Status: Done:) For now...;) Copy...and i'll kill you:) Promise! © 2010Ash The Bash

On the Edge

Pools of Sorrow, Waves of Joy

Audrey's POV
     I got dressed leaving Gustav to sleep the day away like a bum. Unfortunately, I only had my maids uniform, so I grabbed Gustav's Jeans and shirt from A random suitcase. I rolled up the pant legs since they were so long on me. Dressed, I went over to him kissing his brow and getting my bag. I had to find a way to get home, I thought anxiously leaving the room, I had a Deejaying gig tonight at a small club and I needed my equipment. My sister and Bill were pretty much half naked when I walked into the living room. Uhhmm...awkward. I thought creeping to the elevator. I pushed the lobby button resolving to catch a cab back to my house. When I got into the lobby, I heard my name called from the front desk. Oh shit. I recognized that voice. It was Hans, and he didn't sound too happy. I went over seeing him typing at a computer.
"hi Hans." I said looking at the counter. We were at the far side of the checkout counter where many people didn't come. 
"I heard you came looking for me last night." he said staring at me. I nodded slowly playing with a company pen. 
"well you found me." he said continuing to type. I breathed a sigh of relief. Okay so he wasnt on to anything, he was just being his odd self.
"I wanted to know if I could take some time off." I asked, I was hoping he'd give it to me since i was one of the hardest workers he has. He was silent as his eyes scanned the screen. I could see from the reflection of his glasses that he was on eBay.
"take all the time you need." he answered coolly logging off. My stomach knotted. Why did he sound like that? He stood up straight, brushing the lapel of his suit. "because as of right now, you're fired." he said briskly walking away. I was stunned. My vision clouded as my blood made a mad dash for my face. I'm...fired? As in not working anymore? I followed Hans down the counter as he smiled courteously at customers in line. 
"Hans please! Hear me out." I said frantically. He ignored me as he entered the employees only area. I followed watching him grab a package from my locker and place it in my upturned hands. It had my name clearly written on the top.
My stuff. All my stuff. I could feel hot tears on my cheeks as Hans brushed past me. I was fired. I was now penniless. Who couldve told on me? I thought, starting to walk home. I didn't want to waste the last of the money I had on a taxi.

Marie's POV
     I woke up groggily wondering where I was. Tom was in an armchair near the bed boredly flipping through a magazine. I grinned, oh yeah, I stayed the night. He looked up, seeing I was awake.
"what's up." he asked closing his guitar magazine. I shook my head sitting up.
"nothing." we were both silent as I pulled my socks and shoes on. "thanks for letting me stay." I said lacing up my boots. He did a half grin. I walked over sitting on his lap. He looked up at me.
"what do you want for Christmas little girl?" he asked in a santa voice. I smiled tugging on one of his braids.
"you." he looked down putting an arm around my waist. I leaned in for a kiss, our mouths just a breath away when he pulled back. I got up, a bit embarrassed and hurt.
"what's wrong." I asked suddenly self conscious of my hair and the zit I defianatly knew was growing right on my cheek. He tucked his fist under his chin not saying anything.
"well?" I demanded. I really wanted to cry, how humiliating was this?
"I like you." he said getting up. I stared at him like he was stupid.
"then why won't you kiss me?" I asked throwing my hands up. He was silent as he came over and twirled a lock of my hair around his pinky finger.
"because. We, were so much alike you and me." he admitted. I stepped away.
"so, you like me. But you won't do anything because were similar. Tom. Really?" I asked grabbing my long wool coat.
"Marie, I like you as a friend." he blurted out. My breathing slowed. Why was I getting mad? it's not like we did my dumb sister did. I set my coat down.
"you're right." I said digging my boot into the rug by the bed. But really, I was a bit sad. I felt chemistry...I mean...that wasn't all in my head right? And as he gave me one lingering look before putting his shirt on, I knew it wasn't all in my head either.
Just friends...I'll hold him to that.

