Status: Done:) For now...;) Copy...and i'll kill you:) Promise! © 2010Ash The Bash

On the Edge

Who's That Lady?

Sami's POV 
     I Poked my head into Audrey's room, she was gone and all her equipment was missing as well. Ugh, I rolled my eyes. She was probably out looking for me. 

I pulled a cigarette out of my bra propping it in the corner of my mouth and lighting it. I let it burn for a little bit, ashes falling to her carpet like dead shooting stars.

 I leaned in the doorway looking around her darkened room and listening to mom's TV blaring from her room. The party I had just come from in Berlin was wild so my hair was a mess and my tights were ripped. My mouth felt furry from all the drinks I had. Sighing, I stubbed my cigarette out on her door flicking the butt onto her bed. 

Who did she think she was? I asked myself angrily going to my room and slamming the door. Maybe she thought she was better than me because she had a fucking job. Oh please, ANYONE can throw sheets on a bed, I just choose not to. 

I paced around my room like a caged lion. Peeling my tights off, I hopped into some jeans and shook my hair into place. I stomped to her room a plan brewing in my head.

 Going to her clipboard, I ripped off a flyer that she had circled and wrote on. She had put stars next to an event that was probably still going on. 

"winter garten's going to kill her!" I said out loud reading it. Pocketing it, I grabbed a phone from the kitchen calling a cab. 

Marie's POV 
     Tom ran his hands through my hair breathing heavily.
"You HAVE to come back to the hotel with me." he panted. We were in the mens bathroom hiding in the large handicapp stall. I gave him a long kiss playing with a loose dread. 

"I can't tom." bit my lip holding back an excited squeal, I just turned down another Rock star! 

"But I NEED you." he whispered. I giggled wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I'm a good girl Tomi!" 

"oh?" he asked nuzzling my neck. I undid the lock on the stall backing out. 

"Yes, so I've gotta get home." I said softly pushing him away.

"When can I see you again?" he asked pulling me back. I laughed whispering my address in his ear.

"Why can't you just write it down like a normal girl?" he chuckled.

"Maybe I don't WANT you visiting me." I laughed leaving the stall. He groaned following after me. I checked my lipstick in the mirror smoothing my hair out.

 Looking into my drawn eyes, I swallowed back the lump in my throat. Just the same old night, different rock star.

Rich's POV 
     I watched Audrey all morning from the bar letting her have her fun. She danced with the chubby loser gustav from that Tokio Hotel band the whole time. I didn't like the way he looked at her. Like she was his little brown angel or something.

 I angrily swallowed my last drink slamming the glass down on the table. The melting ice cubes hitting the sides of the cup. I do EVERYTHING for her and this was all I got? This was my thank you? My eyes narrowed as I watched her get closer to him.

 Before I knew it she was gone, and he stood there gawking like a fool. Extemely shitfaced I stumbled to the nearly empty dancefloor tapping his shoulder. He turned around looking at me disgustedly.

"You were dancing with my GIRLFRIEND asshole!" I hollered. People turned to look at the scene. The little punk scoffed. 

"Yeah. So?" I balled a fist rearing it back to punch him, but he caught it, Ducking away. Damn, he was good. 

What I DIDN'T see coming was his fist at MY face. The pain actually registered a minute later. I clutched my nose, it felt broken!

"You fucking idiot!" I yelped holding my face. He stepped closer, so close I could feel the extent of his anger. 

"She wouldn't have been dancing with me, if she was with you." he said calmly, "so I suggest you get your bitchass out of here." I glowered at him, not pushing my limits. But I would get revenge. I just needed a time and place. People clapped and laughed as I tripped outside to my car. 

Sami's POV 
     The cab pulled up in front of the club, I strolled out paying the driver and sidleing up to the bouncer, I knew him pretty well and visa versa. 

"Hi Jerry." I flirted. He looked down at me grinning, his blue eyes sparkled. 

"What can I do for you tonight." I shivered remembering the long night we spent together a few weeks back. 

"I'm looking for my sister Audrey." I said sweetly playing with the lapel on his suit. Out of the corner Of my eye I saw Audrey's ex storming out of the club holding his face. I flicked my eyes back to Jerry. 

"I think she's still in there, you can go ahead if you want." he answered. I slipped past him.

"Thank you." I said winking. I walked into the club, it wasn't very full since it was so early In the morning. I made my way to the V.I.P lounge. A security guard stopped me.

"Name?" he asked looking at the list. 

"Audrey Klum." I answered smiling wanly. He nodded letting me pass. I made my way through the dimly lit room falling into a couch. Diddy was sitting across from me. I looked around, and to my horror, I saw my ex girlfriend getting close with Georg fuckin Listing from Tokio Hotel! I held my breath, anger building in my chest. I wasn't quite sure what I was angry about he most, that she was talking to another guy, or that she had snagged someone famous before I did. I got up and left the room in a huff bumping into someone on the way...hard. 

"Watch out ASSHOLE." I said rubbing my bruised shoulder.

"Es tut Mir leid.(I'm sorry)." the figure said. I froze, wait... I recognized that voice. I looked up coming face to face with my idol, Bill Kaulitz. 

"Hallo?" he asked, I noticed that I had zoned out staring at his flawless face. 

"Y-you're Bill Kaulitz." I sputtered, my heart slammed in my chest.

