Status: Done:) For now...;) Copy...and i'll kill you:) Promise! © 2010Ash The Bash

On the Edge

That Boy is a Monster

Tom's POV
     We stroll into the club heading straight for the V.I.P area with our heads down. There's nothing like being spotted in a club, it's a nightmare. We slid into the room with frosted glass windows all around it while our bodyguards stood alert outside. I fell into a plush cocoon like chair taking my shades off.

"where the girls at??!" I hollered to no one in particular. The guys laughed just chillin' next to P.Diddy and some ugly as shit models. There WERE two cute ones actually. They had the sexy little scene haircuts and wore the same revealing dress in two different colours.

 The one that caught my eye though was the blonde one out of the two. She looked sweet as she sipped on her appletini. I winked at her and she giggled turning to her friend. Facing the guys I joined into their conversation about, who knows what. 

Bored, I swaggered over to the girls sitting in between them. Diddy looked at me from over his shades and waggled his eyebrows. He knew what was goin' down alright. The blonde girl bit her lip as she sat closer to me.
Thank you God for women.

Marie's POV
     I knew exactly who he was. He was fucking Tom Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel and he was staring at my lips. Dani coughed from her seat, demanding attention as well. Tom put a hand on her knee.

"what are your names?" he asked in rapid German.

"Dani!" Danielle said seductively. I wanted to punch her in the nose. Tom turned to me,

"How bout you, cutie?" I blushed as he pulled a thumb down the side of my face.

"Marie, or Mar if you like."

"Marie or mar if you like, that's a cute name fur eine schones madchen(for a beautiful girl)." he joked. He took his hand off of Danielles knee.

"Let's dance ladies." he said leading us out of the room and onto the dancefloor.

Audrey's POV
     My first track was "monster" by lady gaga, at first everyone was a bit confused at the change of pace, but after I threw in a bit of "Pokerface" not skipping a beat, the crowd went wild. Strobe lights danced on the records like UFO's. I put the left side of my headphones on tearin' the track UP. David stood behind me dancing animatedly. 

I moved to the rhythm, throwing in some "Faxing Berlin" by Deadmau5. I could almost FEEL the crowd going absolutely wild. The ground shook and before I knew it, I was lost in my own mastermix. I looked out on the floor noticing Danielle and Marie grinding on some guy with dreads. 

He was kinda hot actually...the girls caught my eye pumping their fists. They said something to the dreads guy and pointed at me. He looked up at me hooting and putting his thumbs up. I pressed my lips together, so stoked I wanted to scream.

 Before I knew it every person in the packed club was dancing on a supernova going nowhere. I grabbed the mic while spinning some "Let Me Be Real" by Fedde Le Grand.

"I think you like me, just a little bit." I said lowly. The crowd screamed with enthusiasm. And I went back to scratching. After a while I noticed the time on my watch, it was already 3:40 in the morning. I was still high off of the music as I finished my set. 

David high fived me as he set his laptop to a a mix he already had. I gathered my stuff, getting ready to go. David put his hand on the small of my back leaning down to my ear.

"Go dance a little! You deserve it!" he hollered over the bass. I debated just going home and sleeping my energy off but I thought 'hey, what the hell, I only live once.' 

so I kissed Davids cheek and got down on the floor. I wove through the crowd trying to get lost.

Gustav's POV
     I sat back while Bill and Georg schmoozed with Diddy. I could tell Diddy just wanted to chill with his models, but Bill and Georg were pretty much starstruck. I almost fell asleep over my mug of beer, when Bill tugged on my jacket.

"You need to loosen up!" He said leaving Georg to bother Diddy. I remembered how I was pretty much asleep a few minutes ago and chuckled.

"Oh I'm loose alright." Bill stood up, his tight black pants looking as if they were cutting the circulation off of his legs.

"Let's get to the dance floor." he said gesturing to the packed dance floor. "I heard the SICKEST mix, and I HAVE to dance to it."

I got up recalling the mix that was just on.

"Ja, It WAS really good." I looked over at Georg who was telling Diddy about the time he messed up a song on stage. 

I shot him a pleading look so he would come with us and I wouldn't look stupid dancing with Bill. Georg pretended like he didn't see me. I pleaded again.

"I have a GIRLFRIEND Gustav! If I go out there the girls will attack me!" he said throwing his hands up. Diddy stealthily snuck away when Georg focused his attention on me. I rolled my eyes following Bill out to the floor.