Danielle's POV
     Audrey and Sami's dad Jonas drove me over to The Ritz where I knew they were. I was so nervous to see them. What if Audrey knew? Shit. I thought really wanting to smoke myself into a big piece of ash. Jonas tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, he kept fidgeting. My problems were probably minuscule compared to his. I thought looking out the window. We pulled up in front of the hotel, just sitting. He took deep breaths and looked to the door.
"why are you here?" I asked him. I didn't know why he had left Audrey and Sami, and I was a bit curious. He straightened his glasses, wow he looked so much like Audrey it was crazy.
"I...I had to come back. I saw Audrey on the news and then it just occurred to me. Wow, yknow? I have kids." he answered mopping his brow with the end of his jacket. "and they probably, need me." he said choking up. We were silent as he turned off the car.
"so she works here huh?" he asked looking around.
"I hope..." I answered under my breath. She was nowhere in sight. I went to the front desk where a tall woman stood typing.
"hallo." she greeted. Jonas nodded cordially.
"is Audrey still here?" I asked. The womans face clouded.
"no, she, she left a few minutes ago." I bit my lip. Great. She was gone, and didn't own a cellphone. Now what. 
"any idea where she mightve gone?" Jonas asked coming foreword and setting his camera bag on the counter. What was up with the camera bag? Is he some kinda vouyer or something? The woman shook her head apologetically. I nodded pressing my lips together. Suddenly Sami came out of the elevator, hand in hand with Bill. I sighed, relieved even to see HER. Jonas stood next to me rigidly, I could tell he was unsure. Sami looked so happy and I didn't want to ruin her joy. But I called out her name anyway.
"Sami!" I called cupping my hands around my mouth. Who knew calling one name could do so much. She turned to me, her mouth twisting into a frown. She said something to Bill and they kept walking. Jonas tried calling this time and we started to walk towards them. Sami looked at Jonas confused.
"Danielle, what? What do you want from me?" she asked putting a hand up. "and who the fuck is this? Are you trying to sell my picture or something?" she asked poitning at Jonas's bag. He looked hurt, I guess because Sami couldn't even remember her own father. Bill held her hand protectively. 
"it's me. It's Jonas, your dad." Jonas offered desperately. I could see Sami's heartbeat shifting the cloth of her dress above her left breast. She didn't say anything. She let go of Bill's hand, letting it fall to her side. 
"Jonas. My dad." she repeated. He nodded playing with the zipper on his bag. 
"I came to talk to you." he said nervously. In a flash, Sami raised a hand and slapped him. She looked like she was going to do it again but Bill grabbed her wrist as she crumbled. Jonas stood perfectly still, not touching his face. He took it like a man I guess. Sami didn't cry, she only gasped for air and clutched her chest. I crouched to the ground alongside Bill,
"Sami? Can you hear me? Sami? Say something." but she didn't.

Georg's POV
     I stood by the window of my room, holding the phone tight against my ear. I could feel the vibration of the ring in my head. I was calling my girlfriend, but she wasn't picking up. It went to voicemail. I could hear her breezy voice instructing me to leave a message, then it beeped. I swallowed  leaning against the glass of the window.
"h-hey." I stammered to the staticky silence. "It's me. I just..." I ran hand through my hair. "I fucked up. Call me back." I hung up hating how ominous the message felt. 'I fucked up' could mean numerous things, like 'oops, I fucked up and forgot to separate the lights and the darks in the laundry.' I was about to put my phone in my back pocket when it buzzed. It was her calling back. I sighed picking up.
"did you get my message? No? Well. I, we've gotta talk."

Audrey's POV
     Coming back home was scary, the tiny house loomed before me like a reminder. I wrapped Gustav's coat around me and started for the door. It was locked. Shit. I thought reaching behind a way past dead potted plant for the spare key. Before I could get the key in the door, it flew open. I looked up frightened. It was my mother, but something was different. Her hair was pinned up nicely tendrils framing her made up face. She was wearing a soft lavender sweater. My mom never left the house, what was she doing? I straightened up meeting her eye. She looked around sheepishly.
"hello Audrey. Please, don't be scared come in." she pleaded moving aside. I hesitated, but slid past her. The house was clean, all the frames back on the wall and all the furniture in their rightful places.
"are you hungry?" she asked tucking a stray hair into her bun.
I shook my head still standing by the door as she bustled around the house. I cut to the chase while she was standing at the fridge.
"why are you being like this?" I asked. She froze, the light of the fridge bringing out every wrinkle in her forehead.
"like what dear?" she asked smiling brightly, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. I went to her slamming the fridge.
"like this! All mummy dearest and shit. That's sick!" I hollered motioning at her sweater and hair. 
"I'm your mother...and I felt like it was time to start acting like one." she answered, her voice wobbling. I looked at her disgusted.
"it's kinda late for that don't you think." I said walking to my room. I could hear her following me.
"what do you think you're doing?" she asked. Oh yeah, that sounds like the REAL mother I know.
"I'm leaving." I stated pulling my suitcase from under my bed. I started to tear clothes and shoes from my closet and tossing them in the bag. My mother ran in taking them out.
"no!" she cried. I shoved her from my room.
"I never want to see you again." I growled slamming the door in her face. I could hear her wails from the other side of the door. So I just got my Walkman out, put an Eminem mixtape in, and set it as loud as it could go.
I'm cleaning out my closet.

