Status: Done:) For now...;) Copy...and i'll kill you:) Promise! © 2010Ash The Bash

On the Edge

Here I Come, You Can't Hide

Georg's POV
     I went down to the lobby to get more towels. I spotted Danielle sitting by herself. She got up, angrily slinging her bag over her arm. I ran over to her putting a hand on her shoulder. She whipped around almost hitting me with her bag. Her face was surprised.
"Georg. I..." 
"look, I'm sorry for being such a dick." I blurted out. Her face fell. She shrugged my hand off, clutching the strap of her bag.
"I...I've gotta go." she said starting to walk away. 
"don't go." I said exasperatedly. She stopped briefly, but kept on walking. Who was I kidding? I was the bad guy here. Now all I had to do was tell my girlfriend.

Rich's POV
     I turned off the interstate heading to a less wealthy area of town. My vision was red as I ran past a stop sign. I pulled into the parking lot of a sporting goods store. Double locking the car, I went inside the air conditioning blowing noisily. I made my way directly to the information desk where a man sat boredly reading a magazine.
"how can I help you?" he asked turning a page. I drummed my fingers on the counter looking for the right words.
"you have guns right?" I asked normally. The balding man looked at me from over his glasses and put his fishing magazine down. 
"well yes, is there a specific kind you're looking for? Like hunting guns?" I rested my elbows on the counter.
"look, you and I both know what kind of gun I'm looking for, and I'm not talking about the kind you use to shoot ducks." I cut to the chase. The man raised his eyebrows getting up. At first, I didn't think he'd help me, but all he did was wave me to follow him.
"come on, I think I got what you need." he took me to a back room, a room where guns were stacked to the ceiling neatly behind glass cases. He let me wander around as he watched. I went past double barreled guns, little pistols, and finally...the rifles. I stopped turning around and pointing at an all silver one.
"can I...hold it?" I asked. The man came foreword producing keys from his pocket and unlocking the case. I gingerly picked it up weighing it in my hand. God, the thing was heavy.
"it comes loaded, my gift to big spenders." he looked me over warily. "are you sure you can afford it boy?" he asked. I held it, aiming at a blank wall for practice.
"I'll take it."

Audrey's POV
     I rolled over feeling Gustav's breath on my mouth. He had an arm over his face keeping the sun out. I wiped the crust from my eyes scooting closer to him so that our foreheads were touching. He still didn't stir. It was cold in his room, I thought tugging the blankets tighter around me. 
"what are you doing?" he mumbled not opening his eyes. 
"it's so late! We have to get up!" I said biting his chin. He smiled putting his head up to look at the alarm clock by the bed.
"'s 8:15." I looked. 
"oh, right. Well I get up early." I said sheepishly. "sorry." we were both quiet as he closed his eyes again.
"hey, Gustav?" he grunted.
"do you have practice today?" he nodded. I rolled on my back pulling the covers up to my chin.
"hey Gustav?" 
"yeah." he said.
"you still think I have the best everything?" he opened his eyes, nodding hugely.
"oh yeah."

Sami's POV
     Bill and I watched tv until the first hints of sun came. I rested my head on his bony shoulder falling in and out of consciousness. He stayed up all night making sure I didn't roll right off the couch. 
"wh-where's my sister?" I garbled. 
"I think she's with Gustav, I don't know." he answered sleepily.  
"aren't you tired yet?" he asked flipping the channel. I shook my head getting up and kissing him. 
"do we have anymore cigarettes?" I mumbled against his bottom lip. We both looked to the butt littered coffee table...yikes...he produced one that was tucked behind his ear and propped it in my mouth. 
"my last one." he said lighting it swiftly.
"you know you like someone when you share your last fag." I joked. He nodded laughing tiredly. Suddenly, I pushed him over hopping on him. He laughed.
"are you crazy?" he asked, trying to pry me off. I inhaled leaning over and kissing him.
"I'm insane." he inched a hand up my shirt, fingers like spiders across my back.

Tom's POV
     I came into the tv room area shocked. I wanted to walk away, but I was too stunned to move. My brother...BILL...was going at it with an extremely hot girl. 
"*ahem*" I coughed, suddenly wishing I had put a shirt on. They both looked up lazily. 
"what?" he asked. The girl looked at me strangely.
"I just wanted to make my presence known." I said scratching my back.
"that's nice Tom." the girl sat on top of him waiting for me to leave. I smirked, well looks like I'm the last one to get lucky around here for once, I thought grabbing a glass of water and going back to my room. I shut the door, finding Marie still sleeping. She snored loudly. That's all I heard ALL NIGHT. I went over to her side having an idea. I put my hand in the glass of water and flicked it on her face, then maybe shed stop. She scrunched her nose, turning over and snoring again. I threw more water on her and she groaned.
"what?!" she demanded sitting up. Her hair looked like a blonde birdnest. It was kinda hot actually.
"you wouldn't stop snoring." I commented setting the glass down. she glared at me crawling back into a ball.
"wake me up when you start making sense, because I DO NOT snore." 

Danielle's POV
     I waited by the phone nervously awaiting for a call from someone, ANYONE to accuse me of what I did wrong. I couldve cost Audrey her job...maybe I did? I thought anxiously pouring myself a fifth glass of vodka. I was too shattered to do anything since last night or this morning. Would she hate me? I ran a hand through my tangled hair. Shitshitshit... And then I thought About Georg and got mad all over again. Did he think that, I don't know, his apology was gonna make everything alright? 
Oh hey I feel really bad about sleeping with you because I have a girlfriend. Oops, my bad.
What the fuuuuuuck? There was a knock at the door. I strained my ear because I thought it was in my head at first, and then there it was again! I got up wrapping my robe tight against me. I opened the door looking up at a tall white blonde haired man with thick rimmed rayban eyeglasses on. He was wearing a really j.crewish looking outfit.
"hi?" I asked leaning on the doorknob.
"hallo...ah, is Audrey or Sami here?" he asked nervously wrapping the strap of a small camera bag around his finger. I looked bewildered.
"no, not right now. If you're one of those damn paparazzi, I swear I'm gonna-" I jabbed a finger stopping when he raised a hand.
"I'm their father, and I've been searching for them for days."
Well fuck.
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Sorry this is so short, I just wanna section it off properly haha but yeeep it's getting about that time when everything is like KA-POW!! Soo not too long until the end my friends!