Status: :/

Swallow My Doubt, Turn It Inside Out


"Hello beautiful." Pierce sat down beside me in science, again.
"I'm not beautiful, I'm fat." I said.
"No, you're pregnant and you're beautiful." he said, giving me a kiss. I was 8 and half months pregnant and it was getting old, fast.
"Two more weeks" I said.
"Yep." he said.
"I need to talk to you about something, Pierce." I said.
"Should I be scared?" he said.
"Naw. I don't think I can give these babies Ken's last name. And I don't want them to have the drama that comes with having the last name Baker. I was wondering, could I give them your last name, seeing as you're going to be there for them?" I said.
"It would be a honor, Laine." he said. i was so glad that this day was almost over.
"So ready to be a mommy?" a girl said next to me.
"Not even close." I said.
"I'm Marisa Sanders, I'm new" she said. "I have a four month old daughter named Charlotte at home with my stepdad."
"Laine. Laine Baker. I live with my dad and have no contact with my mom." I said.
"Cool. So, laine baker. Are you talented in anyway?" she said.
"She can sing really good. And she plays guitar. She gets that from her dad. He's in a famous band" Pierce spoke up.
"Really? I like to sing too. My stepdad says I get it from my dad. He's in a famous band, so I never have met him. All I have is his last name. What band is your dad in?" she said.
"The same band on your shirt." I said, noting the old faded Avenged Sevenfold shirt.
"Sweet. They're awesome." she said.
"I know." I said. The bell rang and I walked out to Pierces car. He had turned 16 a month ago and could drive with me in the car. Finally we at my house. I was texting Marisa.
Wanna come over?
Sure! Can I bring Charlie? Whats the address
Yeah, you can. And 3145 W Smitters.
On my way!

She got here in 15 minutes and then was intergeted my Matt.
"Whats your name" he said.
"Marisa."she said.
"How old are you" he said.
"16" she said.
"Favorite band and song?" he said.
"Avenged Sevenfold - Buried Alive!" she said.
"Okay, you can go upstairs now." he said. She brought Charlie up and smiled at me. The baby was soo cute.
"Before my mom died. She said she saw a lot of my dad in Charlie." she said, holding the tiny baby girl.
"Can I hold her?" I asked. She nodded and handed her too me. She was too cute.
"Shut up Keegan. Charlie is asleep!" she hissed, hitting my cousin.
"My baby is here?" he said, looking at Charlie in my arms and taking her from me.
"I'm confused" I said.
"Okay soo, Marisa and I grew up together in Noblesville, Last year, when I went to go see my grandparents, I saw her again and we had sex -- like a friends with benifits thing. And then she got pregnant and had Charlie, who is my child." Keegan explained. I got up and went downstairs.
"BRIAN!!!!" I yelled.
"LAINE!!!!" he yelled back.
"Guess what?" I said.
"What?" he said.
"You have a grandchild." I said.
"I have a what now?" He said.
"KEEGAN PARKER HANER!!! YOU GOT SOME EXPLAINING TO DOO!" I said and went into the living room. Looking at a scrapbook from when my dad and his friends were babies/little then at Charlie who I was watching, amazed at how much she looked like Matt when he was her age.
"SHIT!" I screamed.
"ARE YOU OKAY?!?!?!" Dad and Pierce yelled at the same time.
"I'M FINE. MARISA MATANNAH SANDERS! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!!!" I yelled back. Marisa came into the room.
"What?" she said.
"Look at this picture, then at Charlie." I said.
"It's like a picture of her. Who is this." she said.
"Matt." I said.
"Matt?" She said.
"Sanders. Sings in Avenged." I said.
"I'm confused." she said.
"MATTHEW!"I yelled, making him come in.
"Yea?" he said.
"Look at this picture, then the baby." I said.
"The baby looks like me in the picture." he said.
"Matt, who was your girlfriend at 15?" I asked
"Mersha Summers. Why?" he said.
"Did you guys have sex?" I said.
"Why do you want to know?" he said.
"Did you?" I said.
"Yes." He said.
"Okay. Marisa, Who's your mom." I said.
"Mersha Summers." she said.
"How old was she when she had you?" I said.
"Just turned 16." She said.
"What's your last name? I said.
"Sanders. Where are you going?" she said.
"Charlie looks exactly like Matt. You said your mom said she looked like your dad." I said.
"Shit! I know where shes going! Fuck, Its all so clear now. Fuck fuck fuck fuck." Matt was pacing.
"Matt?" Marisa said.
"It was our 3 year annerverisary. She told me she had to talk to me, so I went to her house. She told me she was pregnant. I freaked out, I couldn't handle it. I couldn't be a father. She moved 3 days later. I was notified when you were born, Marisa. I got pictures on birthdays, first days of schools, and sports. I got report cards. I paid child support, at 15. I missed so much." he said. They hugged and yeah. I laid on the couch, hands over my eyes. I think my kids wanted out. But I wasn't in too much pain yet. I got up and went upstairs to lay down. About 45 minutes later, I felt my water break.
"PIERCE??"I yelled, making my boyfriend come upstairs.
"Yeah?" he said.
"Baby time" I said. We went downstairs.
"We're going to the hospital, meet you there" he said. My dad nodded and followed him to the hospital.