not at the moment." I said.
"Have you been sexually active" she said. I glared at Uncle Johnny and he smiled.
"Yes." I said.
"Last sexual intercourse" she said.
"3 weeks ago. I was raped in a supply closet at school." I said.
"Birthdate?" she said.
"April 14, 1996" I said. She smiled and left us alone, after she made me take a pregnancy test.
"If that comes back positive, I'm going to die." I said.
"No you're not Laine" he said. Finally a doctor came in and started talking.
"Well, Ms. Baker. The test came back positive. I'm going to set you up an appointment for 3 weeks from now. And Mr. Seward, Make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. Pass it on to her father." he said. I trudged out into the snowy weather to his SUV and waited as he set up the appointment. I sent a simple text message to my dad.

To: Daddy
From: Laine

My phone rang 3 seconds later.
"What's wrong?" he said.
"I'm pregnant." I said.
"What?" he said.
"I mean I'm sitting in Uncle Johnny's SUV in the blizzard like conditions, at a doctors office. He brought me because I've been sick for 3 days. I'm pregnant. It's been confirmed." I said. I heard him sigh.
"Being a grandfather at 30 was not my plan, Laine. Hell being a father at 15 wasn't.. I don't regret it though. It's going to be okay. And the weathers to bad for your Uncle Johnny to drive the 30 miles back here. Stay at his house for a few days, okay?" he said. I agreed and hung up as Uncle Johnny got in the car.
"Dad said that the weather's only going to get worse and for me to stay with you for a few days." i said.
"Did you tell him" he said.
"Yea.."I sighed and started texting.

To: Jackass McGee
From: Laine
MSG: Thanks Jackass..

From: Jackass McGee
To: Laine.
MSG: What did I do??

To: Jackass McGee
From: Laine
MSG: You have 9 months and a week to make this shit between us right or you get no rights to your child. I'm going to Indianapolis for a few days over break.. Meet me there..

He agreeed and I looked at Uncle Johnny.
"Who were you texting" he said.
"The father." I said. He frowned.
"You still have his number?"he said.
"He may be a jackass that raped me, but I still love him." I said. I closed my eyes for the 45 minute ride. In my head, I saw me and Kenneth on the day this baby was born. I saw Uncle Jimmy, smiling at me. I saw my mom, smiling. Uncle Johnny slammed on the breaks.
"Sorry. Stop sign" he said. We finally made it home and he smiled at me as we walked in.
"Aunt Lacey!. Uncle Johnny tried to kill my child!" I said.
"Okay, act your ages guys." she said. There was a knock on the door and an almost frozen Kenneth.
"You retard! You're going to freeze to death. Did you walk here?" I said. He nodded. I pulled him into the house and up to the bathroom.
"Get in the shower.. Warm up." I said.
"Wanna join me?" He said.
"I'm good." I said and walked out. I was in for an adventure.