"ja!" he said smiling. God, his teeth were so sexy. 

"Thank you..." he said. Oh shit, I said that though out loud. Fuck! I was acting as I I had never met a celebrity before. 

"My name's Sami." I blurted out. He looked at my face warmly. Wow, a guy as famous as this had NEVER stared at my face before, only my chest, or lips. 

"Can I get you something to drink Sami? It's the least I can do for..." he put a Hand on my shoulder. I stared down at it looking back at him and nodding as he led me to the bar. 

Audrey's POV
     I Raced out of the club clutching my bag to my chest. It was chilly out, I hailed a cab sliding in. I really didn't want to spend the €800 that I had made, but I couldn't find Rich for a ride, and his car was gone. 

I gave the cabbie directions to my home and he pulled away from the curb making his way to there. I berated myself for not finding my sister, but I didnt care. He pulled up in front of our tiny abode. I paid him handsomely and went into the house.

 It was dark as I closed the door quietly behind me. Tired and happy I slipped out of my shoes tiptoeing to my room. I heard a sound behind me.

"where have you been?" it was my mother. I turned around slowly keeping my head down.

"I had work Ma." I said quietly.  She was silent. I looked up not meeting her eyes. "and, I couldn't find Sami." I lied, knowing I didn't even TRY to find her.

"where's your uniform then?" she asked her voice rising.

"my OTHER job mom!" I said exasperatedly. She came up to me quickly, slapping me.

"Don't you lie to me you bitch!" she said screwing her face up. I stood my ground, feeling the sting heat my face. Tears ran along my eyelids. 

"I'm sorry mom." she grabbed me by my hair pulling my face close to hers,

"if I hear you're doing that stupid ass deajaying, I'll fuck you up." she hissed letting go of my hair. My scalp tingled. 
"Not even a real fucking job." she muttered walking away. Her bathrobe flew behind her like a villains cape.

 I stood in the front room not moving until the sting disappeared.  My whole cheek hurt, I didn't want to see what I looked like. so I just went to my room stripped down to my underwear and crawled under the covers. 

Pretending to sleep. I tossed and turned thinking about my gig. And then I remembered that guy. The one that couldn't dance. I kept this memory close to me as I fell asleep.

     I dozed off waking up about an hour later. I turned on my side looking at the red glowing numbers of my alarm clock. It was 7:30 am. My room was cold as I wrapped the blanket tighter around me. Something rough rubbed against my leg.

 I threw the blankets off inspecting the sheet. Sure enough there was a burnt hole in it and a cigarette butt nearby. I gripped the sheets angrily,

Sami. I thought rubbing the crust from my eyes. Not bothering to Dispose of the butt I wrestled the sheets off of me and trudged to the bathroom. 

Sami's door was standing ajar, which means she actually came home. Shocking. She usually stays the night anywhere but home.

 I switched on the light to the bathroom shocked at what I saw. The skin on the left side of my cheek was raised and red.

 I fingered it lightly. It was tender to the touch. I grimaced in pain. I took a quick shower shampooing my Afro, that part always took the longest. I let the water run over my face. And then the hot water ran out. 

"shit." I said hastily turning the water off. I didn't realize how long I had been taking a shower. My mom was going to kill me. toweling myself off and shaking my hair out I put my uniform on for a long day at work. Inspecting the bruise on my cheek i noticed that it was a lot less red and raised. Not satisfied with its grusome appearance i blended some make up on so it would look less...painful. 

I grabbed a brown spotted banana for breakfast, looking into Sami's room. she laid on top of the covers still fully clothed. I felt a quick moment tenderness towards her. She still slept like she did when  we were little, thumb in her mouth. 

She stirred, mumbling something. I retreated from the room leaving for work. 

The air outside was chilly. I pulled my coat tighter around me to keep warm. I was almost to the hotel when I felt someone watching me. The feeling of being watched is almost an extrasensory sensation. It starts in the stomach, then the eyes and finally the ears. I slowed my pace, casually turning around. I heard a click from somewhere, but couldn't see where. Shuddering I kept on walking. 

no one would kidnap me in broad daylight. I reassured myself. But then again, I lived in the bad part of town, and nobody cares. I walked faster hearing footsteps behind me matching my gait. Turning around I saw three people with cameras. 

What the HELL? I thought shoving my hands Into my coat and breaking into a run. The three people ran after me yelling questions.

I looked behind me seeing if they were gaining. 

"when did you start dating Gustav Schafer?? Mam? The people want to know!" 

"who??" I yelled behind me.

 They've got the wrong girl! I thought trying to find a way to lose them. Thinking fast, I tore my coat off tossing it behind me. Paparazzi are like puppies, they get distracted easily. Sure enough I heard them stop and fight messily over the coat.

 Turning around a corner in an alley, I pressed up against the wall waiting until I heard the frantic shuffle of shoes pass by. I let out all the air in my chest breathing heavily. I haven't ran that much since 10th year gym class. I checked my watch, shit, only 3 minutes to get to work. So I jogged the whole way there, shivering cold.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey! This chapter took me the longest to write and I hope you like it! Again, if there are too many POV's let me know! But otherwise the next chapter will reveal a lot more about specific characters. You won't wanna miss it!:)
Here are some helpful links to help you visualize some details froom the story:
-Sami's Club Outfit-