Status: :/

Swallow My Doubt, Turn It Inside Out


"At this time we are going to secure locations. There is an armed person in the building. I repeat, secure locations" the principal said. Yeah, I had talked my dad into going back to public school, because honestly, I missed my friends. I just wanted to sit, so thats what I did, in my secure location, of course. With two kids dancing on your bladder, Yeah. I'm having twins. Two boys, they were going to be named Elijah Garth and Julian Brady . I sat there for 3 hours.
"Sadly, we have lost 3 students today. All sophmores." The principal came back on. Shit, they were in my grade.
"The first one is Benjamin Anderson. He played football and wrestled. The second one is Aidin Kiler, bassist in a band called Forgive Me, I'm Dead. She got straight a's. And the last one is Kenneth Alexander, expectant father, writer, and guitarist." he finished. Just then, Keegan ran into the room.
"Mrs.Alecks. I need Laine, like now." he said, freaking out. I was sobbing. He came over and led me out of the building, with several other greiving students -- Benji's girlfriend Miranda, his sisters, Angelica, Raylen, and Jade. Aidin's boyfriend, Nickolai, her brother, Matt, her sister, Catt, and her band mates - Ryan, Alex, Jamie, Kyle, and Bridgett. I saw Ken's sisters AJ, Tyler, and Marisa, His brothers, Mitchel and Alexander(who I already listed as one of Aidin's band mates but, still). Keegan pulled me over to them.
"Oh my god! Laine! I'm so sorry!" his sisters all said at the same time, hugging me. They're triplets, they do it alot.
"Thanks. I'm sorry too." I said.
"Honey, whats going to happen now?" Tyler asked.
"I don't know. My kids will never meet their father. Getting pregnant at 15 wasn't my plan. My dad was 15 when he had me. I'm soo scared," I said.
"Come on, Laine. Get in the car. I'm taking you home." keegan said, putting me in the car. We pulled up, with 4 hours of school left, Brian and Dad looked at us confused, I couldn't stop crying and Keegan explained. I went upstairs to sleep and fell asleep quickly.
"Laine, Jimmy loves you. He wants you to know. I love you too. I didn't mean to leave you. Please Laine, tell Elijah and Julian I love them often, while they grow up. Jimmys holding your little brother, Laine. He's so big. He'd be 10 this year if he hadn't had died. Ask your dad about him. I have to go, goodbye" were the words in my head when I looked up.
"Dad!" I yelled. He came upstairs, to see me freaking out.
"Whats wrong?" he said.
"Ken...voice...jimmy.." was I got out.
"You heard Ken's voice in your head, he was talking about him and Jimmy. Right?" He said. I nodded.
"I know, Hunny. I heard Jimmys voice when he first died." he said.
"Dad, did...did I have a brother?" I said. He went over to the closet and pulled out a book. Photo album. He then sat down beside me.
"His name was Pierce. Pierce Bradley Baker. You were staying at your grandmothers for a while, Laine. Me and your mom got back together for a few months, thats when we had Pierce. You were 5. Pierce died at 4 months old from SIDS. It was the hardest thing, next to loosing you, that I'd ever had to do. Burying your brother. It was so much harder for Jimmy, Laine. He found him. You don't remember, because you were too young. These pictures, are from the 4 months we had with him. He'd be ten next month, he had lived. Your twins would have an uncle." he said.
"They do" I said.
"They do?" he said.
"They have two actually, Mitchel and Alexander, Ken's brothers" I said.

3 weeks later, I returned to school, to see a new kid.
"Hi, my name is Pierce." he said. He had long black hair and wore skinny jeans with a Avenged Sevenfold.
"Laine. I like your shirt, Pierce" I said.
"Oh, thanks. I love the band." he said.
"Baker! Marshell! Quiet!" the teacher said. I grabbed a peice of paper.
Yeah, they're pretty cool people!
You know them?
Yeah, my dad's Zacky
Dude, thats soo cool.
Yeah, it is. I had a brother too.
Had. He would be ten tomorrow. His name was Pierce, too. :) He died when he was four months old, from SIDS.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Its okay. I've lost a lot of people lately, Pierce, Uncle Jimmy, and Kenneth.
Who's Kenneth?
My baby daddy. He died 3 weeks ago. and I'm 5 and half months pregnant with twins.
That sucks, having twins so young.
Yeah. They're both boys. Elijah Garth and Julian Brady are their names. So whats you're full name?
Pierce Clinton Marshell. You?
Laine Rachel Baker. My names pretty boring.

The bell rang and we got up to go to lunch.
"So Pierce Clinton Marshell, what do you have next period, after lunch" I said.
"Art. You?" he said.
"Art." I said.
"Sweet!" he said. Soon, we were out of school and he had to come over for an english project. I laid on my bed after my dad finished interegating him. Feeling Juilan kick.
"Hey, have you ever felt a baby kick?" I said.
"No, why?" he said.
"Then come here." I said. He came over and I put his hand on my belly, making the babys go wild.
"Wow. Thats amazing" He breathed. He sat beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist that didn't exsist anymore.
""15 and Pregnant." That should be our documentary title." he whispered.
"Okay." I said.
"I know you just lost your boyfriend, but I really wanna kiss you right now." he said.
"It's okay to move on, Laine. He's a good kid." I heard Ken say in my head. I flat out kissed Pierce and he looked shocked then kissed me back.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" he whispered. I nodded.
"I got to get home, can someone take me?" he said.
"I'll see if Uncle Matt can.I'll go with you.I want to meet your parents" I said.
"Grandparents. I live with my moms parent's. Their last name is Reynolds." he said. I nodded and soon, we pulled up in front of a large brick house.
"Home sweet prision" he said letting me in.
"I'm Home!" he yelled.
"How was your first day, Pierce?" a woman said.
"Good. I have a girlfriend, Granny. Her name is Laine, and she's 15 and Pregnant. She lost her other boyfriend in the shootings." he said.
"Oh, I'm sorry dear. You're pretty far along, aren't you?" she said.
"Almost 6 months. They're boys, Elijah Garth and Julian Brady." I said.
"PIERCE!!" a little girls voice said.
"DESIREE!!" pierce picked her up. I smiled at him.
"Laine, this is my little sister, Desiree. Desi, this is my girl friend Laine." he said.
"Hi Laine!" Desi said giving me a hug.
"Hello Desi." I said. I followed Pierce up to his room.
"So how old is Desi?" I said.
"3 and half." he said. I smiled. "My parents died in a car accident when she was 3 months old. I've kind taken over caring for her when my grandparents are at work. They had my mom at 15, too. My mom had me at 18. So, they're only 48, so they still work. They basically told everyone that we're their kids, too."
"Aw, thats sweet." I said.He gave me a kiss.