Bill's POV
     Of course, now that I was closer to Sami, I knew a lot about what was going on in her family life. I couldn't believe that people actually went through this stuff, but they did. Jonas, Sami's father, pretty much dropped a bomb on her, and as I drove her home she wouldn't speak a word. She only looked out the window. Jonas had insisted that we check their house again to see if Audrey was there. When he offered to drive, Sami refused it, instead clinging to me. I didn't mind though, what Jonas did was wrong, and I WANTED him to feel like the outsider. Now Sami and Danielle's anger towards eachother, I wasn't sure what that was, but I wasnt going to ask. Danielle and Sami's father followed us as we drove to her house and now we were pulling up in front. She didn't move as I turned off the car. 
"are you ready?" I asked gently taking her hand. She nodded setting her jaw and taking her hand back. We got out of our respective cars and awkwardly went to the front door. Sami pushed it open, rolling her eyes when we all heard a woman crying loudly. 
"I came here earlier and she was fine." Jonas commented. Sami looked embarrassed. I guess she had never had people so close to her home life before. There was a slam and then Sami's sister stormed into the foyer rolling a suitcase and lugging a big bag behind her. Her sniveling mother followed. She stopped short, looking at all of us confused. 
"what? Sami? Why are all these people here?" their mother took one look at jonas and pressed a hand to her eyes. Audrey looked at Jonas as well, her eyes brimming with tears.
"it's really you." she said stepping backwards and almost tripping over her bag. I put a hand on Danielle's shoulder, she was enraptured by this turn of events.
"let's wait outside." I whispered. I squeezed Sami's hand before walking out.