 We danced through the crowd which was pulsing with life. This was a good set, I thought to myself feeling awkward, but the one before this with the Lady Gaa tracks was better. 

I looked around in the dim lighting for Bill but he had disappeared. I pulled on my shirt feeling claustrophobic. Girls danced around me trying to get me to move with them. but I just couldn't. I HAD to get out. Shit.

Audrey's POV
     I put my hands above my head moving through the crowd of gyrating bodies trying to find my niche. Now, I was was in the middle of the dance floor, just going crazy. David was spinning one of my favourite tracks "Ghosts N Stuff" by Deadmau5. I became a part of the sea, just closing my eyes and dancing.

 I opened my eyes again coming face to face with a nicely built blonde guy. his face turned red as a tomato. I smiled. He was adorable, in a nervous schoolboy way.

 I took his hand getting them to wave along with mine. he was so stiff with his movements.

"Loosen up!" I yelled over the music. he laughed.

"My friend just told me that!"
I laughed along with him, pulling his body closer to mine. I moved to the beat in demonstration.

"Like this!" He copied my moves with complete awkwardness, that was a start. we got closer and closer with every song. Almost to the point of of our noses touching. We Got down until the club started to become empty.

 I checked my watch It was 5 in the morning. We had been dancing for almost 2 and a half hours. breathless I stopped dancing. He looked at me confused,

"Why'd you stop?" he asked still swaying. I remembered that I was still just a maid at a hotel and I had another life besides this one. Thank you reality. you suck.

"I-I have to work." I said. I touched his cheek looking into his eyes.

"Thanks for the dance." I was tempted to get his number or SOMETHING...but, I didn't want to deal with another Rich. His face fell.

"Okay." I backed away to go get my things.

"Hey, what's your name?" he asked before I disappeared into the crowd.

"Audrey." I answered leaving him.

Danielle's POV
     I sat in the V.I.P lounge feeling stupid. Tom wasn't even interested in me. Fucking Marie always gets the guy or the girl. Once we had finished dancing, Tom and Marie slipped off somewhere and I was left alone on the floor. 

Steaming mad, I went back to the lounge sipping cosmo after cosmo. and soon the night melted away, leaving a trail of stardust in the V.I.P section. I sat on my hands feeling lonely. I debated calling my ex girlfriend Sami to come here and keep me company, but I remembered her sister was here. I laid my head back staring at the glowing ceiling.

 Back in the day, she would have slipped out to meet me and we would have cuddled and whispered in this section as if it were ours. But since she broke up with me, I have nothing of the sort to hope for. 

I choked back the tears. there was NO WAY I was going to cry when I was a few feet away from Georg Listing...or P.Diddy for that matter. Someone tapped my shoulder, I slowly made my head level looking at Georg Listing himself!

"Are you okay?" he asked. I sniffed, turning my charm on.

"Yeah, Are YOU okay?" I said running a hand through my hair. he grinned sitting next to me.

"you kind just looked like you had something to say...and no one was listening." he claimed folding his hands in his lap. I shrugged nonchalantly.

"This place blows. I'm only here because of my best friend. It's her first Deejaying gig here."

Georg nodded, "Was she the one that really tore it up?"

I smiled. "Yeah, thats my best friend Audrey. Shes the Best DJ I know."

Georg tapped his foot. "Sooo....It seems as if Tom is REALLY getting to know your friend."

My vision clouded. "She's actually my sister unfortunately." I said turning to a loose thread on the hem of my dress. I pulled on it and to my satisfaction, it popped off.
Georg laughed.

"Try not to be TOO jealous."

I licked my lips looking up at him.
"Oh, I'm not jealous of her." I said looking at him from under my lashes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey there! Okay so this is the second chapter and I hope it didn't bore you guys TOO much. If there are too many POV'S for you guys, let me know and I'll try my best to make it NOT so confusing. Anywho, the suspense is building and I want to make the ending as explosive as possible so bear with me:)
Lovee, ME!
P.S. I thought it would be funny to put a few little bits of two lady Gaga songs into my dialogue. (besides the title) do you think you can spot them?
Here are some helpful URL's to help you visualize some story details:

-Marie and Danielle's Club Outfits-
-Diddy's Model Friends-