Sami's POV
     Audrey looked so confused and hurt and angry, I knew exactly how she felt. For the second time in this week, I could sympathize with my sister. I mean, she wasn't that bad. Okay she wasn't bad at all, I was just being a typical hater. 
"yeah. It's me Dre." he finally responded setting his bag down. Audrey took a shaky breath.
"you still look the same." she commented brushing away a stray tear. He stuffed a hand in his pocket.
"how did you know we were at Danielles house?" I asked leaning against the wall. There were so many things I wanted to scream at him, ask him.
"he came here first." my mom answered dragging her finger across a dust covered vase.
 Audrey whipped to her.
"oh so that's why you wanted to play the good mummy huh? You felt bad because you live in this shitty house and look like shit all the time! You wanted to impress good old dad right?" she screamed. My dad dame foreword.
"don't talk to her like that." he said softly over her yelling. She turned to him, her eyes wild and for a moment, she looked like my mother. I shuddered retreating into the corner pretending I was watching tv. This wasn't my life, this was an afterschool special.
"and you!" she hollered. "don't you EVER tell me what to do. You earn that right when you RAISE me. You didn't do that. Even she didn't do that!" she frothed pointing my shellshocked mother. My father took his glasses off, wiping the smudges off with his shirt.
"Audrey. Sami. Look, I'm assuming your mother didn't give you the note I left." he sighed.
I sprung foreword, all my anger pouring out like a shaken up soda can.
"I read your letter alright! And I just want to say I hate you too! I hate you with all my heart! Just because you don't like her doesn't mean you can't like me. I'm your daughter too. You're my daddy." my voice broke, crackling like an old black and white television. His face fell. 
"Sami, I wrote that letter out of anger, out of spite. And that was so long ago. In fact, I wasnt even meaning to give that letter to your mother. I've always loved you. I always will. Do you know how many nights I lay awake wondering if you're okay?" Audrey looked at both of us confused.
"what letter?" my mom pointed at me.
"your sister kept a letter that your father wrote for me." Audrey looked to me.
"and you never showed me?" my lip wobbled.
"no, I was jealous. I was angry." I said rocking on my heels.
"where is the special place huh 'dad'" I asked accusedly. Audrey's face softened. 
"the special place. How did you know about the special place Sami?"
"it was in my letter. I wanted you to check the special place. But since I never meant to give that letter to your mother I never really made it a point for you to check it. I would just hope that you and your sister did eventually." my dad said. Audrey put her bag down marching to my room. I followed.
"what the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked. My sister pulled on one of the blocks that adorned the top of my four poster bed. It popped right off. 
"hey!" I yelled lunging for it. That was the bed I had since childhood and she was tearing it up. Her fingers nimbly reached in and pulled out a yellowing picture attached to a note. My breathing stopped. Could this be the special place my dad mentioned in the note? It was under my nose all this time...I laid in this bed every night and it was so close to me. Audrey looked at me, placing it in my hands. I turned the photo over. It was a picture of me at my 1st birthday party. My face was covered with cake and Audrey stood by me, solemnly holding her party hat. My dad was kissing my round cheek, getting cake all over his nose and glasses. He still looked the same, his face only younger and his hair more lustrous. I smiled when I realized that Audrey was making bunny ears behind me in the picture.
"I didn't want to share dad." she laughed behind me. "when mom said she was having a baby, I was pretty pissed off. Even a at your first birthday I was pissed." I laughed realizing that my tears were sticking to the page. I turned it over, in a doctors scribble it read.
Samir's Big Day
One years old. 
I unfolded the note attached and mumbled out loud what it said.
Sami and Audrey,
     I'm not sure when you're going to get this. Or if you even will, but I'm leaving today. I'm not leaving you two. I'm leaving your mother and I want you to know that I will always love you. Take care of your mom. And Audrey take care of your sister. Make sure you both say your prayers at night and brush your teeth. Okay well...this is a horrible way to end a goodbye letter but, just pretend I'm going on a trip. Someday I'll be back, we can take more pictures together okay? I love love love you both.
Kisses and Hugs,
I held the letter to my chest. So that was it. Mystery solved. Case closed. I took the breath that I was holding and let it out.
"why was the special place in my room?" I asked staring out the window.
"because dad would leave me messages in here. he wanted me to see your sleeping face everytime. So when I would get it, I could remember how blessed I was to have you as a little sister." I smiled feeling happier than I had in years. My dad came in leaning on the doorframe. I tentatively went to him, and he enveloped me into a hug. And I could remember how he smelled, how it felt to have a dad. Yeah it would take a while to forgive him. But for now, I felt pretty darn grateful.

Audrey's POV
     I helped Sami pack her things. My mother didn't protest as she sat on the bed and watched. I had decided to move in with my dad and Sami said that shed go wherever I went. My mother leaned against the bed post as I zipped the bag shut.
"you'll call right?" she asked rasping. I got up putting a hand on hers and walking away. For the last time.

Bill's POV
     Danielle and I sat in the crisp sun on the front porch waiting for Sami and Audrey to emerge from the house. Danielle kicked a stone.
"Sami and I used to date." she confessed suddenly. I looked at her.
"wait, Sami likes girls?" that's hot. 
"she DID, or she does, I don't know. I just wanted to fill you in cause you might be a bit confused as to why we hate eachother.
"dating someone doesn't make you hate someone." I said scratching my leg.
"I cheated on her." she said blatantly. I bit my lip.
"oh." we were silent. So, what happened with Georg is in perfect correlation with what happened between them. 
"I just feel so bad. All this shit is happening and now I'm here? You can only imagine what she's going through right now." I shook my head looking to the sky.
"things have to get worse before they get better." 
They just have to.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay this was so emotional haha I just had to get some things sorted out;) anyway, things are starting to come to a close if you haven't noticed buut...i hope you cried during this chapter LOOOL jkjkjk it wasn't that sad.